Sunday, December 31, 2017

Moving Forward into 2018 with Gladness!

2017 was eventful in ways we as a nation had never seen before. Instead of listing all of the negatives, I'd like to focus on the positive.

At the time of this writing, I am in good health, enjoy a fulfilling career, joyfully married to my best friend, and all of our children, and grandchildren are well and experiencing enriched lives - all by the power and grace of God.

As a believer, I know that God is in control - and He is not surprised by the happenings in this world.  During this year, the true characters have been revealed of some of the so-called powerful individuals some have admired.  This should be no surprise to believers. The Bible is clear that what is done in the dark will come to light. Our sins will eventually be found out.  Even non-believers understand the force of cause and effect, and karma. It's real.

So the golden rule is still the best compass - whether you are a believer or not. Simply do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This does not guarantee that others will treat you well - some may even lie on you because they lack scruples themselves and have no moral compass. The end result, however, is what your heart knows - your conscience is clear. And as another saying goes, "the truth will come out."

Today, I celebrate the end of a turbulent year with great news! My second daughter, my middle child, has become engaged to a wonderful, God-fearing young man and our family is ecstatic with joy and gratitude. Her late father would be extremely pleased. The young man asked me for her hand with the utmost  care, respect and meticulous preparation! 
Derek and Angela, engaged, 12/29/17!!

I am blessed to witness that the prayers of the righteous do avail much - even after they have passed away. 

God is great, and greatly to be praised! And I wish for us all the blessings of joy, peace and love to abide within us, that we may share with others who are in need, throughout the new year!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Having a Real Relationship with God is Everything...4

There's been many a sweet love song with lyrics that have helped to seal the deal for millions of people. One such song, an obscure number titled, "In Love We Grow" from the popular 70s R&B group, "Rufus", speaks very clearly to our message today. The lyrics are as follows:
"We go on and on/from dawn to dawn
the years have flown much faster than we know/
and still in love we grow
Time has placed us here/afraid of fear
we've seen through tears that never should have come/and still in love we grow
Like a baby dove, our love, in time, it's snowy wings unfold
to soar, above
I'll stay, another hour, another day/my whole life
as long as I feel this way
I'll stay with you, I know, I know, I know
As long as I feel this way
In love, we'll grow"
"I'll long as I feel this way." Friends, the message to us today is - a God-centered marriage is meant to go the distance. And couples who cultivate an intentional relationship with the Lord, individually and collectively, won't rely on something as flimsy as feelings when things go wrong in marriage. They will depend on Him. He is the Keeper.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Having a Real Relationship with God is Everything...3

It has been said, "People make time for things they're interested in." And this month, as we continue to focus on cultivating a real relationship with God, we add the following:
When we meet someone who catches our eye in that special way, we begin to do everything we can to find out more about them. We want to learn their likes, dislikes, who they spend time with, what their habits are - it's a process that we are happy to go through because this person brings something unique to our lives. We find ourselves thinking seriously about going the distance with this person, and even begin to make changes to become the best choice for them. The time we are willing to put in - the joyous work of getting to know a prospective life partner - should be no more than the time we, as believers, put into getting to know the Lord. An intimate relationship with the Lord will actually give us a more informed understanding of who we should choose to love, honor and cherish until death.
The good news is, as long as we're alive, it's not too late to develop a closer relationship with the Lord. His power to transform us into the best we can be for Him, takes care of everyone else in our lives.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Having a Real Relationship with God is Everything..2

Everybody loves a wedding. And all of the preparation, planning and energy that go into making that day fabulous and special is very exciting!
May we remember that the preparation for the marriage is far more important than the wedding day. For after the reception is over and the guests have all gone home, the two who are now one will experience days that only God can hold together. And He only comes by invitation.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Having a Real Relationship with God is Everything - Revisited

Boaz Ministries is back! We are resuming our series, "Having a Real Relationship with God is Everything". As we move into the final month of 2017, we see the dire need for the "spiritual glue" that holds us together as individuals and as partners in relationships. Here are two quotes you may have seen - but they are no less meaningful. 

