Monday, January 23, 2012

The Comforter

I know a little more about Him, now
He's the One Who wraps me in peace
when there's nothing but trouble all around

He's the One Who calms my fears
when I'm standing at the edge of the unknown
He gives me the push I need to cross on over...
(then my soul looks back in wonder!)

I know something about His power, now
He's unshackled me from the guilt of my past
I'm accepted into the Beloved!

He reminds me that I can't expect to be forgiven,
if I refuse to forgive
He's freed my heart to let go,
and let Him handle all my battles

He knows what He's doing
He's perfect in every way, even when
His way doesn't make "common sense"
I know there's nothing common about Him, now

He stretches me beyond my humanness
because... I allow Him inside
My human self is not enough on my best day
So I don't leave home without Him

I depend on Him every waking moment, now
Any good thing that I might do, is all His doing

I don't claim one kind act or word as my own
Doesn't matter what others think about me
He lives inside me, now

He knows me intimately, I've given Him permission
Willingly I lay bare before Him, He corrects and covers me

When I think I can't make it another step
He meets me there, and takes me the rest of the way

There's nothing like the Love He gives
I can't describe the Joy inside!
I can't live without Him, now!

I wish everyone would get to know Him
All it takes is an invitation, and He will dwell within
The best kind of possession possible
We become fully His and He is fully ours!

He'll work incredible miracles in your life!
I know that, now...

© 2012

Inspired by His work in my own life, as promised by Jesus in John 14:15-18 (KJV)

...If ye love Me, keep My commandments.  And I will pray the Father and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever,even the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him. But ye know Him, for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.  I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Bible ain't for everybody

Excuse me, I'm probably going to speak in the vernacular a bit here. But don't get me wrong, the Bible was given to all wo/men.  The fact is, not everyone recognizes the Bible as the Word of God. And I get that. In order to believe that the Bible is God's "love letter to mankind", one has to have faith. Maybe even a lot of faith. Since I grew up believing, the leap from what my parents taught me to what I let the Bible itself teach me wasn't that huge - once I got serious about studying for myself.

There are varying degrees of belief concerning the Bible, too. Some people believe it's a great history book about a certain group of people, and only for that group of people. Some find the Bible full of contradiction and bloody wars commanded by an angry and jealous God. Others believe it's a nice book that has some neat guidelines on how to live in harmony with others, but no attachment to anything like soul salvation. I know a few people who consider it a book of straight fiction. And then there are those of us who believe what the Bible says about itself...that, yes, it was written by men. Most Bible detractors can't get past the "written by men" part. But - these men were filled with the Spirit of God, and wrote words of life, admonition, encouragement, and judgement, as the Spirit moved. (paraphrase 2 Peter 1:16-21) However, you can't believe that if you don't have faith.

I wrote in another post, that the Bible is as relevant to our lives today as it was way back when Moses wrote the Torah, or, the Pentateuch. (the first five books of the Bible). Grant it, my opinion is founded on my faith in the Book, and the God of the Book.  I've been a serious student of the Book for a few years now, and I find that there are new insights every time I read it. Even texts I've been knowing most of my life, have brought me a different, deeper perspective than times before. David said in Psalms 119:105(KJV), Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. That's just real. And I think that people sometimes allow the volume of the Book to intimidate them - and many say they don't like the King James Version because it's too hard to comprehend with all the "thees" and "thous". That's been handled, though, because there are now so many contemporary versions that speak to the reader  in today's language without watering down the message.(however, there are KJV lovers who don't trust any other version)

Add to that, there are folks who get caught up and turned off by the confusion of all these different churches and their different interpretations of what the Bible says. And that's a  hot mess, for true, I ain't gonna lie.  Earnest prayer goes hand in hand with Bible study. God has made His truth so clear and real to me, that I can meet up with other believers I haven't seen in months, or even years, and we find confirmation and agreement in our understanding of the teachings we've been studying! The Truth is unifying, not divisive. There were beliefs we all held in common in the past (learned in churchianity), that we now, through further study, understand much differently.

These same believers I just mentioned don't necessarily attend "church" regularly, either.  They're engaged in various outreach and in-reach ministries, small Bible study groups in their homes, sometimes going from house to house. This kind of intimate fellowship cuts down on the preponderance of indoctrination/parroting that one finds within the traditional  churches. Because there is the tendency some churches have of elevating/exhalting their interpretation of the Scriptures above other churches/denominations. A person who studies the Bible in sincerity, will unlearn what they were taught second hand. In other words, the Holy Spirit is the true Teacher of the Book.  Jesus told the Disciples what would happen after His death and resurrection, in John 16:13 (ESV):

 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.

