Boaz Ministries
Here I am, Lord, ready to receive my marching orders for today. Arm me
with faith, hope and love. I am strong in You. I expect You to be with
me all through the day. There is nothing that can frustrate me when I
remain in Your presence.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Monday, May 30, 2016
Pray, period. May 30, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Dear Lord, give strength and protection to those who serve You in a foreign land. Speak to their hearts. Specifically I pray for [names]. Make their message clear. Open the hearts of those around them who dwell in darkness. Spread Your light among the nations, O God.
Bible reference: Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15
Dear Lord, give strength and protection to those who serve You in a foreign land. Speak to their hearts. Specifically I pray for [names]. Make their message clear. Open the hearts of those around them who dwell in darkness. Spread Your light among the nations, O God.
Bible reference: Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Pray, period. May 29, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, when I hear what other people say You have done in their lives, their testimonies buoy my own faith. Give me the courage to share my testimony with others, knowing this will draw unbelievers to You and strengthen the hearts of those who already know You.
Lord, when I hear what other people say You have done in their lives, their testimonies buoy my own faith. Give me the courage to share my testimony with others, knowing this will draw unbelievers to You and strengthen the hearts of those who already know You.
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Pray, period. May 28, 2016
Lord, give the pastors of Your church strength as they comfort, counsel,
and console the sheep of their flock. Help them as they minister each
day. Protect them from evil. Anoint them with Your Spirit and give them
the Word Your people need to hear.
Bible reference: Jeremiah 3:15; Titus 1:5-9
Bible reference: Jeremiah 3:15; Titus 1:5-9
Friday, May 27, 2016
Pray, period. May 27, 2016
Boaz Ministries
I arise today assured of Your assistance, guidance, and approval of every good thing. There are no words to express how You make me feel. I am humbled in Your presence and renewed in Your light. I cling to You, each and every moment. Live through me, Lord!
I arise today assured of Your assistance, guidance, and approval of every good thing. There are no words to express how You make me feel. I am humbled in Your presence and renewed in Your light. I cling to You, each and every moment. Live through me, Lord!
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Pray, period. May 26, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, help me to keep the main thing the main thing - to seek first the kingdom of God, beholding Your beauty, inquiring in Your temple. That is all that is truly important, not whether or not I get all my work done at home, the office, or church.
Bible reference: Psalm 27:4; Matthew 6:33
Lord, help me to keep the main thing the main thing - to seek first the kingdom of God, beholding Your beauty, inquiring in Your temple. That is all that is truly important, not whether or not I get all my work done at home, the office, or church.
Bible reference: Psalm 27:4; Matthew 6:33
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Pray, period. May 25, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, how can those who are united in belief be so divided in other areas? You know what is causing strife in Your house of prayer. Please soothe it with Your healing balm. Give our leaders and members wisdom. Pour out upon us Your love. Heal the breach, Lord.
Lord, how can those who are united in belief be so divided in other areas? You know what is causing strife in Your house of prayer. Please soothe it with Your healing balm. Give our leaders and members wisdom. Pour out upon us Your love. Heal the breach, Lord.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Pray, period. May 24, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, I don't want to live my life working for money, power, possessions, position, or status. I want to live for You, work for You, be with You. Keep Yourself in the forefront of my mind this morning and throughout this day. Live through me this day.
Lord, I don't want to live my life working for money, power, possessions, position, or status. I want to live for You, work for You, be with You. Keep Yourself in the forefront of my mind this morning and throughout this day. Live through me this day.
Monday, May 23, 2016
Pray, period. May 23, 2016
Your way is perfect, and Your Word, on which I totally rely, is
filled with promises made and kept. Today I face my enemies and stand
with You, surrounded by Your shield on every side. I take my refuge in
Bible reference: Psalm 18; Psalm 23
Bible reference: Psalm 18; Psalm 23
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Pray, period. May 22, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, I envision You before me. I see the compassion in Your eyes. Fill me with Your love. Quench my thirst with Your living water. Feed me with Your bread of life. Nourish me deep within. I come to You in despair. I leave filled with joy!
Lord, I envision You before me. I see the compassion in Your eyes. Fill me with Your love. Quench my thirst with Your living water. Feed me with Your bread of life. Nourish me deep within. I come to You in despair. I leave filled with joy!
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Pray, period. May 21, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, my spouse and I have been through such trials, yet each time we make it over a hurdle together our love grows stronger. What we had at the beginning of our marriage was good, but what we have now is better! Continue to help us through the trials, Lord!