The message is one; for both men and women. 
May these words bless our souls.

B & B Edwards

Sunday, November 12, 2017

What I would have said to my father this morning, on his 83rd birthday

In honor of your birthday, Daddy
I sing this song for you

"Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace...
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
Where there is sadness, joy
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled, as to console
to be understood, as to understand
to be loved, as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
It is in dying, that we are born
to eternal life"

The Prayer of St. Francis

Our last Father's Day, 2014
Don W. Greathouse, 11/12/34 - 1/7/15 RIP

Sunday, November 5, 2017


Not to be sensational or anything, I'm just reporting on facts here. As we have watched in horror, our "great nation" has become the mass murder capitol of the world. Scarcely a month can go by without another deadly tragedy taking place. We are seeing more and more random, and not so random killings.

We all know that we begin to die from the moment we are born- we know that we will die one day.  We don't obsess over it - we live with it, and accept, for the most part, that we have an expiration date that's "out there", somewhere. But what has sadly become part of our reality is "death by mass murderer." And these mass shootings can happen anywhere. Nowhere is safe. Not our homes, schools,  places of employment, grocery stores, favorite fast food restaurants, public parks, concerts, nor our very houses of worship!

There are some who are completely baffled by the increase of these heinous acts against innocent victims in our communities. But I am not. I'm saddened and devastated every time I hear of another demonic attack - can barely decompress from one event before another one occurs. But I'm not surprised.  I am in awe of the way the Bible outlines, through the words of Jesus, exactly what we are witnessing today.

With this knowledge and understanding, I am armed with the confidence to know that my protection and safety are found in my faith and trust in my Lord and Savior. All of these headline news stories solidify my stance and belief that God's Word is true - and binds me closer in relationship with Him. I am certain that my mission in life is to share God's love with those within my sphere of influence - and pray that those who seek Him will find Him. If I can be part of introducing someone to the peace and love - and joy - that knowing Christ brings, then amen.

In this world, in this time when we're all about the hashtag messaging - #staywoke, #metoo, #blm - and the rest, I implore believers to be vigilant about protecting our souls. One of my Facebook friends commented, in response to the Texas tragedy today, "The only safe place is in the arms of Jesus." I concur.

My friends, be encouraged. Be vigilant.

I'm not afraid to die. I live, by God's Holy Spirit, #readytodie.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

I write when the Spirit moves...

Which is why I could never have gone into journalism. Writing on a schedule, having assignment deadlines, would have left me homeless!

My love for self-expression through written word started years ago, as early as 4th grade. I had a wild imagination, and I was also a note-passer in class. I got in trouble a lot for that. My most embarrassing moment was when my 6th grade teacher demanded that I hand over my note, which she silently read. She blushed beet red and I was mortified. In the note I had said something about my mother's "boyfriend". Well, I meant my father, who was most definitely married to my mother - but my teacher - well, you know what she thought. I don't even remember why I was writing the note. But I knew I'd done something very wrong and had besmirched my mother's good name in the process.

I was also classically trained in piano - and my passion for writing songs with lyrics turned into words without tunes. Poetry. Words that didn't necessarily rhyme, but had a rhythm. My rhythm. My family found out I wrote a bit, and asked me to write for special events - birthdays, family reunions and other celebrations. It took a lot of effort - being asked to write about a specific thing for specific occasions - but it turned out pretty well. Still...I didn't like being told/asked what and when to write.

Fast forward to the late 90s, when the Internet was truly coming into its own, and I was exploring it, in search of African American Poetry online. I found an extraordinary group of writers, poets, griots on a site and began to sit and just read. It was so awesome because you could give feedback and see responses immediately! I'd NEVER experienced anything like that before. It was exhilarating! And I joined in, inspired to write by the gifted poets on the web. My soul was stirred, and for a solid 6 or 7 years, I flowed...vibing off of the writers on the screen. Some of them were published, and many of them encouraged me to do the same. Up until that point, I didn't think I had anything to say that others wanted to hear. But. The artists on those poetry boards affirmed me, and confirmed that I did have a voice.

