Sunday, December 30, 2012

Joy in the journey!

There are no coincidences in this life. As we move through each day and truly pay attention to the details of our circumstances, we begin to discern lessons meant for us to learn – at times by the most unlikely individuals. Sometimes we are the teacher, sometimes the student – but we are ever gaining, gleaning, gathering and giving. Times of trouble also serve to stretch us, teaching us about ourselves and others; growing us up into full maturity where experience and knowledge beget wisdom.

No matter what kind of year 2012 has been, we are blessed to be here at the threshold of a new year. Let us be thankful for everything, great and small, that took place in our lives this year. If we reflect on the various situations, conversations, confrontations and celebrations, there should be a sense of gratitude for the experiences.

2013 is a clean slate, only God knows what lies ahead.  As we ask Him to order our steps in His Word, may our hearts and eyes be open to new opportunities to bless; and we need not fret about the “destination”. For come what may or will - there is joy in the journey! 

May the Lord bless you and yours in the New Year!

Bruce and Bridget Edwards

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Beauty of Our Time

In recent weeks and days, there have been losses of friends and loved ones. It is especially difficult during the holiday season. Today, a very dear high school friend of mine passed away suddenly and I am praying for his family and all of us who knew him and love him still. Makes me even more aware of how precious and fragile this life is, and why I encourage each of us to love one another dearly, fiercely, while we yet have breath. I wrote a poem in loving memory of a cousin who passed away too young not long ago, and I wanted to share a portion of it here with the hope that we will indeed cherish the love we've been given every moment we have life.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I didn't know what to title this thought - so I chose the one word I think will sum it all up by the end of my story.

Recently, I had a ring-side seat to a family drama. And as I watched it play out before my eyes, I was struck by the fact that so many things, yea, almost EVERYTHING we are or become as adults is so tightly tied to what happened to us as children. Of course, this isn't anything new.  But what I was able to witness was how individuals formulate their whole world views and ideas based on their perception of the ideas and actions of others during their early years...and not necessarily what the others' intentions were. And so, a mother who was cautious and careful with a son who was medically fragile as a child, out of love and concern, might be perceived as overbearing and controlling by that same son, by the time he becomes an adult. Everything is now skewed, and exaggerated, and bitterness sets in - and people in the family align themselves on opposite sides. Unhealthy patterns persist, and the players seem to be helplessly drawn into the same types of scenarios - yearly.

Thankfully, I had no role in this drama, at least, not historically. (I don't do drama) I came on the scene and was merely an observer; but I am family, just the same. I was saddened by its affect on everyone - including the one who was at the center of the discord. That individual is the one I identified as hurting the most. The one who has not resolved past issues and needs to be freed from all the pain inside. I saw, up close and personal, that the saying "misery loves company" is all too true.

In the midst of the turmoil, my knee-jerk reaction was to send a message to my husband. I remember typing this whole line about what was going on, how it was so unnecessary and sad, especially at this time of year when families need to come together, etc., etc. I pressed "send", feeling slightly relieved, and waited for his reply.

He sent back a text with one word: "Pray."  I must say I was stunned. I needed that advice, and the family needed prayer at that moment. So thankful for a husband who is in tune to what the will of God is in times of need. I was ready to go somewhere completely different on this subject - but God knew how to redirect my thoughts.  As a result, the door can be open for healing in the family to begin.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Untitled - a bit of a rant

Like a good many people, I enjoy this time of year. But I want to speak briefly about why I don't view Christmas as some special, "holy" celebration. Number one, its origins are anything but holy. Theologians and lay Bible students across the globe realize it's not the actual birthday of Jesus Christ. (the info is available if one cares to do the research)  Some would challenge me with the question, "What's wrong with recognizing the birth of Christ on December 25?" My answer is this: He never asked that of us, nor is it a requirement for entrance into His Kingdom. And, how would any one of us appreciate people arbitrarily deciding when to celebrate our birthday?

What He did ask of us, what He does require of us - is so much tougher to accomplish, it seems. We actually need to be in a love relationship with Him and the Father, through faith, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to please Him. And that's the part I care to focus on: what pleases Him.

Never being one to want to throw cold water on people's fun and enjoyment of the holidays, I simply refrain from conversations about "the reason for the season." Merchants and shoppers make it clear (to me) what the true reason for this season is, and that begins the day after Thanksgiving! We've got "Black Friday" and "Cyber Monday" - all gearing us up for the big day when St. Nick and Jesus get folded into some kind of frenzied stew.

Thinking people (who may not even believe in Jesus) can see Christmas is not about Christ. When you look at what takes place in the country from about September through December - it's insulting to His name. MORE people care about being ready for Christmas, than for Christ's return.(I'm talking about the group who bear His name as believers)

I shake my head in amazement. I also nod my head with understanding, and I respect people's right to believe and do as they please during these holidays. It's a wonderful time for families and friends to come together to share of their goodwill and bounty. I'm good with that. Completely. I'm not good with the foisting of some fictitious (and pagan) birthday on my Lord and Savior which serves to manipulate and exploit the masses because of the utter greed that is rampant in the land.