And the Apostle, John said it again in 1 John 2:27 (ESV):
But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know, and what he teaches is true—it is not a lie. So just as he has taught you, remain in fellowship with Christ.

Oh wow! Am I saying we don't need preachers? No - I'm not saying that. But one must be taught by a Spirit-filled preacher (finding one led by the Spirit might be tricky these days - I kid you not). So, then, how does one access the Spirit for oneself?  Praying sincerely for the Lord to show us what He wants us to know of His will for us through His Word, is a good start. Check what happens when we pray... the Holy Spirit actually takes our words and translates them into heavenly language, presenting our true needs before God!  The Spirit  intercedes on our behalf before the Father! Don't take my word for it - see for yourself in Romans 8:26-28 (ESV)

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.  And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

All this stuff is meaningless if we don't have the faith necessary to believe the Book.

In conclusion, I'll share the other anchor text, that along with 2 Peter 1:16-21,  settles this issue for me:
2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NLT)

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.  

My hope is that I'm striking a chord of understanding or even curiosity within the heart of whoever is seeking a closer walk with the Lord. I'm also very much aware that there are many reading this who will roll their eyes, smirk and say, "whatever!" I'm good with that, too. The Bible ain't for everybody!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Infinite Capacity: A Heart & Soul Condition, A personal story

Love is of God, because God is love. The love that He is, and that He wants to share with us, bears no resemblance to the love that's advertised in this world. 1 Corinthians 13 says it's the greatest gift of all, and many quote the passages, falling short of understanding the characteristics of real, Godly love. I am not an expert, myself, but I know that the Spirit of the living God empowers us to practice this all-encompassing, extraordinary love. I'm a student of the Divine Character, and a willing laborer for the cause of Christ. I'm nothing without God and the blood of Jesus Who saved a wretch like me.

Last year, I blogged about a phenomenon I rather verbosely termed: "A Full Heart Can Hold More".  You who have been reading me for a little while, know that I do this writing stuff to share info; work through, sort out issues and questions I have, and in the process, maybe encourage/reach/edify a reader or two.

Well, as I had said in that blog, I experienced firsthand, how my love for each of my children is singular, complete, and unique. And in no way does my love for one detract from the others. As each one came into the world, my already full heart expanded and made more room. Looking into their tiny faces, seeing their father's eyes, made me melt all over again, as if for the first time.  God stretched my heart even more to include yet a fourth child, a foster daughter, who immediately became my oldest child when I was expecting my son. She lived with us until she graduated from high school; she is still my daughter today. I wrote that I know women who only had one child because, they didn't believe they could love a second or third child as much as the first one. SERIOUSLY! This way of thinking causes me to feel there are other issues just below the surface. But, for them, this was a legitimate reason to just have one child.

But a full and contented heart really can hold more love. Children are gifts of love from God (Psalm 127:3-5). God is love (1 John 4:7-8). And our Heavenly Father has an infinite storehouse. If we are His children, then are we not able to access this special ability as well?

Yes, we are. I am a witness. When we allow the love that flows to us from God; when we realize and appreciate the blessings of such a supreme gift, we attract love. I said in my blog, that when my husband died, I was full, satisfied, and still felt very married. Death had parted us on such a high note, that all was well with my soul and I felt no need for another romance. There were brothers who told me I had that unavailable air about me! Yes, indeed I did! Even when well meaning friends assured me that God would give me another loving mate,  I looked at them crazy! And I felt that it was waaaay too soon for ANYONE to be thinking like that! Because, honestly, there could be no other love like the love I shared with Bro Wynn. I am right about that, too. For as I have said before and still maintain: each love is singular, complete, unique, and different.

I've learned to pray about every detail of my life; every move I make, big or small. And I have been in earnest prayer concerning my fellow poet/author and longtime friend, Bruce Edwards. He was counted as one of my blessings in And we're trusting that the Lord is guiding us on the lighted Path, through our prayers and dependence upon Him. I'm like Gideon was in the Bible; I've presented a few fleeces of my own to the Lord, for His confirmation! (Judges 6:37-40) And the Lord has indeed shown me that Bruce is His choice as my mate and partner in ministry for the rest of my life.

I humbly submit, that when we actually empty ourselves of ourselves, God is able to pour more of Himself into us. I continue to trust Him, because He said He knows the plans He has for my life.(Jeremiah 29:11) I stand on the promises by faith, and by the miracles, big and small, that He's already performed in my family's life thus far. The Bible says in Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT)...the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! So if our hearts are clogged, with no room to expand in the love department, it's time to check our soul connection to the Giver of all good gifts.