Over the course of 7 years, a book was conceived. I thought it would be a collection titled, The Woman in My Attic - and began to market it with that name. When the time came to compile the work, I realized what had come forth was something I truly had not expected. And so it happened, that my debut collection, Come, Joy! Songs from the soft of night, was published in 2005, by PublishAmerica.  It is a collection of songs/poetry that I wrote while under the inspiration of so many other artists, and my own experiences during the period from 1997-2004.  The woman in my attic will be my memoir - perhaps. For now, she is exactly who and where she needs to be - all encompassing, everything outside and inside of me.

To date, Come, Joy! is my singular published work. Friends have asked me when will I publish my next book. My answer is, as always - "when the Spirit moves."

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Something Worthy, Something Impactful, Something Real

C. Kaepernick and kids at his camp, May, 2017

At the outset of the uproar about NFL quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, and his "knee" stand for what he believes in - I saw so many other issues that were far more important. In my mind, the more important question was,  'What are we doing for our under-served children in the communities where we live?' Boycotting the NFL because of a multimillionaire and his employment status - to me - was not at the top of the list. Brotha Kaepernick will be all right, was my thought.

Please don't misunderstand me - I got why he did what he did.  I support his right to do it. There is the "big picture" for which he took the knee. But this was where I believed the boycotting of the NFL is only a part of the push for the solution.

Then lo and behold, I read an article published online, August 19, 2017 in Sporting News, by Nick Birdsong. It caught my attention because the report was about African American, Seventh-day Adventist Pastors in the Huntsville, Alabama area. I was raised Adventist, and went to college in Huntsville - I know some of the ministers. I was curious to learn what they had to say about the Kaepernick situation.

Birdsong wrote:

Thursday, a group of nearly 10 black pastors and Oakwood University President, Leslie Pollard, announced an "NFL Blackout", a boycot, or "mancot" as they referred to it, of the league. Until Kaepernick, who kneeled during the national anthem throughout 2016 as a member of the 49ers, is signed, the men are encouraging other leaders to refrain from watching NFL games, purchasing NFL-licensed paraphernalia and participating in fantasy football. 
"I want to be clear. I'm a football fan. I played it most of my life, growing up and there's rarely a Sunday that I've missed in my adult years," said Deblaire Snell, senior pastor of First Seventh Day Adventist Church. "But there comes a point in time where I've got to prioritize my convictions more than my entertainment value." 
Instead, these men will devote themselves to community service, dedicating one to two hours on Sundays for the next 17 weeks to "pouring into" African-American boys and girls, something they'll do even if Kaepernick gets picked up, and prayer for their community and government officials. 
It was that last paragraph that moved me: Instead, these men will devote themselves to community service, dedicating one to two hours on Sundays for the next 17 weeks to 'pouring into' African-American boys and girls...
If we as individuals - not just African Americans - but as members of the Human Race, would self-assess and look at our priorities, we could get so much done for the betterment of our society. After doing my research on Colin Kaepernick, I found out he's also been putting his money and his means where his knee is. At his Know Your Rights Camp  in Chicago, Illinois, Kaepernick empowers brown and black children by providing them with information and tools to become the change agents in and for their communities. 
I'm here for all of it. And that, my friends, is the big picture.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

My Statement on the Matter

The Viral Image from President Obama's Tweet, 8/12/17
The questions are: How ARE we helping our children process what's been going on? How crazy is it that we must explain to them that the obvious hate being spewed by the hate groups, hate that is being justified and not condemned by the person who holds the highest office in the world - IS WRONG and must be resisted in a country that is supposed to be FREE?
I say, all the time, that I'm glad my children are grown and have their own understanding. My prayer is for the future of our children's children. 

