Boaz Ministries
Lord, on the days that my heart feels sad and my burdens heavy,
help me remember that I can put my hope in You. Even if I try to
satisfy myself in other ways, give me the wisdom to know that only a
relationship with You will really bring me peace.
Bible reference: Psalm 42:1-11
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Pray, period. July 30, 2016
Boaz Ministries
God, help me to sow seeds that please You. I desire pure thoughts, pure motives, a pure attitude and heart. You have given me a disciplined spirit to be this kind of Christian in all the places of my life. Now I claim it and live into this truth.
Bible reference: Galatians 6:7-10
God, help me to sow seeds that please You. I desire pure thoughts, pure motives, a pure attitude and heart. You have given me a disciplined spirit to be this kind of Christian in all the places of my life. Now I claim it and live into this truth.
Bible reference: Galatians 6:7-10
Friday, July 29, 2016
Pray, period. July 29, 2016
Boaz Ministries
You are my rock. Hiding in You, I will come to no harm. I rest in this place, seeking Your face, Jesus! There is power in that name. There is love in Your eyes. I praise Your holy name! You are the joy of my life!
Bible reference: Psalm 18:2; Psalm 32:7
You are my rock. Hiding in You, I will come to no harm. I rest in this place, seeking Your face, Jesus! There is power in that name. There is love in Your eyes. I praise Your holy name! You are the joy of my life!
Bible reference: Psalm 18:2; Psalm 32:7
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Pray, period. July 28, 2016
Boaz Ministries
My faithful God, I know that You call me out into the waters and ask me to trust You in all things. Forgive my fear when I take my eyes off of You. Give me courage today to face storms and the faith to trust that You have my hand.
Bible reference: Matthew 14:22-33
My faithful God, I know that You call me out into the waters and ask me to trust You in all things. Forgive my fear when I take my eyes off of You. Give me courage today to face storms and the faith to trust that You have my hand.
Bible reference: Matthew 14:22-33
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Pray, period. July 27, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Holy God, I want to pray every prayer with fervent faith because Your Word says that it is a prayer of faith that is answered. Give me the discipline to grow in my faith and in my prayers that are centered in Your will.
Bible reference: James 5:13-18
Holy God, I want to pray every prayer with fervent faith because Your Word says that it is a prayer of faith that is answered. Give me the discipline to grow in my faith and in my prayers that are centered in Your will.
Bible reference: James 5:13-18
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Pray, period. July 26, 2016
Almighty God, You are truly the Potter and I am the clay. Break my
self-centered spirit so that I am wholly available to You. Forgive me
when my ego gets in Your way. Melt me and mold me anew today. I submit
my life to Your will.
Bible reference: Jeremiah 18:1-11
Bible reference: Jeremiah 18:1-11
Monday, July 25, 2016
Forgiving the Unforgettable - Repost

From Boaz Ministries
At the top of the “Easier Said than Done” list is forgiving
someone who hurts us deeply. This becomes even more difficult when we have to
see them, and interact with them every day. Seeing them makes it hard to
forget, thus making it hard to forgive. Herein lies the reason having the Lord
in our relationships is so very important and why we as couples must call on
him collectively.
We will not forget the infidelity of last week or six years
ago; we will not forget the public embarrassment last night or last year; the
financial irresponsibility two years ago resulting in five more years of
sacrifice, the act of disrespect or the pain of emotional abuse. As human
beings, we hurt. Other people hurt us in any number of ways and we don’t
forget. We may move on, but we don’t forget.
Forgiveness is a totally different thing. Unlike forgetting,
which is in the mind, forgiveness originates from the heart and soul, sacred places
where God and the Holy Spirit dwell. Where there is true love in a God-centered, prayerful relationship, there will always be the capacity for forgiveness
even if we can never forget. Don’t let the enemy have you say, “I can’t forgive
Not a prayer is prayed where we don’t ask for forgiveness of
our own sins and shortcomings. More often that not, pain inflicted by a loved
one is too deep for us to deal with by ourselves. As we pray for the healing of
our deep wounds, let us pray for the forgiveness God has placed in our hearts
to be expressed towards others.
