Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Keep it positive!

No matter what happens today, no matter what someone says, does, doesn't say, or doesn't do - let's be intentional about bringing it all to a positive conclusion at the end of the day. And if both partners resolve to always find the lesson in every situation (and sometimes we have to do that on our knees!), we can sleep in peace, and rise with renewed strength to start the new day - expecting a miracle! And that miracle may be our own growth and transformation.

Let's keep the home atmosphere uncluttered, where negativity can't grow roots, no matter what happens today.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

25 years of Angela Simone - 4/26/88!

or 25 things about her that make me smile....

1.  My number 2 child, the plumpest and heaviest of my 3 children, Angela was born after only 2 hours of labor!
2.  She loves to sing - and she's a gifted songstress.
3.  She has a deep love for animals, and she knows a great deal about them.
4.  She loves the Lord and strives to live in His will. I'm grateful she's developing this important relationship at this early age.
5.  She is a "Mommy's girl" - and the female image of her dearly departed father.

6.  I can see some of my sensitivity mirrored in her - but she is clearly herself, and I like the way it looks on her.
7.  She stays calm in the midst of confusion - which will always serve her well.
8.  Her resourcefulness is growing - she's able to think on her feet.
9.  She has an entrepreneur's spirit - like her father.
10. She is a conscientious student and employee - and takes pride in her work.
11. She is intelligent, and humble.
12. She has a great sense of humor - and a flair for sarcasm that doesn't (usually) offend.
13. She avoids drama - and has no tolerance for messy individuals.

14. She makes friends easily.
15. She enjoys traveling, and new adventures.
16. She's deathly afraid of spiders, and roaches, but rodents and snakes don't bother her at all!
17. She is wise with her finances.
18. Did I mention she is an EXCELLENT COOK?!! She is!
19. She takes good care of herself - exercises regularly, always drinks her water, eats her fruits and veggies!
20. She's a bit of a "germaphobe" - which is endearingly annoying (?)!LOL
21. She has a very good group of friends; some she's known since childhood.

22. She has compassion for children with special needs, and people who are less fortunate then she...
23. She has enough respect for wise counsel from her elders, to listen to it. (she's not into bumping her head to see if the wall really does hurt)
24. She is far more obedient and far less precocious than I was, back in the day! (Hallelujah!)
25. She's a beautiful work in progress, with strong convictions and values that she strives to uphold, by God's grace.

Happy 25th birthday, Angela Simone!



Tuesday, April 23, 2013

From the heart and mind, down to the soul

From Boaz Ministries      
When we consider how to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, strength and mind (Deuteronomy 6:5), we've come to understand that it requires a full-time, one-on-one relationship with Him. And when we enter into this love experience, we have access to the Power that sustains us. If we just reflect on His faithfulness to us - our love grows deeper and we can't thank Him enough!  

Loving the Lord from the heart is very good, but has more to do with our affection - and our affections can be more like infatuation; fickle. When we love from the soul, that's devotion. So no matter which way the wind blows and though we get tossed about, we're in. We show soul-deep love by living a life of faithfulness. And the essence of the biblical definition for soul means life, personality, our identity. It's who we are, and with the power of our minds, it's where we make our choices that ultimately decide our lifestyle and behavior.

As we think about how we can strengthen our marriages, or what we should be assessing within ourselves and potential mates, if single - let's not miss the correlation of loving our God through an intimate relationship with Him - and loving our spouse or significant other. God truly IS love! And when we allow Him to envelop us IN Him - the miracles from our heads to our hearts, down to our souls will have no end! We can walk side by side, covered in soul-deep love.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Ode to Central Park

beautiful for situation
in lush spaces
doth thou reside

proudly extending
city blocks long
and so  many smiles wide

I love thee…

from thy Great Lawn
on the green
to the Turtle Pond
and  Obelisk in between

from Bethesda Fountain
 and the terrace  on
wooded Ramble  shores

across Cherry Hill
to Strawberry Fields
thou art wonderfully

Thy carousel, castle
and horse-drawn carriages
create a nostalgic atmosphere
a land of fantasy and elegance
on a midnight, clear

thy grounds I see
with eyelids closed,
Great Hill and Wollman Rink

My camera mind holds
 “Secret Garden”
where I would  sit, and think

I love thee

and thy many scenes
thy seasonal dress
the inspiration for

My thoughts  wind round
meandering paths
thy lovely founts
provide bird baths

Thy expanse, in the midst
of the Great City
is time -frozen
pristine and pretty

Oh nature’s beauteous
work of art
I shall ever hold thee
in my heart

Bridget Alyce  © 1999

Friday, April 12, 2013

Ladies, We're Not Like Everybody Else!

