Sunday, March 3, 2013

Luck has nothing to do with it

I was going through some old mail and came across several where well-wishers concluded their notes with, "best of luck". And even the first time I read those messages I smirked to myself because I'm one who doesn't account ANYTHING to happenstance or coincidence.

Having just made a huge move from the west coast to the east coast 6 months ago, I knew I was stepping out on faith. I was confident that the move, as bold as it appeared to some, was exactly what God had ordered.

Of course, I did as much as I could to prepare myself - sending out my resume, applying for jobs - well ahead of my intended departure. I'd even had a few promising phone interviews before I left. Most of all, I kept praying. I didn't want to be doing something that was purely my own desire, and not what the Lord wanted me to do. I didn't want to misread His signals. And I admit I was hoping that we were in synch on the course and path my life was to take. Movement was to take place - that much I knew. Leaving the place where I was raised and had lived for 50 years, was something I had wanted to do for many years. It was no secret to my closest friends. I hoped and prayed that it was now time to leave - until I was very sure (with my former job shutting down due to lack of funding and the sluggish job market in my area).

Fast forward to now. Six months later, to the day, I have employment, a new home, a car (as well as close proximity to every available transit mode!)...and I have loving family and friends, old and new, in my new location. My husband, who is also moving from another state, will join me very soon. We continually pray for our grown children, and they are all doing well. Our every need is supplied and we even have some of the things we want.

That's all God!


The joys of living and working in a non-toxic environment

We hear so much about work/life balance in the workplace.  Companies are rated on how employee-centered they are.  It's ...