“And whenever you stand
praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in
heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.” Mark 11:25
Bruce Edwards
Pray, period. July 25, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, thank You for the gift of life! I acknowledge that my body is the temple of Your Holy Spirit. I ask that You take control of my appetite; guide me in the ways I need to nourish my body. I desire to be whole in You; physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally fit that I may serve You better. Prune away the things that keep me from glorifying You in my diet, that cloud my judgment and leave me sluggish and ineffective. Give me the strength to practice a lifestyle of balance in exercise, rest and nutrition. Help me to be a living sacrifice and a witness to others of Your power to hear and answer prayers.
Bible Reference: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 1 Corinthians 9:25; 2 Peter 1:6; Romans 12:1-2; Titus 2:12
Lord, thank You for the gift of life! I acknowledge that my body is the temple of Your Holy Spirit. I ask that You take control of my appetite; guide me in the ways I need to nourish my body. I desire to be whole in You; physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally fit that I may serve You better. Prune away the things that keep me from glorifying You in my diet, that cloud my judgment and leave me sluggish and ineffective. Give me the strength to practice a lifestyle of balance in exercise, rest and nutrition. Help me to be a living sacrifice and a witness to others of Your power to hear and answer prayers.
Bible Reference: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 1 Corinthians 9:25; 2 Peter 1:6; Romans 12:1-2; Titus 2:12
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Pray, period. July 24, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Everywhere I go, everywhere I look, things are falling apart. There's trouble right here, Lord. The world is careening out of control. But when I come to You, I can have peace. Your peace. Thank You, Lord!
Everywhere I go, everywhere I look, things are falling apart. There's trouble right here, Lord. The world is careening out of control. But when I come to You, I can have peace. Your peace. Thank You, Lord!
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Pray, period. July 23, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Jesus, thank You for today. Thank You for how You care for me and watch over me. I ask that You would be with me as I go through my day. Guard my mind and help me to remember You in my words and actions. I ask that my life would be a witness to others of Your power to heal, cleanse and transform. Thank You for loving me!
Jesus, thank You for today. Thank You for how You care for me and watch over me. I ask that You would be with me as I go through my day. Guard my mind and help me to remember You in my words and actions. I ask that my life would be a witness to others of Your power to heal, cleanse and transform. Thank You for loving me!
Friday, July 22, 2016
Pray, period. July 22, 2016
Lord, I love You. And I pray You would refine me by the power of Your Holy Spirit so there will be more of You in my life. I realize I am made in Your image. My desire is to reflect who You say I am in my life. Help me to take steps towards Spiritual maturity. Lord I pray You would bring someone along side of me who has come to know You and committed to their walk with You to help me grow. I seek to be in fellowship with doers of Your Word. Thank You, Lord, for Your faithfulness.
Bible reference: John 13:34-35; John 17:23; Romans 12:10; Ephesians 5:2; Colossians 2:2; 1 Corinthians 12:12; Matthew 18:20; 1 John 1:3,7; James 1:22
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Pray, period. July 21, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, I acknowledge You as my Provider and the Source of my life. As I head out to look for employment I pray You would guide me by Your Holy Spirit. Guide me to where You want me to work and live. Help me to express myself to the company that will hire me. Thank You for preparing me for such a time as this. In Your name I ask this and give thanks!
Bible reference: Psalm 34:10; Psalm 145:15-16; Matthew 6:31-32; Matthew 7:11; Philippians 4:19
Lord, I acknowledge You as my Provider and the Source of my life. As I head out to look for employment I pray You would guide me by Your Holy Spirit. Guide me to where You want me to work and live. Help me to express myself to the company that will hire me. Thank You for preparing me for such a time as this. In Your name I ask this and give thanks!