As I concluded in my previous blog, I will say again, with emphasis:  willing hearts, fully surrendered to the Lord, develop a larger capacity for forgiveness, grace, mercy, peace, joy, faith, hope, and love! It's a miracle, really. Love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). And with God at the helm, and the center of our lives, we move onward and upward, blessing  as we are blessed by others along the way!

This is my prayer for all of us - That we allow God to open our hearts,  that He may fill them to overflowing with the gift of Love that keeps on giving, to the saving of our souls... in Jesus' Name, Amen!


Monday, January 16, 2012

Sharing the insights of others...

Here's a sister I had the pleasure of "friending" during my time on Facebook - one of the awesome people who is raising the awareness of individuals in need of finding or rediscovering their PASSION! Her name is Eden Sterlington  of Chicago, Illinois. She is "Chief Intimacy Officer" of Get Back To Passion! ; Ms. Sterlington received the bestseller award and is the author of As a Man Thinketh - the SatisFillment Edition, her newest release (of which I have the pleasure of owning).  I happened to see something she blogged today, and I sent her a message that I would share it. Just a snippet - but oh so powerful, in my humble opinion. Dig: 

The Intimacy Officer is back on the job! I heard something today on NATIONAL TV that set me off! I couldn't issue a citation, but here's a warning: forget what you heard about "you can't pick who you love," or "you fell in love." You absolutely, definitely, and intentionally CHOOSE who you love and you didn't "fall" anywhere! Love ONLY happens when the people involved direct their energy, effort, and intention in that direction. Most people believe the hype because "being in love" feels so intoxicating that your intention doesn't FEEL like work. However, when you CHOOSE to make that phone call, have that date, think that thought about THAT person in THAT way - you are CHOOSING who you love. Don't be fooled anymore. The control is YOURS.

Me talking again:  SO, for those who didn't know. NOW you know! I've long understood that people don't "fall" in love, as if by accident. I just like the way she got basic with it.

Last, but not least, there's the BlackLoveMonthly magazine, powered by Tony Bradford and Laneay London of Palmdale, California (my neck of the woods). WOW! What an informative website for the community! And I mean, for everyone, not just black people. I appreciate their use of Scripture to support their views; and I particularly enjoy their blog topics. Today, I was edified tremendously by one titled For my Sistahs. It's too much to copy/paste here, so I'll just share the link for your edification.
As you peruse the sites, be clear that I'm merely sharing insights I found interesting. I'm not saying I endorse everything that's printed. Remember my rule: where (the views) are morally sound and agree with the Word of God, I agree with them. The challenge, then, is to know what the Bible says. And please believe, there isn't a current topic or life situation that the Bible doesn't speak to, whether directly or in principle. Let me say it another way, the Bible is as relevant to our lives today as it was those thousands of years ago!
Now get your read on!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Counting blessings!

Shabbat shalom!

I'm celebrating the coming of the Sabbath hours, listening to my gospel music - having cleaned my house a few hours ago; I've got the candles glowing, sipping a wonderful tropical green tea with honey. For true, there is peace in the valley!

The Sabbath hours are sooo necessary; a 24-hour period to just relax, breathe deeply, and meditate on the goodness of God! It is a special time to be at one with the Creator and reflect on the promises of His Word, review the gospel story, the life and teachings of Christ, and engage in fellowship with like believers - doing the ministry God has given and gifted us to do.  After talking with a couple of wise family and friends yesterday, and earlier today (Friday) who helped me put life into perspective, I had to agree with another true thing:


I blogged how I'd had a bad day at the beginning of the week. And while I did snap out of it, the feelings of frustration tried to return. It was brief. I've blogged about my desire to leave California. So, because things aren't happening as fast as I'd like, I allowed myself to sink - not too low, though.

Tonight, I began counting my blessings, and I submit my top 10 list for your encouragement and edification:

1  God's protection and care of me, my children, parents, loved ones and friends (Ps 34:7; 91:10)
2. Good health and  reasonably sound mind (Ps 42:11; 2 Timothy 1:7)
3. Employment (Deut. 5:13; Prov. 24:27; Prov. 31:13-31)
4. Shelter/food/clothes/transportation (Matthew 6:25-32; Philippians 4:19)
5. The love and companionship of a good and Godly man ( Ps 37:4; 1 Cor. 7; Ephesians 5: 22-33)
6. The desire to serve the Lord, come what will or may (Ps 40:8; 119:11)
7. God's peace that surpasses all human understanding ( Isaiah 26:3; John 14:27; Philippians 4:7)
8. Forgiveness (Ps 103:12; Luke 6:27; James 5:16; 1 John 1:9)
9. The Holy Sabbath (Genesis 2:1-3; Exodus 20:8-11; Hebrews 4:10)
10.Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, aka Jesus, the Messiah ( Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; Luke 1:31; John 3:16)


Bruce, the good and Godly man, and me

Shalom and blessings to you and your house!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

One of those days

I'm not going to make a habit of complaining, but today was the pits!!!

