Everything I am, all that is within me, I draw upon as I praise Your
holy name. You have done so many great things and have given me the
power to do even greater things as I allow You to live through me. You
are an awesome God!
Bible reference: Psalm 103:1; Psalm 126:3
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Friday, April 29, 2016
Pray, period. April 29, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, as You look for those whose hearts are completely Yours, here I am. Support me in this time of need. You know my situation. You know what needs Your healing touch. As I rest silently before You, help me to be still and know that You are God.
Bible references: Jeremiah 17:10; Romans 8:27; Psalm 46:10
Lord, as You look for those whose hearts are completely Yours, here I am. Support me in this time of need. You know my situation. You know what needs Your healing touch. As I rest silently before You, help me to be still and know that You are God.
Bible references: Jeremiah 17:10; Romans 8:27; Psalm 46:10
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Pray, period. April 28, 2016
My heart longs for Your presence.
Although I may not be rich in a
worldly sense,
I am rich in my love of You.
Further my knowledge and
increase my talents
so that I can do the work You desire.
Thank You for
giving me the power to do Your will.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Pray, period. April 27, 2016
Lord, I come to You this morning, crying out for You to heal my loved
one. She is in so much pain. She needs Your comfort, strength, love, and
grace. Dear Lord, touch her! Allow her to feel Your presence. Immerse
her in Your healing light.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Pray, period. April 26, 2016
Boaz Ministries
It's a paradox,but it is Your truth. When I am weak, I am strong because Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. Because You are in my life, I can rest in You. With Your loving arms around me, I am buoyed in spirit, mind and body. Amen!
Bible reference: 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
It's a paradox,but it is Your truth. When I am weak, I am strong because Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. Because You are in my life, I can rest in You. With Your loving arms around me, I am buoyed in spirit, mind and body. Amen!
Bible reference: 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Monday, April 25, 2016
Pray, period. April 25, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, when my body is filled with Your power and love, through Your Word, nothing can harm me. I am healed from within. Heal my body, soul and spirit. I praise Your name, for You are the One who heals me, saves me, loves me. Thank You for giving me life.
Lord, when my body is filled with Your power and love, through Your Word, nothing can harm me. I am healed from within. Heal my body, soul and spirit. I praise Your name, for You are the One who heals me, saves me, loves me. Thank You for giving me life.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Pray, period. April 24, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, forgive me for getting so caught up in the busyness of my day that I did not show love to a friend who needed it. I want to be like Jonathan was for David. I want to clothe others with the warmth of friendship. Make me a true friend.
Bible reference: 1 Samuel 18
Lord, forgive me for getting so caught up in the busyness of my day that I did not show love to a friend who needed it. I want to be like Jonathan was for David. I want to clothe others with the warmth of friendship. Make me a true friend.
Bible reference: 1 Samuel 18
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Pray, period. April 23, 2016
Boaz Ministries
I am loaded with benefits! Blessed beyond compare! You, the God of my salvation, the Friend who laid down His life for me; the One who is with me in fire, flood, and famine; the One who will never leave me or forsake me! I'm just grateful!
Bible references: Deuteronomy 31:8; Hebrews 13:5
I am loaded with benefits! Blessed beyond compare! You, the God of my salvation, the Friend who laid down His life for me; the One who is with me in fire, flood, and famine; the One who will never leave me or forsake me! I'm just grateful!
Bible references: Deuteronomy 31:8; Hebrews 13:5
Friday, April 22, 2016
Pray, period. April 22, 2016
Lord, those who say I cannot do what You have called me to do will be put to shame. But that's not why I continue to meet this challenge. I go forward because I want to bring glory to You. It is in You that I boast all day long.
Bible references: Psalm 6:9-10; Psalm 71:24; 2 Corinthians 10:17
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Pray, period. April 21, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Walk with me, Lord. Help me to not throw away my confidence in You. Fill my spirit with power and courage so I can face this day with You beside me, ready to protect me at a moment's notice. You will bring me through.
Walk with me, Lord. Help me to not throw away my confidence in You. Fill my spirit with power and courage so I can face this day with You beside me, ready to protect me at a moment's notice. You will bring me through.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Pray, period. April 20, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Dear Lord, I am reaching out my hand to You this morning, knowing that if I can just touch the hem of Your garment, You will make me whole. I know that You love me and that nothing is impossible for You. Give me Your healing touch this morning.