Lord, my spouse and I have been through such trials, yet each time we make it over a hurdle together our love grows stronger. What we had at the beginning of our marriage was good, but what we have now is better! Continue to help us through the trials, Lord!
Friday, May 20, 2016
Fifty(+), Fit and Fabulous!
One of my dear sista/friends, René Michelle Floyd, has created a website where women ages 50 and up can come and engage online concerning topics of interest. I joined this wonderful group of ladies a couple of years ago. Earlier this year, I was asked to be a contributing writer on the blog. I was honored to be thought of, and it is my desire to provide quality articles that address the "hot topics" among the 'sistren'. I am sharing my first submission with readers here. It is part one in a series of 3. I hope it is helpful to readers out there.
Pray, period. May 20, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, since I've known You, You have been my hope. You give me confidence to face the day. Sometimes I'm afraid to step out the door, to watch the news, to read the paper. But then all I need to do is remember Your Word and trust in that.
Lord, since I've known You, You have been my hope. You give me confidence to face the day. Sometimes I'm afraid to step out the door, to watch the news, to read the paper. But then all I need to do is remember Your Word and trust in that.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Pray, period. May 19, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Good morning, Lord. Thank You for this brand new day. Remind me, Lord, that my service to You is a way to honor You with my whole being. You have done so much for me that it is overwhelming at times. Allow me to use my gift to bring greater glory to Your name.
Good morning, Lord. Thank You for this brand new day. Remind me, Lord, that my service to You is a way to honor You with my whole being. You have done so much for me that it is overwhelming at times. Allow me to use my gift to bring greater glory to Your name.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Pray, period. May 18, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, I'm not sure why I'm at this job. Am I walking in Your will, or have I been led by my own desires? Show me which way You want me to go. If there is some new challenge You want me to undertake, please tell me. Let me hear Your voice.
Lord, I'm not sure why I'm at this job. Am I walking in Your will, or have I been led by my own desires? Show me which way You want me to go. If there is some new challenge You want me to undertake, please tell me. Let me hear Your voice.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Pray, period. May 17, 2016
Lord, I am feeling poorly. You know what is attacking my body. You can see everything. I ask You in prayer, right now, to fill me with Your healing light. Banish this sickness from my body. Fill me with Your presence. Draw me unto You.
Bible references: Psalm 103:1-5; Psalm 107:19-20; Isaiah 41:10; Mark 11:22-24; 1 John 5:14-15 (just to list a few!)
Monday, May 16, 2016
Pray, period. May 16, 2016
You have chosen me to be Your child. Help me to live that life dressed
in Your love. I need Your kindness, humility, quiet strength,
discipline, and definitely Your even temper. Help me to forgive others
as quickly as You forgive me. Do not let bitterness rot my soul.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Pray, period. May 15, 2016
Boaz Ministries
You are the One who has brought me to where I am today. Thank You, God, for giving me power and strength. All the blessings I have in this life come from Your hand. Continue to lead me in Your way. I am calling out to You, Lord! My ears desperately seek to hear Your voice.
Bible reference: Jeremiah 29:13; Proverbs 8:17
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Pray, period. May 14, 2016
Boaz Ministries
My love for my spouse will never die, Lord, because we believe in You. We know You have brought us together and will keep us together. We will never give up on this marriage, nor lose faith in each other, nor lose hope in our circumstances. You are our refuge and strength.
Bible reference: Psalm 46:1
My love for my spouse will never die, Lord, because we believe in You. We know You have brought us together and will keep us together. We will never give up on this marriage, nor lose faith in each other, nor lose hope in our circumstances. You are our refuge and strength.
Bible reference: Psalm 46:1
Friday, May 13, 2016
Pray, period. May 13, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Show me how I can make a difference in this world. Give me the heart to intercede for others and the courage to step in when and where I am needed. Thank you, God, for giving me the opportunity to serve You!
Show me how I can make a difference in this world. Give me the heart to intercede for others and the courage to step in when and where I am needed. Thank you, God, for giving me the opportunity to serve You!
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Pray, period. May 12, 2016
Boaz Ministries
It is well with my soul, for You protect me from all evils. I come to You, pouring out my heart, sharing my fears and worries. Take these fears from me and shepherd me to a place close beside You. Fill me with the comfort of Your Word. Thank You, Lord!