And I have to say, I didn't feel like I had the support I needed. From anyone. But in all fairness, I really didn't "share." So my poo-poo day was pretty much kept under wraps, and when I wanted to vent to my nearest and dearest, he wasn't really "available" to listen. (more on him in another post *smilie face*)

I'm not used to that - the not being available part. But you know how you can hear when someone is otherwise occupied?  Don't know about you, but I experience the screeching "HALT!" in my mind when I realize there's no one available to hear me out.... I withdraw. I back up without making a scene...

Thankfully, at times like that, when I feel like unloading, I don't have to completely rely on human beings. I forgive them their lack of  being there for me, and I look to the ONE Who is always ready to hear me out no matter how ridiculous I may sound. And I know I'll never hear it thrown back in my face again.

I had had an annoying day because of the shenanigans and stupidity of others, and my own role in causing some of my present drama. And then I received more disturbing news from my young people in Korea (no, they're fine, but I felt they had been mistreated and disrespected - the mama Bear in me came out!). So for about half a day, I was too through with the way of the world!  

Then I took a few pages from my own mental health rehab specialist journal and began to employ the STAR method (stop, think, act, review) counted to 10, breathed deeply, talked to God for a good two hours. Then I clicked on this blog to share the news that even though I had "one of those days", I still got the VICTORY!!

Hallelujah!! God is GREAT!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Out with the old... in with the move!

For at least seven years I've really had a hankering to leave California. Every now and then I'd broach the subject of at least a bi-coastal lifestyle with Bro Wynn.. He wasn't feeling it. So, that idea was off the table and I was ok with it.

Now, in my second year of "widowhood" (a horrid word, isn't it? yuck!), after downsizing from a  3500 sq ft home in the Mariana Hills of Apple valley to a cute 2 bedroom 2 bath townhouse-ish apartment,  and after listening to the advice of others to stay put- to wait before making a move, I'm ready to pack up now.

A lot of people have a desire to "go home" after a while. My hometown is Birmingham, Alabama. But I moved to Los Angeles with my parents when I was 4 years old. So my experiences in Birmingham are from summer vacations, and a four-year period when I was a college student in Huntsville, about 90 miles north of Birmingham. I have no feelings of nostalgia that make me long to return to the south. I don't have those feelings about the place I was raised, either.  My parents have been living in Pasadena for over 30 years now, a city I also lived in for a few years after I got married, and where our children were born.  Pasadena is about 75 miles from my current location. Once my own young family and I moved away from  that area in 1993, I knew I'd never go back.  Looking back,  from 1979 (the year I got married) to the present, I've lived in 6 cities in southern California; none of which I care to return to. As I told my son yesterday, I believe I'm supposed to keep moving forward, not backward. And I strongly believe my holding pattern here is temporary. Like, soon to be OVER!

I don't feel like I belong in California anymore. Sometimes I even feel like an alien on this planet! (some of you may completely get what I mean). My head and heart are set on Maryland, near D.C. I have family and friends there.  And yes, it's cold in the winter. Somehow, this doesn't dampen my desire to move there. There are just a few loose ends that need to be tied before I can leave.  I know I blogged that I still have a mission here, with the young people I've been mentoring since August of last year. That's going strong, I enjoy my time with them, and they seem to feel the same way. Other than my ministry with them, and the people I know God placed in my life in the last two years, I don't see, with my fleshly eyes, what more I can or need to do here. The people I've met, including the young folks, and I can stay in touch through this awesome internet, and of course, our cell phones. To my way of thinking, I don't have to be here physically to continue to be of service.

Today, the 2nd day of the new year, I'm believing there are changes just ahead. Awesome changes! Fantastic changes! And new challenges. But I'm ready. So ready that, in anticipation of that moment's notice, I'm rummaging through the rest of my downsized belongings to toss out anything else I won't need to carry with me. In short, I'm about to pack up now...

Again, happy new year to you! May you experience enough joy to offset the challenges, and more love than you've ever known before (which will completely obliterate the negative affects of all your challenges)!

Until my next entry, I'll be doing more downsizing, so I can be ready to make my move...

The joys of living and working in a non-toxic environment

We hear so much about work/life balance in the workplace.  Companies are rated on how employee-centered they are.  It's ...