My work has been cut out for me. 
And I accept.

An Open Letter to The Children

A message from my Executive Director, who, even though she is out of the country, is ever-vigilant, and has responded to the Charlottesville crisis:
August, 2017
A Letter to Our Children:
We adults must be very confusing at times. Too often, we have not protected you from the open and random expressions of bigotry, racism, and violence in our world, and in our community. Most often, we fail to protect you from the endless barrage of media imagery that portrays how angry, unfair, ugly and mean spirited human beings are toward one another, how they will slaughter someone else simply because the other is not like them or does not agree with them. Because difference is threatening. Because some believe that, they must reject or destroy what is different. Because a deep fear of difference turns so readily to hatred.
Another advocate for social justice and equality died in Charlottesville. Nineteen were injured in that confrontation, the latest public failure of adults to provide an example of decency and civility, of respectful regard for all people.

What are you thinking now? What are you feeling…doing…being in response? I want to listen closely to your soft, hesitant as well as your loud, angry words, your non-words, too. I want to hear you breathe ever so cautiously or when you hyperventilate, experience you while washed in anxiety, which now spills over.
You are right. Your feelings are right. Hatred is just wrong. Silencing someone’s speech is wrong. Taking a life is always wrong. What happened in Charlottesville simply is wrong.

Most importantly, I am writing this letter to you because we know that in this imperfect world, you can get through this. You have before, using help from family, caring adults, and positive peers. People. Prayers. Preoccupation with healthy distractions. You reveal your resilience with your tears, sadness, your clinginess, as well as your hope, resourcefulness, and trust. You still dream, dance in the rain and laugh at silly jokes. You move forward, through the day to day, still hoping we adults will figure out how to protect you, and how to teach you not to hate, but to love instead. Ultimately, this is our most important adult responsibility, and this is the only way we will build a just and moral society for your future.
We make this commitment to you.
Sheryl Brissett Chapman
The National Center for Children and Families (NCCF)
Hate will not drive out the darkness, only light can do that. Hate will not drive out hate, only love will do that.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

A Word About The Greedy vs The Needy

This has been on my heart and mind for some time, so I turned to the Bible for clarity. In this current climate of the haves vs the have-not’s - where policymakers and legislators continue to tip the scale in favor of the wealthy, this question came to me: "Do the so-called ‘Christians’ among this group know what the Bible says about the oppression/exploitation of the poor?” Do they care? I’ve been wondering if they realize that God abhors intentional, continual, brutal, egregious abuse of the less fortunate by the privileged. It is plain to me that some people who claim to function under the banner of Christ, have views and behaviors that are in direct opposition to the ministry and character of Christ.

As Believers, we have a responsibility to reach out and help others. ALL others; especially the marginalized and disenfranchised (Isaiah 1:17 - this whole chapter is full of meat; Psalm 82:3-4) . The Apostle, John, admonishes us to judge with “righteous judgment” (John 7:24 - Amplified Bible) - which suggests that we should know and align ourselves with what the Lord loves, and form our observations through His lens. So, armed with this , I can judge every piece of legislation that is unbalanced, unjust and oppressive, as ungodly.

These impostors and criminals will not go unpunished. But don’t take my word for it.

Reference Texts: Deut. 24:14; Leviticus 25:17; Prov 6: 16-19; 14:31; 17:5; 19:17; 28:8; Micah 6:8; Matthew 25:40; 1 John 3:17

Saturday, July 8, 2017

The Legacy of Love

"Teach the children well" Crosby, Stills & Nash
"The greatest legacy a father can leave his children is the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ." R. L. Wynn

More than money, and even land (although property is a great legacy, to be sure) - the greatest thing a father and mother can pass down to their children is a solid spiritual foundation in the Lord.