Bible reference: Psalm 91
It is well with my soul, for You protect me from all evils. I come to You, pouring out my heart, sharing my fears and worries. Take these fears from me and shepherd me to a place close beside You. Fill me with the comfort of Your Word. Thank You, Lord!
Bible reference: Psalm 91
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
The Covanent
As sure as life's troubles will threaten our peace
And cause us to pray for strength and release
We both made a promise, when each day is through
Your lips will bless me, and mine will bless you...
© 2016
And cause us to pray for strength and release
We both made a promise, when each day is through
Your lips will bless me, and mine will bless you...
© 2016
Pray, period. May 11, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, with You in my life, I need not worry about what I will eat, drink, wear, or earn today. For as You dress the flowers and feed the birds, You will do even more for me. I leave all my concerns in Your hands, knowing that You will provide!
Bible reference: Matthew 6:25-34
Lord, with You in my life, I need not worry about what I will eat, drink, wear, or earn today. For as You dress the flowers and feed the birds, You will do even more for me. I leave all my concerns in Your hands, knowing that You will provide!
Bible reference: Matthew 6:25-34
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Pray, period. May 10, 2016
I'm getting tired of my job and my boss, Lord. I know I should be
grateful for the work I have been given, but I can't seem to get past
this wall of negativity. Give me the right mind-set, Lord. Help me
remember I am working for You.
Bible reference: Ephesians 6:7; Colossians 3:17, 23-24
Bible reference: Ephesians 6:7; Colossians 3:17, 23-24
Monday, May 9, 2016
Pray, period. May 9, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, You know the good and bad in all of us. Right now I feel as if my coworker has inflicted only his "bad" on me. Yet perhaps things are going on in his life that I do not know. When I see him today, give me love and the right words to say.
Lord, You know the good and bad in all of us. Right now I feel as if my coworker has inflicted only his "bad" on me. Yet perhaps things are going on in his life that I do not know. When I see him today, give me love and the right words to say.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Pray, period. May 8, 2016
Boaz Ministries
It is Your presence, Your blessings, Your love that make my life so rich and fulfilling. I am not worried about what others have and I have not. I am full of joy for what I do have - You, and the family You've given me! There is nothing greater than You, Lord!
It is Your presence, Your blessings, Your love that make my life so rich and fulfilling. I am not worried about what others have and I have not. I am full of joy for what I do have - You, and the family You've given me! There is nothing greater than You, Lord!
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Pray, period. May 7, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Dear Lord, order my steps in Your Word. Meld my heart with Yours, and keep me on the path of righteousness.
Bible reference: Psalm 119:133
Dear Lord, order my steps in Your Word. Meld my heart with Yours, and keep me on the path of righteousness.
Bible reference: Psalm 119:133
Friday, May 6, 2016
Pray, period. May 6, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, I know that You will work everything out according to Your glory. I feel privileged that You have chosen me to serve You. I want to be like Christ, for His grace is sufficient for me. Thank You for hearing my prayers.
Bible reference: 2 Corinthians 12:9
Lord, I know that You will work everything out according to Your glory. I feel privileged that You have chosen me to serve You. I want to be like Christ, for His grace is sufficient for me. Thank You for hearing my prayers.
Bible reference: 2 Corinthians 12:9
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Pray, period. May 5, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, I come to You this morning, calling out to You for help -
financially, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and in my
relationships. I am in desperate need of You! My hope today is in things
unseen. As I rely on You, continue to feed my faith.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Pray, period. May 4, 2016
Boaz Ministries
This is a new day, Lord! And Your mercies are brand new every day - and all for me! I begin the day leaving my burdens behind, and through the promises in Your Word, I'm focusing on the benefits ahead. When I come to You at the close of the day, You will be waiting for me with a good word! Great is Your faithfulness!
Bible reference: Lamentations 3:22-23
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
It's Prayer Time, part 2 of 2
Spiritual writer, Tonya Young, wrote a piece, How to Spend an Hour in Prayer, that I came across while searching through my husband's books on prayer and Bible study. This led me to Dr. Ralph F. Wilson of Joyful Heart Renewal Ministries, who authored an outline of the same title.
The following is a combination of the two outlines. I did not include the time increments listed by the authors, because I strongly believe the Holy Spirit will move so powerfully, 60 minutes won't seem like enough time.
FIRST! Ask God to help you spend this time profitably with Him. Ask His guidance. Give yourself to Him for this hour.
PRAISE - Psalm 63:3; Hebrews 12:15; Matthew 6:9b. Prayer should begin with a recognition of God's nature. The Lord's Prayer (a model for prayer) begins with "Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name." Praise is that aspect of prayer which vocally esteems God for His virtues and accomplishments.