Bible reference: Psalm 34:10; Psalm 145:15-16; Matthew 6:31-32; Matthew 7:11; Philippians 4:19
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
When He Loves You
for anyone who wants to know
It is more than just the obligatory 'How are you doing?'
When he loves you, he waits to hear your answer...and engages with insight
and thoughtfulness
And the times when you need silence, he will sit in the quiet
with you
"He anticipates my needs" is the truth, when he loves you
When he loves you, you are his first consideration
He saves the best piece for you
The seat beside him, the shadiest spot in the park, the lovely
places in his heart are all "reserved" for you
When he loves you, the reflection in each others' eyes
becomes the inspiration for the sweetest songs inside your soul
And your joyful heart can't help but sing!
Bridget G. Edwards ©2016
Pray, period. July 20, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord I have come to You for help. I am struggling with judging others. Teach me how to pray for others when I realize they are struggling instead of judging them. Help me to have a heart that shows compassion and mercy to people who are hurting. I acknowledge that You are the righteous judge over all creation. I surrender to You. I pray You would bless those whom I have judged and that Your grace would be real to them.
Bible reference: Matthew 7:1-5; John 7:24; James 4:11-12; Romans 2:1-3; Ephesians 4:29
Lord I have come to You for help. I am struggling with judging others. Teach me how to pray for others when I realize they are struggling instead of judging them. Help me to have a heart that shows compassion and mercy to people who are hurting. I acknowledge that You are the righteous judge over all creation. I surrender to You. I pray You would bless those whom I have judged and that Your grace would be real to them.
Bible reference: Matthew 7:1-5; John 7:24; James 4:11-12; Romans 2:1-3; Ephesians 4:29
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Pray, period. July 19, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, my family needs Your help. Our family is in turmoil. Lord I ask
Your forgiveness for the times when I have been wrong in my interactions
with them. Help me extend grace and forgiveness for the times when I
have been hurt. Lord, would You come be the head of our family? Remove
the pride, and cause there to be a special bond of unity brought out of
our difficulties. Lord I pray You would redeem the situation in Your
time. Thank You for being my comfort, Lord and Savior.

Monday, July 18, 2016
Pray, period. July 18, 2016

Boaz Ministries
Lord, I lay my life down at the foot of Your cross. You are Lord over all of creation and I believe You make the best choices for me as You intercede and pray to the Father on my behalf. Lord help me to be content in the situation I am in. I pray You would be glorified through my life. I let my pride go and ask for Your help to focus my priorities on Your plans for my life. Thank you for being faithful to me.
Bible reference: Psalm 37:23, Proverbs 3:5-6; Romans 8:34; Philippians:4:11-13
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Pray, period. July 17, 2016
Lord, whenever I bring up past issues, I start the cycle of pain all
over again. Please stop me! Help me to hold my tongue, to think before I
speak. Change my thoughts to those of Christ's. Help me to put others'
need for forgiveness above my pride.
Bible reference: Proverbs 13:10' Proverbs 15:1, 4; Proverbs 21:23; James 1:26; Ephesians 4:31-32
Bible reference: Proverbs 13:10' Proverbs 15:1, 4; Proverbs 21:23; James 1:26; Ephesians 4:31-32
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Pray, period. July 16, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, thank You for the gift of life You gave me. Today, Lord, I acknowledge that You died and rose again for me so I would be able to live in freedom. I pray You would set me free from the chains that are enslaving me, by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in my life. Bring support and encouragement to me, Lord. My desire is to live a life that brings glory to You. You are my Lord and Savior. I pray for the renewal of my mind that I may please You with my life!
Bible reference: 2 Corinthians 5:17
Lord, thank You for the gift of life You gave me. Today, Lord, I acknowledge that You died and rose again for me so I would be able to live in freedom. I pray You would set me free from the chains that are enslaving me, by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in my life. Bring support and encouragement to me, Lord. My desire is to live a life that brings glory to You. You are my Lord and Savior. I pray for the renewal of my mind that I may please You with my life!