Dear Lord, I am reaching out my hand to You this morning, knowing that if I can just touch the hem of Your garment, You will make me whole. I know that You love me and that nothing is impossible for You. Give me Your healing touch this morning.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Pray, period. April 19, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, my gift not only serves You but helps others, as well. What a
blessing! Be with me as I do my job today. This is my calling. This is
my gift, my ministry. And I do it all in Your love!
Monday, April 18, 2016
Pray, period. April 18, 2016
You have given me all I need to do Your will. Through the power of Jesus
Christ, I can do anything You want me to do. Today I feel strong, bold,
fearless. I am ready, willing, and able to do all that You call me to
do this day.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Pray, period. April 17, 2016
Boaz Ministries
My spouse and I are getting up in years, Lord. But we feel so blessed. You have given us so much. The love that we still feel for each other is all-consuming. May our union continue to be blessed by Your hand until "death us do part."
My spouse and I are getting up in years, Lord. But we feel so blessed. You have given us so much. The love that we still feel for each other is all-consuming. May our union continue to be blessed by Your hand until "death us do part."
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Pray, period. April 16, 2016
Thank You, Lord, for bringing me into fellowship with other believers.
Together we serve You, each one of us bringing our own unique gifts to
lay at Your feet. Help me to do my best for You, to bring You glory, to
do my part to encourage and uplift, spreading Your love.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Pray, period. April 15, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Sometimes I feel like such a weakling when it comes to my faith. I let
my doubts and fears overtake me and then find myself shrinking from the
challenges in my life. Lord, give me the strength to take on all comers,
to do what You want me to do.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Pray, period. April 14, 2016
Boaz Ministries
I've been thinking about this for a while, Lord. And I come to You this morning asking for direction. How would You have me serve You? Should I join the worship team? Should I become a prayer partner? Should I help in children's church? Show me the path, Lord; how I can best serve You and others.
I've been thinking about this for a while, Lord. And I come to You this morning asking for direction. How would You have me serve You? Should I join the worship team? Should I become a prayer partner? Should I help in children's church? Show me the path, Lord; how I can best serve You and others.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Pray, period. April 13, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, I haven't been handling the stress well lately. I know I am to think of all this as a challenge when I'm under pressure, but right now, I'm feeling challenged out. Help me to find joy in the journey. May this pressure that is on me make me more like You.
Lord, I haven't been handling the stress well lately. I know I am to think of all this as a challenge when I'm under pressure, but right now, I'm feeling challenged out. Help me to find joy in the journey. May this pressure that is on me make me more like You.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Pray, period. April 12, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Some days, Lord, I feel as if I am working to please others and not You. But that's not what it's all about. It is You I am serving, only You. It is from You that I receive my reward for a job well done.
Some days, Lord, I feel as if I am working to please others and not You. But that's not what it's all about. It is You I am serving, only You. It is from You that I receive my reward for a job well done.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Pray, period. April 11, 2016
Lord, as I go through the activities of this day, may Your hand be upon
me so that whatever I do will prosper. I lift my concerns up to You,
confident that You have my best interests at heart. Thank You for
hearing my prayers and strengthening me for the work ahead.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Pray, period. April 10, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, I feel like I've been praying forever for a situation that does not seem to be changing. I feel like Job: Here I am on my knees in prayer while the entire world dissolves around me. But I know You are in control You know all things.
Lord, I feel like I've been praying forever for a situation that does not seem to be changing. I feel like Job: Here I am on my knees in prayer while the entire world dissolves around me. But I know You are in control You know all things.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Pray, period. April 9, 2016
Boaz Ministries
When You washed the feet of the disciples, that was a lesson for all of us. Your act of humble service moves me to tears and warms my heart. May my service in Your name be as pleasing to You.
When You washed the feet of the disciples, that was a lesson for all of us. Your act of humble service moves me to tears and warms my heart. May my service in Your name be as pleasing to You.
Friday, April 8, 2016
Pray, period. April 8, 2016
Thank You, Lord, for the intimacy my spouse and I share. Thank You for
the children who have come as a result of our union. We treasure them,
Father. Continue to give us the desire for each other, for the times of
passion, cuddling, and just relaxing together in the blessing of our
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Pray, period. April 7, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Dearest Lord, I pray for Your light to spread out into the communities of this city, this nation - this world. Give comfort and healing to victims of abuse and violence. And give me discernment, compassion, and the strength to be an agent of change in the lives of those You set before me.
Dearest Lord, I pray for Your light to spread out into the communities of this city, this nation - this world. Give comfort and healing to victims of abuse and violence. And give me discernment, compassion, and the strength to be an agent of change in the lives of those You set before me.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Pray, period. April 6, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, I went to bed angry with my spouse and spent a sleepless night because of it. Then we went our separate ways this morning with tension between us. Forgive me for letting it go this long. Help us heal this breach, to Your glory.
