I've said it before - there's no such thing as luck. I do believe that circumstances and situations can be fortunate or unfortunate... but there is a difference. A quick search of the definitions (lucky/luck vs fortunate/unfortunate), might help explain it.
If I can just bask for a moment in the truth of the words of the poster on the left of the page; I believe I can get a few witnesses.
My life, a book with several chapters, some closed - is a testimony of God's very intentional interaction between Himself and humans. And as I grow older, I can see more clearly where He has been handling my issues, and directing my steps. The realization, the recognition of His work is awe inspiring!
I shouldn't wonder; I asked Him very plainly some years ago to show Himself strong in my life. And the God of all my circumstances continues to show me that He is above all others. He's so ridiculously wonderful, that even my missteps and stumbling blocks become stepping stones; teaching opportunities whereby someone else can be encouraged. Ain't no accidents. My whole journey is a testimony that God is in charge. And when believers put their trust in Him - His blessings come flowing out to us in the richness and fullness of the fruit of the spirit: "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance." (Galatians 5:22-23)
My prayer is that all of us choose to let God draw us closer to Him. His embrace is stronger, deeper, and endures far beyond any temporary fix or fleeting fancy. He is the anchor in the storm of life's unfortunate events and "the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" ( Hebrews 11:6). His power is greater than the rabbit's foot and the four-leaf clover - they have no authority! He created them, after all!.
I praise God for His faithfulness, for His guidance, protection and mercy! Can't imagine leaving my life, yea, my very soul, to 'chance'.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
"Don't quit 5 minutes before the miracle"
In the course of my ministry, I hear a lot of things. People share their stories with me; I assist them in mapping out their goals - and provide them with tools to achieve them. If I don't have an answer to a question, I'm pretty good at knowing how to look for it, and then I show them how to find it. The main objective in every case is self-sufficiency and an improved life.
As I am imparting and empowering those I assist - I also glean valuable bits of information in return. It never fails. My latest lesson was so incredibly "right up under my nose" and tailor made for me (therefore, straight from God) - that it blew me back! Last summer, a woman a few years my senior shared her story, telling me how she had once been very impatient and would make hasty decisions in the past. She'd hit a wall, or what she thought was a wall, and give up. Time after time, when going through life's discomforts, she'd reach a dead-end, or what she thought was a dead-end - and stop cold. Then a day came when she was at another impasse, and she reminded herself that she's a person of faith - so she decided to keep praying, to persevere - to be strong enough to last for "five more minutes." And God showed up. That's when the sista raised her right hand and pointed her index finger at me and said, "Miss Bridget, see, don't quit 5 minutes before the miracle! Those walls I hit were opportunities for me to keep pushing on in faith!"
Ladies and gentlemen - some of you know what she meant. And if I may be transparent with you, I was stirred by this woman's testimony last summer, but I wasn't to learn the lesson once and for all, until just last week, in the fullness of time. I had a situation that I thought needed to be handled "a certain way"; and I had become frustrated. I'd prayed about it, asked God to show me what to do, all of that. Then I tried to make it work on my own, because I hadn't listened for God's voice in the matter. Of course "my way" wasn't working; how could it? I threw up my hands, almost quit, when I remembered that I am a person of faith! Then I got somewhere and sat myself down, and waited. Five days later, no exaggeration, God revealed the way my problem would be solved! It was so simple and perfect it was crazy! And His plan was far better than what I was trying to "jerry-rig" (no offense to the Jerrys out there).
I just wanted to share this good stuff - it might help somebody else.Wait on the Lord! Don't quit 5 minutes, 5 days, or 5 years before the miracle! Some of you know what I mean.
As I am imparting and empowering those I assist - I also glean valuable bits of information in return. It never fails. My latest lesson was so incredibly "right up under my nose" and tailor made for me (therefore, straight from God) - that it blew me back! Last summer, a woman a few years my senior shared her story, telling me how she had once been very impatient and would make hasty decisions in the past. She'd hit a wall, or what she thought was a wall, and give up. Time after time, when going through life's discomforts, she'd reach a dead-end, or what she thought was a dead-end - and stop cold. Then a day came when she was at another impasse, and she reminded herself that she's a person of faith - so she decided to keep praying, to persevere - to be strong enough to last for "five more minutes." And God showed up. That's when the sista raised her right hand and pointed her index finger at me and said, "Miss Bridget, see, don't quit 5 minutes before the miracle! Those walls I hit were opportunities for me to keep pushing on in faith!"