From Boaz Ministries

Women of God have been set apart and sanctified, and blessed to stand in unity with our men of God. Our lives have been transformed by the power of God's Holy Spirit, and it shows. We just can't roll like everybody else.

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light .Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. "

1 Peter 2:9-10 NIV

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Richer Than We Imagine!

Photo: Richer Than We Imagine!

In this economy, we can easily become discouraged because of the corruption, greed and inequity that abounds.  Everything we witness and experience outside of our family cocoon should motivate us to draw closer to one another even more.  Someone once said, “I can handle the craziness going on in the outside world, as long as things are solid between me and my mate on the inside. If I’ve got my partner at my back, I can deal with it.” Standing together in the face of adversity is a force greater than any world system. And because believers know that at the core of it all, we’re in a spiritual battle – we also know that the power available to us can break through the mental and emotional strongholds that are meant to weigh us down and weaken our faith.

Does anyone among us have a testimony of how God blocked us from a calamity we were headed straight into?  Can we recall how He delivered us from an addiction; or provided for us when we didn’t know how we’d make it? Do we know firsthand how God took a scandalous situation and turned it completely around for the good? Let’s choose to remember what the Lord continues to do for us when we’re tempted to become discouraged and bicker among ourselves. 

Money is the going currency and we need it to handle our business, true. And life is rough - that's a fact. But I submit to you that what we have right inside our homes is far more precious than gold – and its value cannot be controlled by man. Meditate on that.  Get behind closed doors and count your blessings together, and watch the miracles unfold! Money cannot begin to purchase what the Lord keeps doing on our behalf, every second of every minute of every hour of every day.

Wealthy and fierce beyond comprehension, is what we are in Christ. Come on and give Him some praise!From Boaz Ministries

In this economy, we can easily become discouraged because of the corruption, greed and inequity that abounds. Everything we witness and experience outside of our family cocoon should motivate us to draw closer to one another even more. Someone once said, “I can handle the craziness going on in the outside world, as long as things are solid between me and my mate on the inside. If I’ve got my partner at my back, I can deal with it.” Standing together in the face of adversity is a force greater than any world system. And because believers know that at the core of it all, we’re in a spiritual battle – we also know that the power available to us can break through the mental and emotional strongholds that are meant to weigh us down and weaken our faith.

Does anyone among us have a testimony of how God blocked us from a calamity we were headed straight into? Can we recall how He delivered us from an addiction; or provided for us when we didn’t know how we’d make it? Do we know firsthand how God took a scandalous situation and turned it completely around for the good? Let’s choose to remember what the Lord continues to do for us when we’re tempted to become discouraged and bicker among ourselves.

Money is the going currency and we need it to handle our business, true. And life is rough - that's a fact. But I submit to you that what we have right inside our homes is far more precious than gold – and its value cannot be controlled by man. Meditate on that. Get behind closed doors and count your blessings together, and watch the miracles unfold! Money cannot begin to purchase what the Lord keeps doing on our behalf, every second of every minute of every hour of every day.

Wealthy and fierce beyond comprehension, is what we are in Christ. Come on and give Him some praise!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Don't Worry About Tomorrow

From Boaz Ministries

I've been basking in the joy of the waning hours of today. With the work week ahead, and all the "stuff", known and unknown, just around the corner - I have intentionally blocked out all that noise. I admit, it's not easy to do when you know you have to hit the floor running in less than 24 hours!

Bruce said something today that ministered to me - about God showing Himself strong and faithful to His promises; answering prayers. And in the next moment, all the things I had been mildly stressing over, disappeared. When we can encourage our mate, just in praising God for His goodness, it goes a long way.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:31 that we shouldn't worry about what we're going to eat, drink, or even what we'll wear, because God already knows and He's got us (32). And when we make sure His kingdom is our first priority, EVERYTHING we need is supplied(33).

It's verse 34 that I wanted to emphasize for our enrichment this gorgeous Sunday evening. The King James Version says it like this:

"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."

My understanding of that last verse tells me not to sweat tomorrow, because whatever madness goes down tomorrow, it will be dealt with. This is why a consistent, intentional prayer life is key. And I believe God's omnipresence places Him outside of time, presiding over tomorrow, so I'm going to sit back, sip my last few cups of Sunday and be thankful that He reigns!

(Slide on over to your mate and say, "Don't worry about tomorrow, Baby. Let's chill!")

Monday, April 1, 2013

April! Showers of Blessings!

From Boaz Ministries

Philippians 4:4-7

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

The joys of living and working in a non-toxic environment

We hear so much about work/life balance in the workplace.  Companies are rated on how employee-centered they are.  It's ...