Bible reference: 2 Corinthians 5:17
Friday, July 15, 2016
Pray, period. July 15, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord I feel so much pain and grief. So many loved ones are hurting, there are so many people dying. Today I need comfort and strength that only comes from You. Please give me peace, so I may be of comfort and strength to others.
Bible reference: Psalm 18:6, 16; Psalm 38:8-9, 15; Psalm 119:50; Matthew 5:4
Lord I feel so much pain and grief. So many loved ones are hurting, there are so many people dying. Today I need comfort and strength that only comes from You. Please give me peace, so I may be of comfort and strength to others.
Bible reference: Psalm 18:6, 16; Psalm 38:8-9, 15; Psalm 119:50; Matthew 5:4
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Pray, period. July 14, 2016
"Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by
morning new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided -
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me." Help me to be a part of the
solution, and not part of the problems we face in this world. Lord,
grant me "strength for today, with bright hope for tomorrow."
Reference: Traditional Hymn, "Great is Thy Faithfulness"
Bible reference: Lamentations 3:22-23
Reference: Traditional Hymn, "Great is Thy Faithfulness"
Bible reference: Lamentations 3:22-23
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Pray, period. July 13, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, You alone hold the world together. Nothing on this planet happens without Your knowledge. During this season in my life while I wait on You, I pray You will teach what I am needing to know. It is my desire to grow and mature in faith. Help me to trust in Your timing. Help me to lean on You as I wait for the seasons in my life to change.
Bible reference: Psalm 27:14; Psalm 130:5; Isaiah 40:31
Lord, You alone hold the world together. Nothing on this planet happens without Your knowledge. During this season in my life while I wait on You, I pray You will teach what I am needing to know. It is my desire to grow and mature in faith. Help me to trust in Your timing. Help me to lean on You as I wait for the seasons in my life to change.
Bible reference: Psalm 27:14; Psalm 130:5; Isaiah 40:31
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Pray, period. July 12, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, sometimes I get so scared my heart begins beating a mile a minute. I know these are the times I have taken my eyes off You. Keep my focus on Your Word. Help me to move through these evil days with more confidence in You. Fill me with Your presence and Your courage.
Bible reference: Isaiah 35:4; Joshua 1:9; Psalm 23:4; Psalm 27:1; Psalm 34:4; Psalm 118:6; Romans 8:38-39; 2 Timothy 1:7
Lord, sometimes I get so scared my heart begins beating a mile a minute. I know these are the times I have taken my eyes off You. Keep my focus on Your Word. Help me to move through these evil days with more confidence in You. Fill me with Your presence and Your courage.
Bible reference: Isaiah 35:4; Joshua 1:9; Psalm 23:4; Psalm 27:1; Psalm 34:4; Psalm 118:6; Romans 8:38-39; 2 Timothy 1:7
Monday, July 11, 2016
Coming Home! Happy 6th Anniversary
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July 11, 2010 - the day we celebrated in Cali |
I thank God for His continued protection of these precious ones. We look forward to their safe return and continue to pray for the Lord's guidance and blessings in their lives! Happy sixth year of wedded love, Brashley! Can't wait to see you and cover you both with kisses!
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May 28, 2010 - official wedding day, in Michigan! |
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At a favorite Tea House with me! Seoul, South Korea, Sept., 2014 |
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O-World Zoo & Aquarium, South Korea, May, 2016 |
Pray, period. July 11, 2016
Boaz Ministries
I pray, Lord, for this country. Thank You for the many lives that have been encouraged by knowing You in times past. Thank You for the people who look to You each day for hope and courage. Lord I acknowledge the seasons You have brought this nation through. Lord I pray today for the men and women You have raised up to lead this nation. Lord help my nation to respect You. Lord be ever present as our government makes decisions that affect the nation. Lord I pray Your direction will unfold.