Ladies and gentlemen - some of you know what she meant. And if I may be transparent with you, I was stirred by this woman's testimony last summer, but I wasn't to learn the lesson once and for all, until just last week, in the fullness of time. I had a situation that I thought needed to be handled "a certain way"; and I had become frustrated. I'd prayed about it, asked God to show me what to do, all of that. Then I tried to make it work on my own, because I hadn't listened for God's voice in the matter. Of course "my way" wasn't working; how could it? I threw up my hands, almost quit, when I remembered that I am a person of faith! Then I got somewhere and sat myself down, and waited. Five days later, no exaggeration, God revealed the way my problem would be solved! It was so simple and perfect it was crazy! And His plan was far better than what I was trying to "jerry-rig" (no offense to the Jerrys out there).
I just wanted to share this good stuff - it might help somebody else.Wait on the Lord! Don't quit 5 minutes, 5 days, or 5 years before the miracle! Some of you know what I mean.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
yes, I know the meaning of being sanctified....
if you ever want to know if you're in full blown, sanctified, set apart love, or just strong infatuation - here's a little something that may be helpful, that will tease out the truth from the lie... real love works for/with/because/in spite of one another... this is true for couples, and correlates with our spiritual relationship with God... believers need the combined power of the Godhead in our unions to be victorious...
...because when the times get so rough
even my heart wants to scream "enough!"
my mind overrules that noise
for there is no other direction but forward
and no other way to deal, but straight
and though either or both of us caused the problem
we vowed to be part of the solution
when bad circumstances find us unbalanced,
we lock arms and rise above them
refusing to be drawn under
...because there is no issue too deep
and no obstacle so immovable that
we can't find our way around or clean through it
...because I looked in your face that day
and declared I'm not afraid
...because I was made to go the distance
...because there's no amount of hell on earth
that can reverse this life decision
...because trouble don't last always
and by the strength of our faith and God's awesome grace
we'll move on into heaven!
Bridget Edwards © 2013
...because when the times get so rough
even my heart wants to scream "enough!"
my mind overrules that noise
for there is no other direction but forward
and no other way to deal, but straight
and though either or both of us caused the problem
we vowed to be part of the solution
when bad circumstances find us unbalanced,
we lock arms and rise above them
refusing to be drawn under
...because there is no issue too deep
and no obstacle so immovable that
we can't find our way around or clean through it
...because I looked in your face that day
and declared I'm not afraid
...because I was made to go the distance
...because there's no amount of hell on earth
that can reverse this life decision
...because trouble don't last always
and by the strength of our faith and God's awesome grace
we'll move on into heaven!
Bridget Edwards © 2013
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
The Gift, The Loan, The "Lift" - and What the Bible Says...
Just want to take a moment to speak on the above and their definitions. And what the Bible says.
A monetary blessing that is freely given, with no expectation of repayment. Case closed, no further discussion. Hallelujah.
A monetary exchange, where the lender and borrower agree to both the amount, terms and time of repayment.
This term was defined to me by my dear cousin several years ago - and it's beautiful. This is a monetary blessing that is bestowed upon the borrower, at the borrower's request, but the requester will not be required to repay, if he or she is unable. My cousin explained that she and her husband always consider whether or not the loan is something they have no problem parting with - forever. So the borrower is not held responsible, and there are no ill feelings.
In my lifetime, I have been the recipient of all three...as well as the giver. But one note of extreme importance that I must add:
If the giver finds him/herself in dire straits after they have bestowed a monetary blessing upon someone - and they now require financial help.... they should:
1. Seek assistance from someone other than the one they just helped, or;
2. Ask the gift recipient for help, stipulating the two situations are completely separate... and not to be construed as repayment of the gift. (so the need amount being requested is not the same as the amount of the aforementioned gift!)
