Tuesday, January 10, 2012

One of those days

I'm not going to make a habit of complaining, but today was the pits!!!

And I have to say, I didn't feel like I had the support I needed. From anyone. But in all fairness, I really didn't "share." So my poo-poo day was pretty much kept under wraps, and when I wanted to vent to my nearest and dearest, he wasn't really "available" to listen. (more on him in another post *smilie face*)

I'm not used to that - the not being available part. But you know how you can hear when someone is otherwise occupied?  Don't know about you, but I experience the screeching "HALT!" in my mind when I realize there's no one available to hear me out.... I withdraw. I back up without making a scene...

Thankfully, at times like that, when I feel like unloading, I don't have to completely rely on human beings. I forgive them their lack of  being there for me, and I look to the ONE Who is always ready to hear me out no matter how ridiculous I may sound. And I know I'll never hear it thrown back in my face again.

I had had an annoying day because of the shenanigans and stupidity of others, and my own role in causing some of my present drama. And then I received more disturbing news from my young people in Korea (no, they're fine, but I felt they had been mistreated and disrespected - the mama Bear in me came out!). So for about half a day, I was too through with the way of the world!  

Then I took a few pages from my own mental health rehab specialist journal and began to employ the STAR method (stop, think, act, review) counted to 10, breathed deeply, talked to God for a good two hours. Then I clicked on this blog to share the news that even though I had "one of those days", I still got the VICTORY!!

Hallelujah!! God is GREAT!!

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