Wednesday, December 5, 2018

It's Just Not Safe Out Here Anymore...

It probably never was, really. Safe, that is. There was a time when we as human beings, and our "things" were saf-ER. But today, as 2018 comes to a close - the curtain is pulled back, and the man is exposed, the wool once covering our eyes is fully off, and what I declare today is - the times we live in are full of evil!

Thanks to modern technology I've been hacked a few times. There have been attempts to steal my identity. I, and my family, have been the victims of ongoing scams and crooked schemes that seem to get more and more outrageous - and more easy to identify at the same time. Just for giggles, seems like these unfortunate minions lived to harass, humiliate and frighten me and my loved ones, besmirch my name - to extort money - to trick me, try to bleed me dry (but I am not wealthy) and leave my whole life, credit and whatever reputation I have in complete shambles! With no success.

In my observation, there seems to be an increase of soulless individuals - demons - whose only purpose in their miserable lives is to use their brains to discredit, manipulate and harm others. All for filthy lucre. *money*  I used to say that these folks could do so much with their imaginations to make positive moves and do good in the world...and get a legitimate paycheck. But legitimate is not what they want. They love the shadows, they love the darkness - and they ENJOY hurting others.

They work for the devil himself. And they work feverishly around the clock to devise more devious ways to ruin peoples' lives! I report everything that's suspicious. And I pity these folks in the Day of Judgment.

I pray for protection from the evil in this world daily. I have no fear. And I live my life with the assurance that God's got me, my family, friends and loved ones. My God is greater than anything and everything out there. I'm safe in Him and He continues to block the attacks against me and the ones I love. But for those who have no spiritual protection in this wicked world - I urge to get sheltered in the Lord... because it's just not safe out here anymore!

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