Sunday, December 30, 2018
Thursday, December 27, 2018
"Day Ones" and "Riders"

But there was a moment, coming upon five years ago, when I realized who my real friends are. My father was ill for a brief time at the end of 2014, and died in January of 2015. I had moved to the east coast and most of my friends and family were on the west coast. During the days before my father's memorial service when people typically gather in support of the family, we were surrounded by beloved friends and family. They were so loving, and took care of my mother and us.
It wasn't until afterward, when my husband asked me about the absence of some specific individuals who were my friends - that I realized something I hadn't even thought of: my actual Day Ones had shown up for me and my family in our time of bereavement. Friends I'd known for over 40 years - college roommates and classmates from elementary and high school. People with whom I hadn't even been in constant communication; some only via social media - some via their spouses who are on social media. These wonderful folks rallied when my family needed them, and came all the way through.
Their love and devotion through the years cannot be quantified, and I can't thank them enough. Nothing is more precious than friends who truly stand by you, defying the separation of space and the passing of time, under any circumstance. So when I reflected on my husband's query - about the folks who were missing, who knew and had had fellowship with my father and mother - who knew that my father had passed away, I had this revelation: the people with me here now, will be with me for the whole ride.
I'm grateful. And I declare that I'm a rider for each of them!
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
This Season in which We are Living
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Boaz Ministries |
In our experience at Boaz Ministries, we find that intentional communion with the Lord is a powerful thing. As believers we not only have the blessed assurance that God is real - we also have clear, irrefutable proof that He moves in our lives. Each of us has a testimony of His grace, mercy and love - transforming lives and changing hearts - handling situations in circumstances that seemed impossible. God is mighty!
This season, as we move into the new year - let us pray for a deeper connection with our Lord. In a world where there is no peace and very little love for humankind, let us draw closer to Him, to loved ones, and people we meet. Let us be intentional change agents in our communities, brighten the corners where we are, spread love, and the message of hope. For there is hope. If you've been praying about starting an outreach or in-reach in your community or church - go for it! Or join in the work the Lord is already doing through other change agents. You will know them by their character. Don't be discouraged by obstacles, and don't expect things to be easy - serving others isn't convenient. But when God is involved - He gives us His strength.
We've been given talents and treasure - and while we yet have breath, we still have time. Let us use our time in service to those who are suffering, abandoned, abused and under served. This is the whole message of the gospel of Jesus. It's always been about love, and there is no law against it (see Galatians 5:22-23).
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
It's Just Not Safe Out Here Anymore...
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In my observation, there seems to be an increase of soulless individuals - demons - whose only purpose in their miserable lives is to use their brains to discredit, manipulate and harm others. All for filthy lucre. *money* I used to say that these folks could do so much with their imaginations to make positive moves and do good in the world...and get a legitimate paycheck. But legitimate is not what they want. They love the shadows, they love the darkness - and they ENJOY hurting others.
They work for the devil himself. And they work feverishly around the clock to devise more devious ways to ruin peoples' lives! I report everything that's suspicious. And I pity these folks in the Day of Judgment.
I pray for protection from the evil in this world daily. I have no fear. And I live my life with the assurance that God's got me, my family, friends and loved ones. My God is greater than anything and everything out there. I'm safe in Him and He continues to block the attacks against me and the ones I love. But for those who have no spiritual protection in this wicked world - I urge to get sheltered in the Lord... because it's just not safe out here anymore!
Friday, November 16, 2018
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Mr. and Mrs. Derek C. Bowe, Jr. |
My second daughter got married Sunday, November 11!
We are overjoyed to welcome another wonderful young man of God into our family!
Blessings upon the newlyweds as they begin their journey of marital love. The Lord has smiled upon them - I am a witness of His faithfulness in answering my fervent prayers for my children.
God is great! God is real!
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Proud brother, escorting his sister down the aisle. |
Sunday, November 4, 2018
The Family of God is Boundless!
