Sunday, January 17, 2016

Prayers for the Grieving

Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4

2015 was a difficult year. There were 372 mass shootings; and there are only 365 days in a year. Do the math.  The mass shooting - defined as any shooting incident of 4 or more individuals - now plagues our society and is, in my opinion, the most vile of all social diseases. The facts show there were 475 individuals who lost their lives, and 1,870 wounded. But there are no numbers to adequately report the tens of thousands who are affected - for life - by these horrendous tragedies.

With each day the Lord grants us, let's rise with a prayer of thanksgiving for the new day; and prayers for the grieving ones, the survivors among us. And let us be available to help someone; to bring comfort, support, and unconditional love to whomever the Lord sends our way.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

All In the Family: Blended, Extended, and Intended...

Last August, Bruce and I had a mini-family reunion/meet-and-eat. Since moving to the east coast, I've been able to reconnect with my cousins on my mother's side who live here, as well as meet and get to know his family, who also live in this area. It was soooo great to have my mother come with my sister and my nieces!

There was family from every-which-side who joined in; came over to our house and just had fun reuniting - some after almost 30 years! It was a blast! The flow was beautiful and our adult children had a chance to be together, eat together, laugh and talk..together.

Just sharing some pictures of a very happy time in the summer of 2015. Sandwiched between the loss of family members earlier in the year, and more sad good-byes to come later that year - we made some great memories that we'll not soon forget!

Our family selfie at the Cracker Barrel

Blended to perfection

My crew and me at the movies!

My two younger (babies) adults

A great match!

My sister, our children, their cousins, their aunts, and both grandmothers!

My crew at our cousin's home (Dr. Andre Blaylock, RIP 9/21/15) with his wife, June (seated on his lap)

Monday, January 11, 2016

What's Your Source?

Who are you quoting on any given day?

One of the members of our online Bible study group brought these questions to us this past weekend. She has been attending prayer meeting at her church on Wednesday nights, and the young Pastor who led the prayer group asked these questions of the congregants gathered last Wednesday.

The Scripture he used was John 15; where Jesus is speaking to the Disciples about being/staying connected to Him, the True Vine. We, His followers, are the branches, and the Father is the gardener who will either cut us off if we bear no fruit, or prune us to enable us to bear more fruit.

The entire chapter is good food for our spiritual consumption and digestion, but in our study, we focused our attention on who/what we, as believers, are using as our source; what/who are we citing as our point of information as we go about our work, play, interactions with others.

And to be clear, the fruit Jesus is speaking of in John 15:1-8, are those qualities cultivated within us by the power of His Spirit. These special characteristics and how believers behave are plainly identified in Galatians 5:22-26;

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

So the members of our study group touched and agreed, in our prayer for one another, that we will strengthen our connection to the True Vine, daily, and be much more mindful of the distractions that come on a moment-by-moment basis. It's vitally important that we take seriously who/what we're quoting, by our very actions. 

May our lives always demonstrate that our Source is Christ Jesus.

Friday, January 8, 2016

My Father's Prayer - Repost

Father's Day, 2014, Riverside, CA...our last time together. 

This was first posted in 2013, and my father passed away January 7, 2015. I'm re-sharing this in loving memory of him, for I am a living witness that the fervent prayers of the righteous continue to avail much, even after death. Amen.

My Dad recently underwent valve replacement surgery earlier this year. It was serious. And it was the first time in a very long time that my father had been in the hospital.  The time before was for hip replacement about 12 years ago... with excellent results. Daddy is 78 years old, soon to be 79 in November. Because of his overall good health and healthy lifestyle choices for the past 40 plus years, his recovery is coming along very well.

With that as the backdrop to my testimony, I wanted to share the awesome power of God through the love a father has for his daughter. You see, I called my father to check on him, and minister to him. But as we began to review our week and catch up on family information, there was a shift in the conversation. Now, I've mentioned my parents before, in a previous post on this blog - specifically, my father. When I say that my father is wise and discerning, it is no exaggeration.

