Monday, June 22, 2015


Father's Day was tough this year, to say the very least. But what softens the blow when we've lost loved ones, are the memories. Always, the memories. And oh, those memories!!

My dear cousin, who also lost her father (one month after my father passed), shared this quote with my sister and me. And we agree that it sums up all that we feel, and all that we will feel as the years go by.

I share this today to help someone else who may be going through loss. We will never "get over" the death of our loved ones, but we will learn to live with their absence.

For me, my late husband, and my father, are alive in my heart and in the hearts of their descendants. We reminisce on a regular basis, often quoting their wise words and funny quips. This reminds us of the love we came from, and the love we share and will continue to pass on to others along this journey. Even in loss, even in sorrow, even through the hurt and pain - I'm blessed. Because they once gave me love!

 Father's Day, 2014, with my Dad, 11/12/1934 - 1/7/2015 R.I.P.
Special Night- with my hubby and father of my children, 6/26/1954 - 5/8/2010 R.I.P.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

...because I'm happy!

And even more than being "happy," I have joy. Happiness is conditional most of the time. It has more to do with what's going on around us, what's happening to/with/for us, etc. I don't live in that realm anymore.

I've found joy. And peace comes along with joy. With both, there is a sustaining factor that holds fast even when the circumstances aren't the best.  This joy I have came from the Giver of all good and perfect gifts...( James 1:17)  This kind of joy is indestructible - nothing can penetrate it, not those who would try to do you harm; not even the death of loved ones. This peace is abiding and steadfast, and brings a smile of knowing and contentment in the midst of the storms.

God is great and has given me so much for which to be thankful. I'm truly grateful and honored - if He doesn't do another thing for me. I'm blessed and happy in the Lord!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

A Concern Of Mine

There were so many titles I could've given this... but some of my choices would have been too controversial for a few. And while I'm not opposed to or afraid of being seen as controversial, I do  wish to bring my messages in such a way as to woo minds gently into another point of view.

I'm not naive. I know err/botty ain't in "receive mode" and some never will be.

Here it is, though -

It amazes me when I hear parents say they will not raise their children with any spiritual foundation, but will allow them to decide what religion they want to follow  for themselves. My question is and has always been: "And why would they ever choose a 'spiritual foundation' or 'religion'?"

How about, if nothing spiritual is modeled in the home from a young age, then the child, 8 times out of 10, will choose ....nothing.
Oh, one may say, "Well, being a 'good person' is what's important." I won't disagree. But I am positive that being a good person (staying on the right side of the law, following the golden rule - which are Biblical principals, btw), has limitations. One of the biggest drawbacks is - being "good" can be very subjective. Add to that the newspeak..."this is my truth"... whoa nelly! Where oh where and WHAT is the standard by which truth is measured?

Some may say - "Why do we need a standard?"  Please. Look around. Things aren't all right. And if we're bringing new, precious lives into this not all right place, and making them as comfortable as we can, yet failing to provide them with a belief system, a Faith, an introduction to a RELATIONSHIP (not a religion) with God - that, in my studied, humble opinion, is an EPIC FAIL!

As a Believer, I could give all kinds of Scripture to completely back up what I'm saying. Many of you reading know them as well. However, that's not my point today. My point is - parents... as you're making decisions to bring new people into this very dark place - be careful that, in giving them everything else, you don't deprive them of what will keep them strong, unafraid and at peace when they leave the nest. Oh. This might mean you'll have to make some changes/choices, too.  For we cannot give what we do not have. < That was coined by someone else - and I like it.


The joys of living and working in a non-toxic environment

We hear so much about work/life balance in the workplace.  Companies are rated on how employee-centered they are.  It's ...