I bless the Lord for my parents, who introduced the Lord into my life when I was an infant, and nurtured me in the Word of God throughout my formal education years and on into college. That training from my childhood provided me with a mindset - a spiritual underpinning if you will. And no matter where I went or what I did, my home training was never far from me. Oh yes, I tried some things that were in direct opposition to what I'd been taught. I've made some HUGE mistakes and suffered the consequences. No matter the choices I made, or the places those choices took me, there was a voice of godly reason and instruction that kept me clear of utter destruction! "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6. Bless the Lord, His Word is true! 

As a parent, my humanness, my frailties - all of me, has been exposed to my children. There is no hiding from those who've lived in your home from childhood. However, what I desire for my now adult children is that they continue to carry with them the truths and the faith we learned and embraced together as a family unit. In our family Bible study ministry, the Word of God opened all of our eyes, and took us beyond the confines of traditional religious thinking and worshipping. The Lord became real, and the practical application of His Word in our everyday lives was paramount. It is paramount.

The death of Bro. Wynn - the spiritual leader of our home and yea, our Bible study and music ministries - could have been the end of us. But God! Bro. Wynn left copious notes, sermons, and writings of encouragement. By the grace and power of God, I will compile these writings and give them to our children...that they may give them to their children. Until the Day of our Lord.


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Having A Real Relationship With God Is Everything

O taste and see that the Lord is good!
 Psalm 34:8 (KJV) 

In our human interactions, when we have chosen someone of interest with whom we want to develop a closer relationship, we begin the exciting process of getting to know all we can about them. Indeed, we "study" their moves, attitudes, likes and dislikes - and we begin to behave in a manner that we know is pleasing to them. We do these kind and attentive things to show ourselves in a favorable light, so that this special person will accept and choose us.

With God, the process is different because we don't choose Him first. It is after we learn/hear that He loves us, and loved us FIRST, that our hearts begin to turn toward Him; the godly seed is planted. The Bible tells us everything we need to know about the character of God. And when we study His moves, attitudes, likes and dislikes, the godly seed is watered. A transformation begins to takes place, and day by day our desire to live to please Him grows. Through prayer and study of His Word, our one-on-one with God is strengthened and beyond exciting!

Bible reference: Psalm 34 TLB (The Living Bible)

Monday, May 22, 2017

Having A Real Relationship With God Is Everything

Boaz Ministries
    In all honesty, absent of the strong testimony/witness of someone close to us, there are few things one can do to persuade someone else about the realness of God. For to know God, is to experience Him in your life. The beautiful thing about an experience with God, is that when we have an encounter with Him, it cannot be tossed aside as a coincidence, or “luck”, or any such frivolous explanation. God defies what is known as “common sense,” and He dwells outside of time – so when He moves in our lives, He does so in such a way that no one else can take the credit.

    A wise man once told me, “When you don’t feel like God is real, or when you have given up on 'the God-thing' – that’s the time to pray in earnest for the Holy Spirit to take over, and turn your ‘feelings’ into faith.” Yes, the beginning of a real relationship with the Lord God Almighty starts with prayer, and is sustained by prayer. He is always present, but comes into our conscious lives only by invitation. And we must be real with Him- pray for our hearts to be softened, and our eyes and minds to be opened to what the Spirit will impart to us. It will become an ongoing conversation that may seem to start off one-way. But little by little, and day by day, as we continue to converse with the Lord, He will reveal Himself. It’s not scary, there’s no hocus pocus, trickery or magic - but the journey WILL be awesome!

    The following is a passage of Scripture that describes the beauty and benefits of knowing God. As with every Bible reference, we encourage readers to always read the entire chapter for context, clarity and a more complete understanding (and the whole book, too!).


