In this economy, we can easily become discouraged because of the corruption, greed and inequity that abounds. Everything we witness and experience outside of our family cocoon should motivate us to draw closer to one another even more. Someone once said, “I can handle the craziness going on in the outside world, as long as things are solid between me and my mate on the inside. If I’ve got my partner at my back, I can deal with it.” Standing together in the face of adversity is a force greater than any world system. And because believers know that at the core of it all, we’re in a spiritual battle – we also know that the power available to us can break through the mental and emotional strongholds that are meant to weigh us down and weaken our faith.
Does anyone among us have a testimony of how God blocked us from a calamity we were headed straight into? Can we recall how He delivered us from an addiction; or provided for us when we didn’t know how we’d make it? Do we know firsthand how God took a scandalous situation and turned it completely around for the good? Let’s choose to remember what the Lord continues to do for us when we’re tempted to become discouraged and bicker among ourselves.
Money is the going currency and we need it to handle our business, true. And life is rough - that's a fact. But I submit to you that what we have right inside our homes is far more precious than gold – and its value cannot be controlled by man. Meditate on that. Get behind closed doors and count your blessings together, and watch the miracles unfold! Money cannot begin to purchase what the Lord keeps doing on our behalf, every second of every minute of every hour of every day.
Wealthy and fierce beyond comprehension, is what we are in Christ. Come on and give Him some praise!
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