My father spoke to me words of encouragement, and exhorted, admonished me to always have my loins girded... to never leave home without the whole armor of God. He challenged me to "kick butt", fight the foe, in the name of Jesus, because I am more than a conqueror! Oh...there's so much more that he shared with me that thrilled my soul! The most important piece was his closing "father-daughter prayer".

The human man that God gave to be my father, prayed to our Heavenly Father, that He take me the rest of the way on my journey. My father's prayer, the words of life he spoke concerning me and the ministry God has given me, is having an incredible impact on me; I was ministered to!  I am empowered. It is humbling to have another soul reach down into your depths, touching places you haven't shared with anyone BUT God....This is how the Spirit of the living God works. There is always confirmation of the truth when God is in it. Why was I even a little surprised?!

I've been revived - not having known I needed the revival! Hallelujah! I'm honored, and completely sold out to do whatever God says.  I will be still, and careful to listen for His voice for direction and guidance the rest of the way.

Thanking my Father above for my earthly father; and holding tightly to the fervent, heartfelt words and meditations from Daddy's lips to God's ears. Amen.

After a brief illness at the end of 2014, my father passed away unexpectedly . He lived 80 eventful years!

I'll cherish the wonderful memories of my father and his wise counsel for the rest of my days. Until we meet again, rest in peace, Daddy!   
My father, the chorister, music lover, musician with the golden bass-baritone voice!

Dad and me, 2009

Just chillin!

Don Winston Greathouse - 11/12/1934 - 1/7/2015

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Consequences, Revisited - 2016

I'm bringing this one back because I am remiss. When this post was first published, back in 2014, I failed to mention that the very first person who gave me a wise, grown-up word on consequences was a friend of mine, S.C.  I had trespassed against others and had indeed hurt them. I sought forgiveness. S.C. told me very plainly, that their treatment, opinion or actual disdain of/for me might just be part of my consequences - and I might not be forgiven.  I needed that word.  I am reminded of this counsel today, as I reflect on my actions of the past and how important it is to make sure, by God's power, there is no guile found in me, and no self-serving motives in my witness. Moving forward in the light of truth - 2016!

A Facebook friend of mine submitted a thoughtful post discussing the consequences we may face for past hurts we've caused others. She was specifically speaking of people who are "repeat offenders" - folks who seem to make a habit of being mean and abusive to friends and loved ones, yet expect the offended parties to always "turn the other cheek" and forgive them. The wisdom she imparted was spot on. Turning the other cheek doesn't mean "the slapper" gets to enjoy the same relationship as before, even though they've been forgiven. The relationship may just have to change - and the one who was "slapped" may choose to love and pray for "the slapper" from afar.  That is a choice someone has the right to make, and a consequence that the forgiven must live with. And the writer was referring to Christians.

That post resonated with me. However, I'm flipping it a bit: when we've hurt someone, have tried to make amends, and they don't forgive us. That's a consequence as well. This consequence shouldn't happen among Christians, as we are to forgive one another -  even if we were "the slapper." After we confess our sin to the Lord, repent of our wrongdoing (meaning turn away from it), go to the party we injured for forgiveness - there is nothing left to do. We must allow God to work whatever He will in that situation.

Prayer works. The Lord can move mightily in the hardest of hearts when we pray. It is the best weapon a believer has when we're faced with problems, tests and trials - including those of our own making. Being unforgiven by someone we've hurt is a fact, and a consequence that may not change.

But I thank God for Jesus! He forgave me before I sinned, when He died on the cross. I accept His forgiveness and only want to live in His will, sharing His message of love and salvation.

And the best consequence of all: a life lived for the Lord, is eternity with the Lord and all those saved in the Kingdom! Amen!

The joys of living and working in a non-toxic environment

We hear so much about work/life balance in the workplace.  Companies are rated on how employee-centered they are.  It's ...