Sunday, December 31, 2017

Moving Forward into 2018 with Gladness!

2017 was eventful in ways we as a nation had never seen before. Instead of listing all of the negatives, I'd like to focus on the positive.

At the time of this writing, I am in good health, enjoy a fulfilling career, joyfully married to my best friend, and all of our children, and grandchildren are well and experiencing enriched lives - all by the power and grace of God.

As a believer, I know that God is in control - and He is not surprised by the happenings in this world.  During this year, the true characters have been revealed of some of the so-called powerful individuals some have admired.  This should be no surprise to believers. The Bible is clear that what is done in the dark will come to light. Our sins will eventually be found out.  Even non-believers understand the force of cause and effect, and karma. It's real.

So the golden rule is still the best compass - whether you are a believer or not. Simply do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This does not guarantee that others will treat you well - some may even lie on you because they lack scruples themselves and have no moral compass. The end result, however, is what your heart knows - your conscience is clear. And as another saying goes, "the truth will come out."

Today, I celebrate the end of a turbulent year with great news! My second daughter, my middle child, has become engaged to a wonderful, God-fearing young man and our family is ecstatic with joy and gratitude. Her late father would be extremely pleased. The young man asked me for her hand with the utmost  care, respect and meticulous preparation! 
Derek and Angela, engaged, 12/29/17!!

I am blessed to witness that the prayers of the righteous do avail much - even after they have passed away. 

God is great, and greatly to be praised! And I wish for us all the blessings of joy, peace and love to abide within us, that we may share with others who are in need, throughout the new year!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Having a Real Relationship with God is Everything...4

There's been many a sweet love song with lyrics that have helped to seal the deal for millions of people. One such song, an obscure number titled, "In Love We Grow" from the popular 70s R&B group, "Rufus", speaks very clearly to our message today. The lyrics are as follows:
"We go on and on/from dawn to dawn
the years have flown much faster than we know/
and still in love we grow
Time has placed us here/afraid of fear
we've seen through tears that never should have come/and still in love we grow
Like a baby dove, our love, in time, it's snowy wings unfold
to soar, above
I'll stay, another hour, another day/my whole life
as long as I feel this way
I'll stay with you, I know, I know, I know
As long as I feel this way
In love, we'll grow"
"I'll long as I feel this way." Friends, the message to us today is - a God-centered marriage is meant to go the distance. And couples who cultivate an intentional relationship with the Lord, individually and collectively, won't rely on something as flimsy as feelings when things go wrong in marriage. They will depend on Him. He is the Keeper.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Having a Real Relationship with God is Everything...3

It has been said, "People make time for things they're interested in." And this month, as we continue to focus on cultivating a real relationship with God, we add the following:
When we meet someone who catches our eye in that special way, we begin to do everything we can to find out more about them. We want to learn their likes, dislikes, who they spend time with, what their habits are - it's a process that we are happy to go through because this person brings something unique to our lives. We find ourselves thinking seriously about going the distance with this person, and even begin to make changes to become the best choice for them. The time we are willing to put in - the joyous work of getting to know a prospective life partner - should be no more than the time we, as believers, put into getting to know the Lord. An intimate relationship with the Lord will actually give us a more informed understanding of who we should choose to love, honor and cherish until death.
The good news is, as long as we're alive, it's not too late to develop a closer relationship with the Lord. His power to transform us into the best we can be for Him, takes care of everyone else in our lives.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Having a Real Relationship with God is Everything..2

Everybody loves a wedding. And all of the preparation, planning and energy that go into making that day fabulous and special is very exciting!
May we remember that the preparation for the marriage is far more important than the wedding day. For after the reception is over and the guests have all gone home, the two who are now one will experience days that only God can hold together. And He only comes by invitation.

The joys of living and working in a non-toxic environment

We hear so much about work/life balance in the workplace.  Companies are rated on how employee-centered they are.  It's ...