    Proverbs 2: 1-10 Amplified Bible

Saturday, May 20, 2017

A Story With A Message

This morning, while studying the Scriptures on the many attributes of God; searching my Bible commentary resources, preparing for the thoughts we will share on Boaz Ministries, I came across a story. It was published by an online ministry known as Bible Study Guides: Practical Answers, Real Hope. I thought it was an appropriate story to post as a prelude to our upcoming series - Having A Real Relationship With God is Everything. While believing couples do come together with a spiritual background and knowledge OF God, many of those couples still struggle with their own individual belief, faith, trust and relationship WITH God. There are some who inwardly doubt the whole “God thing”, but would never admit it to anyone, not even to themselves.
The following is a condensed popular story by the late Paul Harvey:
There was a nonreligious skeptical man who just couldn't swallow the "Jesus story" about an Incarnation, about God coming to earth as a man. But one snowy evening he noticed a flock of birds huddled miserably in the snow, not having any shelter. Well, he couldn't let the poor creatures lie there and freeze, and he thought about his barn. That would provide a warm shelter, if he could direct the birds to it. Quickly he went to the barn, opened the doors wide and turned on a light, but the birds did not come in. He figured food would entice them in. So he hurried back to the house, found some bread crumbs that he sprinkled on the snow, making a trail to the doorway of the barn.
But to his dismay, the birds ignored the bread crumbs, and continued to flap around helplessly in the snow. He tried catching them. He tried shooing them into the barn by walking around them waving his arms. Instead, they scattered in every direction, except into the warm, lighted barn. And then, he realized that they were afraid of him. To them, he reasoned, I am a strange and terrifying creature. If only I could think of some way to let them know that they can trust me. That I am not trying to hurt them, but to help them. But how? Because any move he made tended to frighten them, they just would not follow.
They would not be led or shooed because they feared him. "If only I could be a bird," he thought to himself, "and mingle with them and speak their language. Then I could tell them not to be afraid. Then I could show them the way to the safe, warm barn. But I would have to be one of them so they could see, and hear and understand." That thought became an epiphany. Stunned, he remembered the fundamental message: "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us" (John 1:14). Suddenly the gospel he had heard made complete sense! He dropped to his knees in the snow.

Monday, April 17, 2017


At the beginning of each new day, I have a view in mind -

It is a glorious scene that I hold close to my heart, and it guides me through every avenue and byway, from the mundane to the insane and back again-

It is true that heaven can be found on earth;

for when the seed of God's love is planted, when it is nurtured 

and protected from the heat of adversity
and the winds of strife -
there is sanctuary, and oneness

When the day is through, 
there's a peace that wells from 
my soul, and a singular, glorious view
that guides me home to you

Bridget Edwards 
  ©  2017

Friday, February 17, 2017

Looking Back, Moving Forward

 A dog and her best friend. Lexus the Rottie and R. Lamont, RIP
One of the things about me that seems to annoy my loved ones is my habit of taking candid photos. They say I invade their space, privacy, etc., when I snap a picture without warning.

Of course, because they know this about me, they should always be 'ready', I reason. When all is said and done, however, the end result is a crowd pleaser and a treasure to last a lifetime and beyond.

I'm glad for my obsession with taking pictures (I even demand them from my children when they are traveling). They help me join in the snapshot; relive the memorable moments in my life. Times when small details of a seemingly ordinary day open up in the same old way, and sometimes, a brand new way at second glance. A picture can bring tears of joy, thanksgiving to the heart and soul, because once upon a time, life happened. And it was good.

The picture here shows my late husband and his best friend trailing behind him on a desert path. They were walking ahead of me, and it was Valentine's Day, 2010. Both of them are gone now. But here they are again, in this timeless frame.

This picture-love I have is cathartic and gives me strength as I move forward. 

Friday, February 10, 2017

Before You Say "I Do"

Folks can always get together to pose for the perfect family picture, can’t they? After “Pray and Keep Praying”, here is number two of the TOP FIVE "ESSENTIAL THINGS TO DO LIST" for the single, marriage-minded and engaged:


If you fail to see the importance of pre-marital family observation because your loved one is so amazingly wonderful, then you're already in trouble! What you don't know WILL hurt you sooner than later. Guaranteed.