The above is my humble opinion. But the Bible is even MORE in-depth than I - concerning the appropriate state of mind and heart of the LENDER!
"And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to get back the same amount. But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful." Luke 6:34-36
Thankful for God's mercy and His grace today. I'm sure I can get a witness! Amen!
A monetary blessing that is freely given, with no expectation of repayment. Case closed, no further discussion. Hallelujah.
A monetary exchange, where the lender and borrower agree to both the amount, terms and time of repayment.
This term was defined to me by my dear cousin several years ago - and it's beautiful. This is a monetary blessing that is bestowed upon the borrower, at the borrower's request, but the requester will not be required to repay, if he or she is unable. My cousin explained that she and her husband always consider whether or not the loan is something they have no problem parting with - forever. So the borrower is not held responsible, and there are no ill feelings.
In my lifetime, I have been the recipient of all three...as well as the giver. But one note of extreme importance that I must add:
If the giver finds him/herself in dire straits after they have bestowed a monetary blessing upon someone - and they now require financial help.... they should:
1. Seek assistance from someone other than the one they just helped, or;
2. Ask the gift recipient for help, stipulating the two situations are completely separate... and not to be construed as repayment of the gift. (so the need amount being requested is not the same as the amount of the aforementioned gift!)
The above is my humble opinion. But the Bible is even MORE in-depth than I - concerning the appropriate state of mind and heart of the LENDER!
"And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to get back the same amount. But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful." Luke 6:34-36
Thankful for God's mercy and His grace today. I'm sure I can get a witness! Amen!
Just Breathe....Together
Boaz Ministries
Just breathe...together
This message is simple. Make time to luxuriate in each others' presence - even if you are engaged in different activities. Cherish the moments that will knit you closer together in your union.
Just breathe...together
This message is simple. Make time to luxuriate in each others' presence - even if you are engaged in different activities. Cherish the moments that will knit you closer together in your union.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
When It's Ok to Let Someone Else Have the Last Word
In my experience, having the last word, the final say, is most appropriate when raising children. As the adult, the provider and supplier of the immediate and long-term needs - what we say, goes. No discussion.
It's justified. The authority of good parents should be undisputed.
However, I have been in numerous situations in my interactions with other adults, where I have found it quite all right to allow someone else to utter the last word(s), specifically in a disagreement, or conflict. It is no longer a matter of pride for me to verbalize a clever quip, or parting (snide) remark... or rub the fact that I was "right" in the other person's face (when I was indeed right).
Now, I simply receive the other person's email, phone call/text, as the final word, for the record - even when a well placed electronic blow to the jugular is tempting. For where there is no point in continuing, because there will be no agreement - or, the relationship has run its course - I've found it very satisfying to remain silent. And because I have become extremely careful about how I communicate - in that I practice being accessible, making promises I can keep, and immediately taking responsibility for errors I've made, and fixing them to the best of my ability - when the inevitable "when all is said and done" time comes, I have, by God's grace and power, accomplished both. Amen.
My goal here, is to make sure my efforts are sincere and my words are crystal clear (even if my motives are not immediately evident to others), no matter what. And my last communication in any given situation, must be something that glorifies God.
It's justified. The authority of good parents should be undisputed.
However, I have been in numerous situations in my interactions with other adults, where I have found it quite all right to allow someone else to utter the last word(s), specifically in a disagreement, or conflict. It is no longer a matter of pride for me to verbalize a clever quip, or parting (snide) remark... or rub the fact that I was "right" in the other person's face (when I was indeed right).
Now, I simply receive the other person's email, phone call/text, as the final word, for the record - even when a well placed electronic blow to the jugular is tempting. For where there is no point in continuing, because there will be no agreement - or, the relationship has run its course - I've found it very satisfying to remain silent. And because I have become extremely careful about how I communicate - in that I practice being accessible, making promises I can keep, and immediately taking responsibility for errors I've made, and fixing them to the best of my ability - when the inevitable "when all is said and done" time comes, I have, by God's grace and power, accomplished both. Amen.
My goal here, is to make sure my efforts are sincere and my words are crystal clear (even if my motives are not immediately evident to others), no matter what. And my last communication in any given situation, must be something that glorifies God.
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