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Repondez, S'il Vous Plaît , |
Fancy sounding and French, (repondez, s'il vous plaît ) for please respond to this invitation - either way. Yay or nay. Are you going to attend? What?
But it's 2018 and seems we've gotten away from the niceties and courteous behaviors - basic behaviors - of the past.
And I long for the politeness, respectfulness and courtesy that we practiced back when I was growing up. There would never be an unanswered R.S.V.P., and heaven forbid if a "Thank You" note wasn't sent after a gift was received!
Responding to an R.S.V.P. has gone the way of customer service. And as one wise person once told me, "Our technology, which has made so many things easier for us, has turned us into impatient, self-centered creatures." People don't think to say "please" and "thank you" as much. We don't interact with others in conversations - we'd rather text message or email. So much is lost in the pressing of the "send" button.
I would like a return to the days when we regarded one another with more respect - for their time, their service, their authority, seniority, experience, and plain old fashioned person-hood. In this day of pseudo tolerance, there is more open hatred and disregard for human life than ever I've seen in my lifetime. Because I know in Whom I believe, and that the Bible foretold of all we are experiencing now, I don't get too bent out of shape when I see the disease of hate spreading among those who have no God in them (yes, and there are those among them who think they have God in them). I am saddened and sorry for people who have no hope; mired in confusion, deception and the divisive tricks of the enemy - and pray that somehow - LOVE - touches them in a profound way.
In the meantime- I will keep the old ways that I was taught when growing up, and say "please" and "thank you", offer to help someone in need, bridle my tongue, send "Thank You" cards when I receive gifts, and promptly R.S.V.P. to invitations. Someone is expecting an answer on the other end, for crying out loud!
Respectez les autres, s'il vous plaît. D'accord?! Merci.
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