WAITING - Psalm 37:7; Isaiah 40:31; Lamentations 3:25. Not only should we begin prayer with praise, but time also should be given to being "quiet" in God's presence. This is not meditation or just a time for listening; it is simply taking the time to let God love you.
CONFESSION - Psalm 139:23-24; Psalm 51:10; John 1:9 The psalmist asked God to search his heart for unconfessed sin. He knew sin was one of the greatest roadblocks to answered prayer. Early in prayer we need to make time for confession. This clears the way for powerful praying.
The following is a combination of the two outlines. I did not include the time increments listed by the authors, because I strongly believe the Holy Spirit will move so powerfully, 60 minutes won't seem like enough time.
FIRST! Ask God to help you spend this time profitably with Him. Ask His guidance. Give yourself to Him for this hour.
PRAISE - Psalm 63:3; Hebrews 12:15; Matthew 6:9b. Prayer should begin with a recognition of God's nature. The Lord's Prayer (a model for prayer) begins with "Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name." Praise is that aspect of prayer which vocally esteems God for His virtues and accomplishments.
WAITING - Psalm 37:7; Isaiah 40:31; Lamentations 3:25. Not only should we begin prayer with praise, but time also should be given to being "quiet" in God's presence. This is not meditation or just a time for listening; it is simply taking the time to let God love you.
CONFESSION - Psalm 139:23-24; Psalm 51:10; John 1:9 The psalmist asked God to search his heart for unconfessed sin. He knew sin was one of the greatest roadblocks to answered prayer. Early in prayer we need to make time for confession. This clears the way for powerful praying.
THE WORD - II Timothy 3:16; Psalm 19:7-8 "The commandment of the Lord
(His Word) is pure, enlightening the eyes," wrote young King David. When
we bring God's Word into our prayer, we are opening our eyes to new
possibilities in God. At this point in prayer, read God's Word.
INTERCESSION - I Timothy 2:1-2; Psalm 2:8; Matthew 9:37-38 Our prayer now centers on intercession. Pray For Friends, Relatives, Neighbors, Fellow Workers.
Don't just read a list of names to God, but talk to Him about
their lives and needs. You can boldly ask Him for their salvation
because Jesus died for them. Ask God to bring Believers into
their lives, to alter circumstances, and to give you opportunities
for witness and sharing in depth. Pray for the nation, our leaders, and the world. Pray that God's message of love and salvation reach worldwide and be accepted, for the building and coming of His kingdom - and pray for those who share the gospel.
PETITION - Matthew 7:7; Matthew 6:11; James 4:2 This aspect of prayer
concerns our personal needs. Petition is included in the Lord's Prayer
in the expression, "Give us this day our daily bread." To petition God
is to open our need to God through prayer.
THE WORD - Jeremiah 23:29; II Samuel 22:31; Numbers 23:19 Earlier we
suggested you read God's Word. Now, pray God's Word. Here we bring
actual Scripture into our prayer. We can never pray out of God's will
when we pray God's Word.
Philippians 4:6; Psalm 100:4 When Paul wrote to the Philippians, he
instructed them to offer prayer and supplication "with thanksgiving".
Thanksgiving differs from praise in that praise recognizes God for who
He is, and thanksgiving recognizes the specific things He has done.
SINGING - Psalm 100:2; Ephesians 5:19; Psalm 114:9 Melody in its truest
sense is a gift of God for the purpose of singing praises unto Him. Many Believers, unfortunately, have never learned the beauty of singing a
"new" song unto God during prayer. These songs may come straight from
the heart with the Holy Spirit creating the melody. Paul spoke of
singing "spiritual songs". To sing unto the Lord is to worship God in
MEDITATION - Joshua 1:8; Psalm
1:1-2; Psalm 77:12 To meditate in God's presence is simply to be there
to love Him. Meditation differs in that our mind is very active. To
meditate is to ponder spiritual themes in reference to God.
LISTENING - Ecclesiastes 5:2; I Kings 19:11-12 Whether through His
written Word or by an inner "still small voice" of His Holy Spirit, God
speaks to praying Believers. But we must take time to listen.
PRAISE - Matthew 6:13; Psalm 100:4; Psalm 150 We begin our prayer by
recognizing God's nature, and we end in similar fashion. Jesus taught
this when He ended His prayer with the statement, "For Thine is the
kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen."
are just suggestions - everyone has a different prayer life. I believe developing
such a prayer habit will lead us into a ministry that changes us and
the world around us as well.