Bible reference: 1 Timothy 2:1-2; Romans 13:1-4; 1 Peter 2:13-17
I pray, Lord, for this country. Thank You for the many lives that have been encouraged by knowing You in times past. Thank You for the people who look to You each day for hope and courage. Lord I acknowledge the seasons You have brought this nation through. Lord I pray today for the men and women You have raised up to lead this nation. Lord help my nation to respect You. Lord be ever present as our government makes decisions that affect the nation. Lord I pray Your direction will unfold.
Bible reference: 1 Timothy 2:1-2; Romans 13:1-4; 1 Peter 2:13-17
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Pray, period. July 10, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, You are the lover of my soul. I thank You for the unconditional love You have shown me in my life. Lord, my body is needing Your healing and I ask You to bring healing of all sickness by the power You gained authority over when You rose from the dead. My life is in Your hands. Nothing happens without You knowing about it. While I wait on You for my healing and until I see You face to face, help me to sense Your presence and the unconditional love You have showered upon me.
Bible reference: Psalm 6:2; Psalm 30:2; Psalm 103:1-4; Matthew 4:23; Matthew 8:13; James 5:14-16
Lord, You are the lover of my soul. I thank You for the unconditional love You have shown me in my life. Lord, my body is needing Your healing and I ask You to bring healing of all sickness by the power You gained authority over when You rose from the dead. My life is in Your hands. Nothing happens without You knowing about it. While I wait on You for my healing and until I see You face to face, help me to sense Your presence and the unconditional love You have showered upon me.
Bible reference: Psalm 6:2; Psalm 30:2; Psalm 103:1-4; Matthew 4:23; Matthew 8:13; James 5:14-16
Saturday, July 9, 2016
It's a Heart Problem - But there is hope
Someone else said it better, probably: It's not a gun problem, it's a
heart problem.
I say this: It's next to impossible to legislate morality. Whether people are engaged in "checklist religiosity" or simply teetering on the edge of that thin line between love and hate (for fear of catching a case) - it has always been about what a person believes and uses as their moral compass. If the Compass is tossed out of the window and therefore, the collective consciousness, lawlessness is the result.
It is not impossible to effect change. It's time to mobilize, use our resources to edify, uplift, empower and eradicate the cancer of hate wherever we have influence in our communities, by God's grace and power.
God saw these evil days in eternity. What did He see us doing about it?
I say this: It's next to impossible to legislate morality. Whether people are engaged in "checklist religiosity" or simply teetering on the edge of that thin line between love and hate (for fear of catching a case) - it has always been about what a person believes and uses as their moral compass. If the Compass is tossed out of the window and therefore, the collective consciousness, lawlessness is the result.
It is not impossible to effect change. It's time to mobilize, use our resources to edify, uplift, empower and eradicate the cancer of hate wherever we have influence in our communities, by God's grace and power.
God saw these evil days in eternity. What did He see us doing about it?
Pray, period. July 9, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Thank You, Lord, for my child. As I teach him Your ways, give me the strength to be an example of Your character. In a world where there is no peace, help him to stand strong in his faith and convictions, keeping his trust in You. "Hear our prayer, O Lord. Hear our prayer, O Lord. Incline Thine ear to us, and grant us Thy peace. Amen."
Reference: Traditional Hymn
Bible reference: Isaiah 59:21; Proverbs 14:26; Proverbs 20:7; Psalm 143:1; John 14:27
Thank You, Lord, for my child. As I teach him Your ways, give me the strength to be an example of Your character. In a world where there is no peace, help him to stand strong in his faith and convictions, keeping his trust in You. "Hear our prayer, O Lord. Hear our prayer, O Lord. Incline Thine ear to us, and grant us Thy peace. Amen."
Reference: Traditional Hymn
Bible reference: Isaiah 59:21; Proverbs 14:26; Proverbs 20:7; Psalm 143:1; John 14:27
Friday, July 8, 2016
Pray, period. July 8, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, I want to feel and share the joy that working for and with You brings. Help me to renew my mind this morning, because my head is definitely in the wrong place. I turn to Your Word to establish my steps this day. Fill me with Your promises.
