Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thankful, Thoughtful, Grateful (Hallelujah, anyhow)

This Thanksgiving marks a time my family hasn't seen before. This year, in the span of nine months, three family members passed away - my father, my uncle (my mother's older brother), and that same uncle's son, my cousin. The loss has moved and stirred each of us - and we feel shaken, sometimes to the point that our very knees buckle. But we have not fallen. We are still standing.

This morning, after putting the finishing touches on the meal we will have later today, I came upstairs to reflect on all the friends and loved ones who have passed on and perhaps write, alone. My husband, whose dear cousin passed 13 days ago and was buried this past Monday, joined me a few minutes later and blessed me with these words:

"Yes, this is a tough Thanksgiving. Our loved ones have gone. But I came up here to tell you that I am thankful. We still have so much to be thankful for. And we should thank the Lord for His blessings."

Then he took my hands in his, and prayed a prayer of gratitude and thankfulness for mercy and forgiveness, for the protection and favor God has granted our children, and for continued strength to "reflect Your love to everyone in our path for as long as You see fit, Lord."

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Monday, November 16, 2015

PSA - When A Man Loves A Woman

Being about the business of making sure you're ready when he comes for you, should be the focus.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Source of Inspiration - In Conclusion

Boaz Ministries

As husbands and wives continue to learn and practice the many ways to inspire one another, please remember:

Couples who are intentional in growing their love relationship with the Lord, actively seeking His guidance daily - will send the clear message to outsiders - SLOW YOUR ROLL, GOD'S IN CONTROL!

God's hedge of protection surrounding your marriage will check all foolishness that will try to come against you to drive you apart. Let us be mindful of the signs we have posted through our behavior.

Let it be known that the Lord is the Source and Light that inspires and sustains our unions.

The joys of living and working in a non-toxic environment

We hear so much about work/life balance in the workplace.  Companies are rated on how employee-centered they are.  It's ...