Ladies have heard the advice about watching how your man treats his mother. This counsel is deeply rooted in age-old, time-tested experience. Men, it's equally important to check how your lady regards her father. Ask yourself, “How does my loved one engage with both parents?” And in the absence of parents, what's the relationship/interaction with other family members? There continues to be too many "surprises" after marriage due to the lack of attention to details that were red flags all over the place during the dating period.

If you've made your selection - please be informed. When you've decided that this person is THE ONE - then you should already know, as much as possible, about any congenital and heredity issues. These important conversations need to be had well before you say, "I do". You're playing for keeps and there's nothing wrong with equipping each other with the whole truth so the final decision is truly guided by LOVE.

Take the time to spend time with the family of your beloved; you will learn many things from close observation. Watch how problems are solved (or not), listen carefully to what people say (and don't say). They will be YOUR family one day.

It is much better and more honorable to bow out gracefully before going to the altar, based on careful and prayerful consideration, than feeling stuck in the quicksand of dysfunction and resentment.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Single, Marriage-Minded, Engaged, and Married Folks!

This gem - by author of "The Power of a Praying Wife", Stormie Omartian, is a must-have for believing couples. Omartian is also the author of "The Power of a Praying Husband." Over the years, Boaz Ministries has shared 31 days of prayer for husbands, and for wives; and topics on the importance of family prayer. We continue to encourage everyone, single, marriage-minded, engaged, and married, to pray without ceasing.
These are troublesome times, and the body of Christ needs to be fortified to withstand the "firey darts" that come against us on a moment-by-moment basis (Ephesians 6:11-18). Establishing and maintaining a prayer life, personal and within marriage, provides so many spiritual benefits. This book is filled with prayers - a section for husbands, and one for wives. The author simply invites the reader to "pick a prayer, any prayer, and let the Holy Spirit lead you from there."
To that, we say, "Amen."

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

A Good Man

Choose a good reputation over great riches, for being held in high esteem is better than having silver or gold.
Proverbs 22:1 NLT

We all know that money can’t buy you love, nor can it buy you respect, health, common sense or prevent people from talking about you in a negative way. As men, the greatest thing we can do is to be loved, respected and thought of highly by our loved ones. Our reputations will precede us in any situation where we must make a decision that will affect others.

If we have the reputation of being shaky, we will be met with resistance. However, it should come as no surprise to us if we are of consistently good character, that our loved ones will follow us to the ends of the earth because they know we are righteous men. This we cannot buy, beg for, borrow or steal. It does not come from being rich; it comes from having a reputation for being a man of God. We are flawed but righteous, being led by the Holy Spirit to do the right thing; our lives being our witness. That is what our women want from us more than anything else.

Yes, she probably would love a diamond necklace as a gift, but the gift of integrity in her man is priceless. It is something she wears in her heart all the time, every day.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Teammates, 2017

Boaz Ministries

“Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.”
Patrick Lencioni

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NLT teaches us “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.”

If we don’t view our marriages and relationships as a team working together toward a goal, we either have an over-inflated opinion of ourselves to think we can achieve that goal by ourselves, or we have failed before we begin and don’t even know it.

As we trust in the Lord, let us trust our life teammate; for he or she is the one we have chosen not to stand on the sideline and watch us succeed or fail but to join us in every effort to live life to the fullest as planned by God.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Boaz Ministries, 2017

Boaz Ministries
We thank the Lord for His guidance in this ministry. We thank our readers and visitors who have stopped by here and shared the daily prayers in 2016 with others. By God's grace, Boaz Ministries will continue to bring messages in 2017 that we pray will reach someone in need of confirmation, a new perspective, or encouragement. And we hope that you will pass it on!

May the joy of the Lord be our strength in the new year! (Nehemiah 8:10)

The joys of living and working in a non-toxic environment

We hear so much about work/life balance in the workplace.  Companies are rated on how employee-centered they are.  It's ...