Bible reference: Psalm 28:6-7, Psalm 30:10-12; Psalm 37
Lord, I want to feel and share the joy that working for and with You brings. Help me to renew my mind this morning, because my head is definitely in the wrong place. I turn to Your Word to establish my steps this day. Fill me with Your promises.
Bible reference: Psalm 28:6-7, Psalm 30:10-12; Psalm 37
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Pray, period. July 7, 2016
Lord, it is You who I trust, not the things surrounding me. They will
never save me. Only You can do that. When I die, these earthly things
won't matter. My desire is life eternal with You. Help me to keep my
focus on You.
Bible reference: Matthew 6:19-24
Bible reference: Matthew 6:19-24
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Pray, period. July 6, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, I come before You, seeking Your face. I need direction. I feel lost. But I know You are here with me, to show me the way I should go. With You I can find rest for my soul. Give me the peace of Christ.
Bible reference: Psalm 25:16-17; Psalm 28:7; Isaiah 26:3; Isaiah 41:10
Lord, I come before You, seeking Your face. I need direction. I feel lost. But I know You are here with me, to show me the way I should go. With You I can find rest for my soul. Give me the peace of Christ.
Bible reference: Psalm 25:16-17; Psalm 28:7; Isaiah 26:3; Isaiah 41:10
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Pray, period. July 5, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Job prayed for his friends even though they had shown him their true colors. And when He did this, You blessed him. Help me to be like Job - to turn the other cheek and actually serve friends who disappoint me. I ask for that kind of compassion and dedication.
Bible reference: Job 42:10; John 15:12-13
Job prayed for his friends even though they had shown him their true colors. And when He did this, You blessed him. Help me to be like Job - to turn the other cheek and actually serve friends who disappoint me. I ask for that kind of compassion and dedication.
Bible reference: Job 42:10; John 15:12-13
Monday, July 4, 2016
Pray, period. July 4, 2016
Boaz Ministries
God, I need You to lift me up, above all these problems, above my circumstances, above my helplessness. Carry me off to Your place in the heavens where I can find my breath, where I can sit with You, where I can find the peace in Your presence.
Bible reference: Psalm 29:11; Psalm 119:165; Isaiah 54:10
God, I need You to lift me up, above all these problems, above my circumstances, above my helplessness. Carry me off to Your place in the heavens where I can find my breath, where I can sit with You, where I can find the peace in Your presence.
Bible reference: Psalm 29:11; Psalm 119:165; Isaiah 54:10
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Pray, period. July 3, 2016
Lord, as I go through this time of trial, I understand who my true
friends are. I'm blessed with kind friends who stick with me through the
thick and thin, who have modeled You in their lives. May I prove myself
worthy of such loyalty. Thank You for being with me in this storm,
through these special friends.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Pray, period. July 2, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, it's so amazing that when we come together with other believers, You show up! You love us that much. Be with Your body of believers today whenever and wherever they are meeting around the world. Show them Your power, Your presence. Answer their prayers.
Bible reference: Matthew 18:18-20
Lord, it's so amazing that when we come together with other believers, You show up! You love us that much. Be with Your body of believers today whenever and wherever they are meeting around the world. Show them Your power, Your presence. Answer their prayers.
Bible reference: Matthew 18:18-20
Friday, July 1, 2016
Pray, period. July 1, 2016
Boaz Ministries
Lord, I want to hear You speak to me all throughout the day. I want to do only what You want me to do each moment. Remind me to take each thought captive to Christ so that I am not misled, going somewhere or doing something that is not of You.
Bible reference: Romans 12:1-2
Lord, I want to hear You speak to me all throughout the day. I want to do only what You want me to do each moment. Remind me to take each thought captive to Christ so that I am not misled, going somewhere or doing something that is not of You.
Bible reference: Romans 12:1-2
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