or 25 things about her that make me smile....
1. My number 2 child, the plumpest and heaviest of my 3 children, Angela was born after only 2 hours of labor!
2. She loves to sing - and she's a gifted songstress.
3. She has a deep love for animals, and she knows a great deal about them.
4. She loves the Lord and strives to live in His will. I'm grateful she's developing this important relationship at this early age.
5. She is a "Mommy's girl" - and the female image of her dearly departed father.

6. I can see some of my sensitivity mirrored in her - but she is clearly herself, and I like the way it looks on her.
7. She stays calm in the midst of confusion - which will always serve her well.
8. Her resourcefulness is growing - she's able to think on her feet.
9. She has an entrepreneur's spirit - like her father.
10. She is a conscientious student and employee - and takes pride in her work.
11. She is intelligent, and humble.
12. She has a great sense of humor - and a flair for sarcasm that doesn't (usually) offend.
13. She avoids drama - and has no tolerance for messy individuals.

14. She makes friends easily.
15. She enjoys traveling, and new adventures.
16. She's deathly afraid of spiders, and roaches, but rodents and snakes don't bother her at all!
17. She is wise with her finances.
18. Did I mention she is an EXCELLENT COOK?!! She is!
19. She takes good care of herself - exercises regularly, always drinks her water, eats her fruits and veggies!
20. She's a bit of a "germaphobe" - which is endearingly annoying (?)!LOL
21. She has a very good group of friends; some she's known since childhood.
22. She has compassion for children with special needs, and people who are less fortunate then she...
23. She has enough respect for wise counsel from her elders, to listen to it. (she's not into bumping her head to see if the wall really does hurt)
24. She is far more obedient and far less precocious than I was, back in the day! (Hallelujah!)
25. She's a beautiful work in progress, with strong convictions and values that she strives to uphold, by God's grace.
Happy 25th birthday, Angela Simone!