Monday, January 30, 2017

Single, Marriage-Minded, Engaged, and Married Folks!

This gem - by author of "The Power of a Praying Wife", Stormie Omartian, is a must-have for believing couples. Omartian is also the author of "The Power of a Praying Husband." Over the years, Boaz Ministries has shared 31 days of prayer for husbands, and for wives; and topics on the importance of family prayer. We continue to encourage everyone, single, marriage-minded, engaged, and married, to pray without ceasing.
These are troublesome times, and the body of Christ needs to be fortified to withstand the "firey darts" that come against us on a moment-by-moment basis (Ephesians 6:11-18). Establishing and maintaining a prayer life, personal and within marriage, provides so many spiritual benefits. This book is filled with prayers - a section for husbands, and one for wives. The author simply invites the reader to "pick a prayer, any prayer, and let the Holy Spirit lead you from there."
To that, we say, "Amen."

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

A Good Man

Choose a good reputation over great riches, for being held in high esteem is better than having silver or gold.
Proverbs 22:1 NLT

We all know that money can’t buy you love, nor can it buy you respect, health, common sense or prevent people from talking about you in a negative way. As men, the greatest thing we can do is to be loved, respected and thought of highly by our loved ones. Our reputations will precede us in any situation where we must make a decision that will affect others.

If we have the reputation of being shaky, we will be met with resistance. However, it should come as no surprise to us if we are of consistently good character, that our loved ones will follow us to the ends of the earth because they know we are righteous men. This we cannot buy, beg for, borrow or steal. It does not come from being rich; it comes from having a reputation for being a man of God. We are flawed but righteous, being led by the Holy Spirit to do the right thing; our lives being our witness. That is what our women want from us more than anything else.

Yes, she probably would love a diamond necklace as a gift, but the gift of integrity in her man is priceless. It is something she wears in her heart all the time, every day.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Teammates, 2017

Boaz Ministries

“Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.”
Patrick Lencioni

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NLT teaches us “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.”

If we don’t view our marriages and relationships as a team working together toward a goal, we either have an over-inflated opinion of ourselves to think we can achieve that goal by ourselves, or we have failed before we begin and don’t even know it.

As we trust in the Lord, let us trust our life teammate; for he or she is the one we have chosen not to stand on the sideline and watch us succeed or fail but to join us in every effort to live life to the fullest as planned by God.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Boaz Ministries, 2017

Boaz Ministries
We thank the Lord for His guidance in this ministry. We thank our readers and visitors who have stopped by here and shared the daily prayers in 2016 with others. By God's grace, Boaz Ministries will continue to bring messages in 2017 that we pray will reach someone in need of confirmation, a new perspective, or encouragement. And we hope that you will pass it on!

May the joy of the Lord be our strength in the new year! (Nehemiah 8:10)

The joys of living and working in a non-toxic environment

We hear so much about work/life balance in the workplace.  Companies are rated on how employee-centered they are.  It's ...