With that as the backdrop to my testimony, I wanted to share the awesome power of God through the love a father has for his daughter. You see, I called my father to check on him, and minister to him. But as we began to review our week and catch up on family information, there was a shift in the conversation. Now, I've mentioned my parents before, in a previous post on this blog - specifically, my father. When I say that my father is wise and discerning, it is no exaggeration.
My father spoke to me words of encouragement, and exhorted, admonished me to always have my loins girded... to never leave home without the whole armor of God. He challenged me to "kick butt", fight the foe, in the name of Jesus, because I am more than a conqueror! Oh...there's so much more that he shared with me that thrilled my soul! The most important piece was his closing "father-daughter prayer".
The human man that God gave to be my father, prayed to our Heavenly Father, that He take me the rest of the way on my journey. My father's prayer, the words of life he spoke concerning me and the ministry God has given me, is having an incredible impact on me; I was ministered to! I am empowered. It is humbling to have another soul reach down into your depths, touching places you haven't shared with anyone BUT God....This is how the Spirit of the living God works. There is always confirmation of the truth when God is in it. Why was I even a little surprised?!
I've been revived - not having known I needed the revival! Hallelujah! I'm honored, and completely sold out to do whatever God says. I will be still, and careful to listen for His voice for direction and guidance the rest of the way.
Thanking my Father above for my earthly father; and holding tightly to the fervent, heartfelt words and meditations from Daddy's lips to God's ears. Amen.
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