That's my story, that's my song - on this subject. I will add that I wish everyone a safe and joyous holiday season with their loved ones. And I am doing the same!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

If Just One

From Boaz Ministries

The Extra Mile

From Boaz Ministries

When we love someone, it's not difficult to stretch beyond our normal limits, or step outside our comfort zones to be and do whatever is necessary for that person; especially in the newness of a relationship. Sometimes, as the road gets longer, and rougher, those former acts of bending over backwards and acquiescing become harder to perform. This is most puzzling because when we think of a life partnership moving forward and growing stronger, it should follow that the bond between two (who are one) will cause an even greater sense of giving of oneself for the betterment of the other.

Couples committed to protecting one another by maintaining a safe and secure environment - where trust and respect are non-negotiable (and where both agree on the definitions of same) - will not fall into the trap of feeling used and abused when situations arise that cause them to make a personal sacrifice, or be "the leader", or "the stronger one". Love doesn't keep score. Love doesn't give up. Love doesn't complain. Love will go the extra mile when only one mile is needed. Love is tenacious and enthusiastic; in a word, "fierce"!

Friday, December 14, 2012

God's Hand in Social Media

What a blessing it is that so many pages on Facebook are dedicated to uplifting couples and supporting the growth and positive development of relationships between men and women and husbands and wives. 

It is encouraging to know that so many people care about people they don’t know; realizing that men and women are not natural enemies but rather a bi-product of God’s divine plan for the expression of love, affection, pro-creation and togetherness. Nothing is more natural and can be no closer to the will of God than when men and women are together as one.

God has an angle in everything, including Facebook. We are all blessed who utilize it to honor him by helping others in any way that we can. It is my prayer that every couple no matter where they are as a couple, no matter what their circumstances might be; keep striving to be more loving, patient and understanding.


Monday, December 10, 2012

December 11, 2012

Birthday blessings!

Today, December 11, is Bruce's birthday! And using the letters of his first name, I wanted to honor him with an acrostic poem; my humble attempt to describe the person God has been molding and shaping along this journey. He's been blessed with health and strength and I thank the Lord for His continual mighty acts in Bruce's life, our marriage and ministry!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Importance of Encouragement

Boaz Ministries

Nothing kills a man’s spirit faster and deeper than when his woman pours cold water on his ideas. Likewise, nothing hurts a woman more than her man telling her that what she wants to do will not succeed.

It would be hard to disagree that children need love and encouragement in order for them to be successful in their endeavors. And like children, the people we as adults love are the ones we need encouragement from the most.

We want to please the ones we love and we want that person to be proud of us and support what we are doing in life, business, health, etc. However, if that person is not supportive, the effect over time is the same as telling a child he or she can’t do something or they will not succeed at something. Self-esteem can be broken or built whether we’re children or grown, and it’s not merely a “female issue”. We all need to be lifted up and encouraged to strive for the things we want to achieve in life; and who better than our wife, husband, or the person we share our lives with to give us a pat on the back or a loving shove to keep us focused and on track?

In some cases, ideas are an emotional and impulsive reaction to a particular situation and will probably peter out over time. As a loving partner, our role is to encourage if not totally support for one reason or another. Even if we think an idea is far-fetched or have a reasonable and educated opinion as to why an endeavor may not work; we must pray for ways to express our concerns without breaking the other person’s spirit, and provide insights for other options they may want to consider. Our loved ones must feel we are always here for whatever they have to share.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My Name Change(s) - Or, back to basics

JFYI - My parents (Don & Anna Greathouse) named me Bridget Alyce (a-leese). It is on my birth certificate. In 3rd grade, I took it upon myself to add the extra "t" and "e". It worked all the way through getting my SS card, driver license, and other legal docs (CALIFORNIA was laid back like that, I suppose). Then I MOVED TO MARYLAND! They don't play, and my info going forward had to match what is on my birth certificate. So, after all these years, my parents are vindicated. When I told my mother about it, she was very pleased. My eyes are adjusting to the shortened version - but change is good....


Bridget Greathouse Edwards

Love and Kindness Is Never Weakness

Many times we feel that our love and kindness is taken for granted and taken as a sign of weakness. At times it may appear that way based on how we are treated or not being treated by our loved ones.

Be assured that love and kindness toward others is a sign of our strength and our ability to tolerate shortcomings in others and to press forward with what we know as the right way to be. We are not responsible for the actions of others; we are only responsible for what we do and how we react to others. If love and kindness is in our hearts and that manifests into how we treat others, then we are the strong ones in the eyes of God.

Love is power and love is strength. Lacking the ability to love and show kindness is the real weakness in a relationship, never the other way around.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Mesaure of A Man

Last summer, Bruce and I visited the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Monument in Washington, DC. There are several of Dr. King's famous quotes engraved in a long, winding stone wall behind his statue. I wanted to share one of our favorite quotes, with a favorite picture I took of Bruce at the wall:

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience,  but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy." Strength to Love, 1963

The joys of living and working in a non-toxic environment

We hear so much about work/life balance in the workplace.  Companies are rated on how employee-centered they are.  It's ...