Bible text: Ephesians 4:26-27
Lord, I went to bed angry with my spouse and spent a sleepless night because of it. Then we went our separate ways this morning with tension between us. Forgive me for letting it go this long. Help us heal this breach, to Your glory.
Bible text: Ephesians 4:26-27
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Pray, period. April 5, 2016
I try and try, but my efforts accomplish nothing when I have not come
first to You in prayer. I need to do things in Your strength or I am
useless. I need Your power behind me when I speak. Allow Your Word to
speak to me.
Monday, April 4, 2016
Pray, period. April 4, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, help me to keep my priorities straight today. It's not all about what I do but how I treat others. Show me how to love those with whom I come in contact. Help me be a person of my word, a person of compassion. When people see me, I want them to recognize You.
Lord, help me to keep my priorities straight today. It's not all about what I do but how I treat others. Show me how to love those with whom I come in contact. Help me be a person of my word, a person of compassion. When people see me, I want them to recognize You.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Pray, period. April 3, 2016
Boaz Ministries
this early morning silence, speak to me, Lord. Tell me what You would
have me do this day. Enlighten my mind, heart, and spirit. I await Your
words. And when I come to You as night falls, lead me back to Your Word
and give me the rest I need.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Pray, period. April 2, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, I'm looking in Your Word for courage and strength. You are my rock and my refuge. Bring me up to where You are. I want to commune with You, to rest with You, to be head over heels "in trust" with You. Show me how to do that.
Lord, I'm looking in Your Word for courage and strength. You are my rock and my refuge. Bring me up to where You are. I want to commune with You, to rest with You, to be head over heels "in trust" with You. Show me how to do that.
Friday, April 1, 2016
God Restores, and He Makes All Things New
I've blogged about broken relationships, forgiveness and the need for prayer, in all things. In my sharing, I try to be as transparent as possible, because ministry is most effective when we are willing to share our real life experiences and how the Lord has moved us from one place to another - higher and higher.
Today, I wanted to give a praise report about some breakthroughs that God has brought to pass; direct answers to prayers. Four years ago I wrote a piece titled, The Drop Kick - and two years later, I wrote about Consequences . Both posts had to do with interpersonal relationships between friends, and how we may find ourselves being dropped by folks we thought would always be in our lives, or having to drop people from our lives. Consequences, originally posted in November, 2014, was written in response to a Facebook post written by an acquaintance who was addressing Christians who find themselves in situations with "repeat offenders" who expect them, as Christians, to always "turn the other cheek" when they've been offended, over and over. However, as Christians, while we may forgive, our relationship with the offender may not remain the same.
When I revisited Consequences at the beginning of 2016, I prefaced it with a personal statement. A former friend of mine, S.C., when she was my friend, gave me a good word regarding the status of my situation with some individual(s) I had hurt in the past. She said I just may not be forgiven. It helped me to cope. Partly because I knew I had confessed to the Lord, and asked Him to forgive me. I was already forgiven.
I'm here to tell you that the two longtime friends from my post in The Drop Kick, have been restored to me! And the one, Agnostic/Atheist, friend now reaches out for me to pray for him on a regular basis! He knows that prayer works! God is moving!
And on the matter of my consequences for the hurt I caused others years ago - the Lord has worked that out, as well - to His glory! God has moved mightily, so much so that there is now a bond that is strengthening between me and the others. There is forgiveness, and acceptance, and fellowship - which is even more than I asked or expected!
As for my former friend, who dropped me at the end of 2015 for reasons that seemed right to her, I had to accept and understand something that I always say: Not everyone will travel this journey with us all the way. I was hurt, as it was truly unexpected, and I didn't get a chance to respond to the issues. But God knows, and He does all things well!
In all of my life's experiences there have been lessons. Some I've learned, and there is more to learn. My hope and prayer is to be a blessing to those the Lord sends my way, and to live in His will, by His grace, power and love!
God is faithful to perform His promises! He gives us exactly what we need, and aligns our hearts' desires with His, when we delight in Him (Psalm 37:4)!
Pray, period. April 1, 2016
Lord, Your Word says that no matter how many times I am offended, if
my friend apologizes, I am to forgive. Well, You're going to have to
give me this power, because I have none left of my own. Help me to
forgive my friend.
(Bible reference: Luke 17:3-4)
(Bible reference: Luke 17:3-4)
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