A few years ago in Bible study, the question was put forth that stopped everyone in our tracks. I haven't forgotten it, and it's still a legitimate issue for those of us who call ourselves believers.
We hear a lot more from the pulpit about having a " personal relationship with Christ" than was preached back when I was growing up. And that's a good thing, too. Everything "old school" isn't all good. The old school religious approach had more to do with the scare tactic when it came to serving God. Admittedly, it was that kind of sermon that motivated my eleven-year-old self to walk up and give my heart to Jesus - to be baptized. I was just scared as all get-out and didn't want to burn!
Over time, I've come to see that while there will be judgment in the final day, believers don't have to be afraid, because they've developed a real, living and breathing love relationship with the Lord. I have learned how it's possible, and am no longer worried about hell fire and brimstone. Oh, am I perfect? No. But I made a vow to God, to love, trust and obey Him until Christ returns. And He's given me the power to stay on the path.
The way we can make it more understandable, this relationship thing, is to compare it to what we actually experience between two people who say they love each other. What typically happens is - the initial attraction. After that, two people develop a mutual affinity and begin to get to know one another - they spend as much time together as possible. We're all familiar with that. And we've all had experiences where that initial attraction faded after a few weeks of getting to know one another. Or, there have been those relationships that were mutually agreeable because of some benefit one or both received. And as long as the bennies were flowing, the interest flowed, too. But if the goodies ran dry - or someone else came along with a 'better package' - you know the deal. Can I get a witness that we've been there, or at least know someone who has?
Now - imagine a believer who comes to Christ. They hear the gospel story; the unspeakable gift God gave us through the sacrifice of His only begotten Son, Jesus - and weeps sincere tears of joy! Oh, the amazing grace that saved this wretch! Oh, the lost sheep is found and all heaven is rejoicing! And now, because of belief in Jesus and accepting Him as our personal savior - we have a right to the tree of life! HALLELUJAH! The day of baptism is akin to a wedding ceremony, for, indeed, the most important vow one can make is made to the Lord on that very special day.
After the rejoicing and celebrating - and all the people have gone home- the euphoria wears off. Day after day, a little more joy that was once so real and so wonderful, disappears. A week goes by, church seems the same but something is dying inside. What's happened? Nothing. And therein lies the problem. For some, because they don't want to appear as empty as they are, they will "fake" their Christianity. And they may fool their brothers and sisters in the church. (I dare say, most are faking it - I'll probably be booed for saying that - that's ok) A believer can stay in the church and even be active for many years - yet be on empty in Christ, never mind the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, in Matthew 15:8-9 (NLT) ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.' (that last part is a whole nother topic)
God knows who truly belongs to Him and who's faking. (2 Tim. 2:19) It's just like us, when we examine the behaviors of those who say they love us. They may be in heavy like with us, but it's certainly not love. If we're serious about having a love relationship with someone - isn't it true that nothing less than total commitment will do? It's no different with God - the Creator of this whole experience we're blessed to be having!
The Bible doesn't stutter about how we are to show our love for God. It is no secret. I am of the opinion that we ought to love Him simply because He IS - and He made us! Throughout the Word, we are instructed, yea, commanded to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength (Deut. 6:5, 10:12; Matt. 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27). And the relationship is not one-sided, as so many human ones are! No! Our God is faithful to us, and made a vow to us and keeps His promises to us for "a thousand generations" - (to those who love Him! Deut.7:9). David, the Psalmist can't say enough about God and how he served and sought after God with his WHOLE heart! (Psalm 119:2, 10, 34).
This is not a halfhearted proposition - this relationship with the Lord. And I think, if we meditate on all the things He has done for us, if we acknowledge that He is the King and ruler of our hearts - and we accept His sovereignty over our lives, knowing He has our best interests in mind and heart (because He knows the end from the beginning) - how can we not fall in love with Him?
Think of it this way - we know that infatuation is just a passing phase, and we've all been there. Once we were "over" that short-lived experience with that person we were only in heavy like with, what happened? We dumped them (or got dumped)! Imagine if God had only been infatuated with us.
Are we in love? Or are we simply infatuated with the idea of God, Jesus and this whole Plan of Redemption thing? Just some stuff I've been thinking...
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