It took me nearly 40 years to understand the importance of prayer, and how this form of communication with the Lord brings not only comfort and peace, it binds our hearts closer to Him. Prayer, in my opinion, is simply a conversation with our very best Friend. God loves us with an everlasting love and with His lovingkindness He has drawn us to Him! (paraphrase Jeremiah 31:3). No human being can claim that!
Many of us have heard it said, "prayer is the key that unlocks heaven's doors", or "prayer is the key in the hand of faith", and, "prayer is the key to the heart of God." Well, I believe all of the above. It's not that the omniscient God doesn't know what's in our thoughts, or is unaware of our concerns - because the Bible says He knows even the secret things! (Daniel 2:20-22) Our communion with God is more about relationship with Him. And prayers are not always requests; things we want God to do for us. A prayer may be a simple "thank You, Lord", in the morning when we open our eyes to see a brand new day. A prayer may be a conversation with the Lord while driving to work - going over plans and seeking His guidance. I have found, in my own experience, how having "a little talk with Jesus", really does clear my mind. And even when things don't go well, my foundation stands firm. I'm not shaken because I've fortified my mind, heart and soul and have the assurance of His divine presence. The proof is usually manifested in the way a potentially horrible outcome is buoyed or even avoided because of a word placed in my mouth at the right time - when I would have otherwise made things worse (in the flesh). I've tried handling things my way, and I know the difference. Now, I never leave home without spending time in prayer and the Word!
Prayer gives us supernatural powers! Power to love the unlovable, and give of ourselves when we're really not in the mood, seeking nothing in return! We're not alone when we've asked the Lord to order our steps in His Word. (Ps 37:23; 119:133) God knows us by heart, and when we've been communicating with Him on a regular basis, He grants us the desires of our hearts because we've become one in the Spirit with Him and His Son, Jesus. (Ps 37:4) We're not perfect, by any means, but we're sons and daughters after God's own heart because we have accepted His Gift of love! If someone has wronged us, we as believers know we must forgive! (Matt. 5:14-15; Mark 11:25-26) When we do wrong, we confess (agree) our error before Him and ask forgiveness, and He does!(1 John 1:9) If we have wronged someone, we know that the Word of God requires us to ask that person for forgiveness. (Matt. 5:22-24) AND HE GIVES US THE POWER TO WALK THE TALK! Prayer for strength in difficult situations is God's specialty. I know that the favor and blessings I receive in my life are due to the powerful prayers of friends and family on my behalf. And so, my relationship with God is ever increasing because of His faithfulness toward me - I can't help but praise and thank Him daily for grace - which is unmerited favor!
When we open ourselves to a closer walk with God, we cannot remain the same. Our thought processes change; our way of life changes. Our friends may not even recognize us anymore. (we won't recognize ourselves!) And some friends will fall by the waysi(de because of the light that shines within you. We have heard it said that prayer changes things. I'm a living witness to this fact. When we allow the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, into our hearts (which is Christ dwelling within us) - we begin an amazing transformation! (Romans 12:1-2; Philippians 2:5)
You know how we say, when someone has spent quality time with their beloved, there is a glow about them? The glow is even more intense when we've had an intimate connection with our Lord and Savior. It's unexplainable, but for those who have daily communion with God, it's understood.
I pray that we become more curious about the joy a closer walk can bring us through an intentional, prayerful connection with God. I guarantee you more fulfillment than you've ever known!
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