Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Wife's Blessing - part 2 The Covering, The Umbrella, The Shield

Boaz Ministries

The man who finds a wife finds a good thing; she is a blessing to him from the Lord. (Proverbs 18:22 The Living Bible)

It is no secret that in blessing others, we are, indeed, blessed. The husband who has knowledge and understanding of Proverbs 18:22, will be wise in the acknowledgement of his gift, his blessing; his wife. And the blessings flow from husband to wife to husband, to wife, over and over. Here are some "things husbands love about their wives," shared by godly men who draw strength, encouragement, and limitless love supplies from their wives without shame or reservation:

* A wife's forgiveness. A husband can "see" the love when he
has been forgiven.
* A wife's respect. However it is defined, a man truly appreciates
when his wife honors him.
* A wife's courtesy. Husbands cherish a wife who sincerely
laces her requests with kindness, not rude demands.
* A wife's openness. A husband would rather know what's on his
wife's mind than be expected to guess.
* A wife's unselfishness. Share your love with your husband, you
will get the best of his in return.
* A wife's patience. Husbands lead, but they do take missteps
along the way. A husband's love grows deeper knowing his
wife is longsuffering and has his back.
* A wife's praise and worship. Godly husbands enjoy witnessing
their wives in worship, whether she is in private or engaged in
corporate praise.

Men are often thought to be singular in our approach and love for women. But the man committed to marriage knows that his love is about far more than the physical. The real, lasting love we have for our wives comes from her character and who she is on the inside (1 Peter 3:1-6).

Monday, July 20, 2015

A Wife's Blessing - part 1 The Covering, The Umbrella, The Shield

Boaz Ministries

You husbands must love your wives with the same love Christ showed the church. He gave up his life for her … (Eph. 5:25 NLT)

The following are words of commitment written by a husband to his wife. As part of his display of devotion, this husband gave his wife a symbol of his protection, a pendant in the form of a shield.

I WANT TO TRULY ENJOY YOU, as God intended it, in our years “together,” defined as living “as one” at the deepest soul level. Let’s truly live – together. Let’s serve well and love well – together. Let’s seek to know, love and glorify God – together. Let’s relentlessly search for God’s plan for our lives and be obedient to his direction – together. Let’s have fun and laugh and cry – together. Let’s finish well no matter what God asks of us – together. And through heaven’s eyes let’s look back on our lives with no regrets – together.
* I am passionate about you! I cherish you! I love you!
* You are lovely and beautiful – both inside and out!
* And I will forever be grateful that God brought us together. 


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Intimacy Umbrella Under Your Husband, continued

Boaz Ministries

Condition: If you're truly submitted to your husband, (not just in what you choose to be) as unto the Lord...
Blessing: You will be rewarded and blessed! Col 3:18, 23-24

Condition: If you do not sexually defraud/ deny your husband and make love frequently...
Blessing: Sexual temptations will not come to you! 1 Cor 7:2-5

Condition: If you passionately rejoice sexually with your husband and allow him to delight in your breasts...
Blessing: Your husband will not go searching for other women, nor will he be tempted by them! Pr 5:15-19

Condition: If you respond sexually to him enthusiastically and don't make excuses to avoid lovemaking
Blessing: Your husband will not withdraw from you either physically or emotionally! Song of Solomon 4

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Intimacy Umbrella Under Your Husband

Boaz Ministries

When we accept someone into our life, one who has demonstrated that they have our best interests at heart; we know we are loved. God’s standard provides for each partner to enjoy the blessings of marriage. In the coming weeks, we will explore some ways husbands and wives may bless each other, based on Godly love, respect and patience. For wives, the following “conditions” represent the spiritual environments in which the “blessings” may flourish.


Condition: If you forgive your husband daily and don't go to sleep with offenses, hurts, anger or bitterness.
Blessing: The devil will not gain an entrance to harass you!
Eph 4:26

Condition: If you honor and reverence him by accepting his leadership and responding to his spiritual guidance and correction.
Blessing: Your husband will be encouraged to lead and nurture you in your spiritual growth and intimacy with our Lord! He will want to be a godly example for you to imitate! Eph 5:22-33

Condition: If you leave your parents and unite yourself sexually to your husband.
Blessing: You will be one flesh with him (togetherness as best friends and lovers), and have a fulfilled and intimate marriage! Gen 2:24

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Intimacy Umbrella - "Covering" Continued...

Boaz Ministries

In April, we introduced the prayer series on Covering Wives in Prayer, which we shared on Boaz for a few weeks. To recap, we discussed the metaphor of "covering" as it relates to the spiritual relationship between husbands and wives (1 Corinthians 11:3-15; Ephesians 5:22-24). We provided prayers with Scripture that can help husbands intercede for their wives; intentional prayers specific to the area(s) of need and concern. Spiritual covering is singular and special because it is also an intimate relationship, which cannot be shared with any other individual. Covering is protection, like an umbrella. And husbands are also covered in prayer by their praying wives. Throughout our ministry we have shared resources that are meant to stimulate conversations - between husbands and wives, between each partner and God, and between the couple corporately, and God.

Along with the benefits of prayerful covering come the full blessings of enhanced intimacy between loving spouses. Wives, we will bring more good and exciting things as we explore what God designed for us under the "Intimacy Umbrella." And we will give equal time to the husbands!

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