Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Post Script - 31 Days of Prayer for Your Husband

As we neared the end of July, Bruce and I remarked about the little bit of sadness we were feeling now that the prayer series was coming to a close. The prayers have been such a blessing, and we found joy in "mounting" them, and composing short messages in preparation for sharing on our Facebook page.

The prayers and accompanying Bible texts were compiled from sources online dedicated to continual prayers for husband and wives.  And in October of 2012, we presented 31 Days of Prayer for Your Wife. Our contribution to this love-inspired prayer ministry was the posters we selected.

I can testify of the powerful difference prayer can make in marriage - for your spouse! Bruce and I have been in prayer concerning a matter - praying together and separately, petitioning to the Lord for His guidance and clear direction. One day, while we were sharing our thoughts concerning God's will on this issue - we discovered that we both had prayed for God to grant this request, for the sake of our spouse! Hallelujah!

We discovered how beautiful it was to be so lovingly concerned about each other, that we would ask God to show Himself strong as a way to honor and increase the faith of the other. Just in those few moments as we let it all marinate - we were assured that the Lord was already at work; beginning with the miracle of what couples can learn about their relationship with Him and one another, through fervent, unselfish prayer!
Be encouraged, beloved - let the Lord cover your house as you join together in prayer!

31 Days of Prayer for Your Husband - Thank You!

As I reflect on the last 31 Days of Prayer for Your Husband, I am reminded of what a blessing it is to have a wife who prays specifically for her husband.  The prayers of our wives show their love and support for us along with their desire for us to be men led by God, not men led by the things of and in this world.

I look forward to going back over many of these prayers from time to time and thanking the Lord for a loving wife who prays for me. The comments and sharing of these prayers is greatly appreciated.

We appreciate you.

Bruce Edwards, Boaz Ministries

31 Days of Prayer for Your Husband - Day 31

Monday, July 22, 2013

Forgiving the Unforgettable - Remix for Day 22 Prayer for Your Husband

At the top of the “Easier Said than Done” list is forgiving someone who hurts us deeply. This becomes even more difficult when we have to see them, and interact with them every day. Seeing them makes it hard to forget, thus making it hard to forgive. Herein lies the reason having the Lord in our relationships is so very important... and why we as couples must call on him collectively.

We will not forget the infidelity of last week or six years ago; we will not forget the public embarrassment last night or last year, the financial irresponsibility two years ago resulting in five more years of sacrifice, the act of disrespect or the pain of emotional abuse. As human beings we hurt. Other people hurt us in any number of ways and we don’t forget. We may move on but we don’t forget.

Forgiveness is a totally different thing. Unlike forgetting which is in the mind, forgiveness originates from the heart and soul, sacred places where God and the Holy Spirit dwell. Where there is true love in a God-centered, prayerful relationship, there will always be the capacity for forgiveness even if we can never forget. Don’t let the enemy have you say, “I can’t forgive her/him.”

Not a prayer is prayed where we don’t ask for forgiveness of our own sins and shortcomings. More often that not, pain inflicted by a loved one is too deep for us to deal with by ourselves. As we pray for the healing of our deep wounds, let us pray for the forgiveness God has placed in our hearts to be expressed towards others.

“And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.”
Mark 11:25


31 Days of Prayer for Your Husband - Day 22

Friday, July 12, 2013

Having the Lord in Your Sex Life - Day 12, the remix

Boaz Ministries

Today’s Prayer (Day 12) is one that goes both ways because far too many couples lack physical/spiritual intimacy. Even couples strong in the Lord lack the passion and fire between the sheets that God so wants you to have. If you are truly close to God then there is no reason not to be truly close to each other sexually, having sex often, and in every way that pleases your God-given mate.

A man and a woman can be no closer than when they are in-tune with each other physically because they are in-tune with each other spiritually. I believe the Lord looks upon this closeness as the reason men are men and women are women made in His image. God is pleased that your oneness in the love of Him is expressed through your physical love for each other through the acts of sexual pleasure.

Let us not be ashamed or afraid to explore the boundless sexual universe God has given us the physical ability to explore. Let us be encouraged by His word that gives us the green light to be who we need to be sexually to our wives and husbands.

If you are an unmarried couple having sex you may be physically satisfied some of the time, and I am not here to judge, but to clearly inform. And you can’t even begin to imagine the places you can fearlessly go and the levels of incredible INTIMACY you can achieve ALL of the time when God smiles on your sex life.


31 Days of Prayer for Your Husband - Day 12

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Boaz Ministries

You might say that this particular prayer was already "covered" in Day 5; and you would be partly correct. Today's prayer is specific to the problem that can lead to a man straying from his marriage vows, completely. There should be no other person of the opposite sex, who holds a man's attention exclusively, apart from his wife - with whom his spouse has no contact or interaction. No other woman should have access to a man's "shoulder to cry on"; a married man has no business keeping the secrets of another woman - unless he himself is a counselor or a Pastor. (and Pastors and bonefide Counselors know to safeguard themselves)

The Word of God tells us to avoid the very appearance of evil. (1 Thessalonians 5:22) If that co-worker, colleague, old schoolmate, etc., hasn't been properly introduced to the wife, a decision must be made.

31 Days of Prayer for Your Husband - Day 7

The joys of living and working in a non-toxic environment

We hear so much about work/life balance in the workplace.  Companies are rated on how employee-centered they are.  It's ...