Pray, period. May 3, 2016
Boaz Ministries
God, bless those who have not been kind to me. Give me the blessing of forgiving others as You always forgive me. Help me not to repay evil with evil but to repay evil with good. Give me the strength to be kind to them. Bless their lives.
Bible references: Proverbs 20:22; Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:27-28; Romans 12:14-17; 1 Thessalonians 5:15; 1 Peter 3:9
God, bless those who have not been kind to me. Give me the blessing of forgiving others as You always forgive me. Help me not to repay evil with evil but to repay evil with good. Give me the strength to be kind to them. Bless their lives.
Bible references: Proverbs 20:22; Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:27-28; Romans 12:14-17; 1 Thessalonians 5:15; 1 Peter 3:9
Monday, May 2, 2016
It's Prayer Time, part 1
"But, an hour? How can I pray for an hour?"
Praying for an hour is like sitting down for a cup of tea with a friend. Somehow, the more we sip together, we find we have more to say. But if talking to God for that long seems intimidating, it may be because we're still learning just to share ourselves with Him as we would with a friend.
For this special experience, preparation is a good thing. First, find a place where the two of you won't be disturbed. And bring along some things you want to discuss with the Lord: your Bible, hymnal, pictures of loved ones and friends, church roster, your prayer list, world map or globe, etc.
"It's Prayer Time, part 2" to be continued...
Praying for an hour is like sitting down for a cup of tea with a friend. Somehow, the more we sip together, we find we have more to say. But if talking to God for that long seems intimidating, it may be because we're still learning just to share ourselves with Him as we would with a friend.
For this special experience, preparation is a good thing. First, find a place where the two of you won't be disturbed. And bring along some things you want to discuss with the Lord: your Bible, hymnal, pictures of loved ones and friends, church roster, your prayer list, world map or globe, etc.
"It's Prayer Time, part 2" to be continued...
Pray, period. May 2, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Give me the passion, Lord, to serve You with the gifts You have given
me. Reignite the enthusiasm I felt when I first began to serve You. Help
me to forget about myself and to see only You. Set me on fire for You
and You alone!
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Spending Quality Time With God in Prayer
Eight years ago, a university professor I met at my eldest child's graduation, said something that has stayed with me and has become more and more profound with each passing year. He raised his right and left hands a few inches apart, palms facing each other; and as he did so, he said, "These are the best of times and the worst of times, which means it's prayer time." Then he slowly brought his hands together in a posture of prayer.
It's been 'prayer time' for me and my family - for real - ever since.
Being involved in "small groups" and music ministries over the years has taught me the significance of spending time in prayer and supplication with the Lord. There is always something to pray about. And as people of God, we begin to see every situation and prayer request as opportunities to stand in the gap for others, as well as petition to the Lord on our own behalf.
This series, Pray, period, brought by Boaz Ministries, is a call to all of us to, 1. seek/maintain contact with the Lord; 2.recognize the times in which we live, and 3. cover one another in God's protection, love and grace. I was so pleased to see movies like War Room and Risen in the theaters; and that they did pretty well at the box office was confirmation that there are souls thirsty for God's message.
I know people who have now designated a special room or closet in their homes, devoted to spending time with the Lord in prayer. And prayer, for me, has gone beyond the confines of kneeling with bowed head and closed eyes. Just like any relationship with a loved one, prayer becomes a conversation, a time to immerse yourself in the presence of the Almighty. I have conversations with the Lord sitting in my bedroom, or driving in my car - or as I walk outside in nature. And I now have a special place as my own war room in my home.
For those of us who are just getting to know God, and for those of us who'd like to go deeper in our relationship with Him, I found some awesome suggestions on how to spend an hour in prayer, and I will share them over the next few days. I can guarantee that after an hour, or even after the first 15 minutes, these suggestions won't even be needed, because you'll find you have plenty to talk to God about!
Pray, period. May 1, 2016
Boaz Ministries
My heart is broken. I feel that my strength is gone. I'm here at the altar, Lord. Fill me with Your power. Put Your arms around me. Let me linger in Your presence, bask in Your love. You are all I need. I can do nothing without You.
My heart is broken. I feel that my strength is gone. I'm here at the altar, Lord. Fill me with Your power. Put Your arms around me. Let me linger in Your presence, bask in Your love. You are all I need. I can do nothing without You.
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