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My beautiful bonus daughter (with child) and her beautiful mom! |
Along this journey, and for the past six years I've been blessed with even more extended and blended family than I could have ever hoped for. It is humbling for me to see the hand of God moving so mightily in life situations that we as human beings would deem awkward or even impossible.
God is able!
Because of who He is, God has blessed me with two incredible women, mother and daughter, and I am honored to know them. Nothing is by coincidence in God's plan. And as a believer, I know that ALL things work together for good to them that love God...(Romans 8:28). And everything, great and small - in my life thus far - God uses for His glory!
Just sharing from my heart, the grace and mercy God has shown me through two exceptional ladies who, by God's love and power, are part of my ever expanding family! His family!
Saturday, October 6, 2018
My purpose on the planet
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"Pilgrim Journey", 2018 |
"Who am I and what am I supposed to do?" During my formative years, all I knew to do was what I was told. And I was fairly obedient to my parents - as the first child - I tried to please them as much as possible. But I was always curious, and, admittedly, precocious - though never to the extent of scandal, embarrassment, or the ruination of my family's reputation.
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Circa 1961 |
I was pleasant and easy-going - likable. Those who did not like me thought I was snooty, uppity (what I was told by black and white, alike) - which I later took to mean I had confidence in myself. However, even though my persona portrayed self-assurance and politeness -within, I had no clue about my ultimate role in life- beyond going to college and one day being a wife and mother. And singing alto in the choir.
It wasn't until I was re-baptized at the age of 38 (I was ll years old when first baptized), after attending an old-fashioned, down home tent revival - that pieces of the puzzle of my life began to come together. I knew that God had called me out. For what, I didn't know at the time. But what a ride that became! Just as I made my covenant to serve the Lord - all hell broke loose! I recognized - in all honesty - that the enemy was losing one of his best 'double agents', and he wasn't happy about it! When all was supposed to be bright and beautiful as a new creature in Christ, I experienced a "dark period". It was "low key" and out of the public eye; but the struggle to shake the devil off was real, and lasted a good 10 years.
In my work in social services and later, in the ministries in which I participated, it became clearer to me why I was born, and how God would get the glory through my testimony. While working at a County agency, I met a client, who, after attending my orientation, came to my desk for the intake process. I shall never forget this encounter:
She was a middle aged white woman who I thought was mean, judging from the scowl she wore during my class - so I was a bit apprehensive. When she began to speak, her voice was soft and pleasant, and startled me. After gathering pertinent information from her, she said, "I've been watching you, you might have noticed. And I have a word for you. The Holy Spirit told me to tell you that you are here, in this place, to set the captives free. Not just us - the clients. But everyone. Your coworkers, your friends, strangers, everyone. God gave you this assignment, and He'll give you the power to do what He's put before you."
I was dumbfounded. I was 42 years old at the time, married with 3 children, and had been through a lot - two steps forward, five steps backward - the whole nine. Truth be told, I wouldn't usually listen when folks say what the spirit told them (skeptical of which spirit, you see), but I took to heart what she told me. There was something sincere about her, in complete contrast to her outward appearance. Throughout the years I'd recall her prophetic words, just to measure the distance from then to the current time, and in times of transitions in my life. 20 years have passed since I met that lady. I'm able to say that all of my ups and downs and twists and turns have molded and made me into the soldier in God's army that He called me to be.
The Lord continues to make, mold, break, build, lead, guide me and He is faithful to His promises.
There is a special sense of peace, joy and satisfaction when we finally know why we're here. We can ask - and He will answer. I can look back on my very crooked path and see the wisdom in the series of events, and the choices that made no sense at the time.
Happiness is knowing God chose us first. My purpose is ministry - everywhere I go, and in every aspect of my life. The Lord and I are in a deep, committed, love relationship. I'm here to introduce others to this amazing Love; to make eternal connections with those who are also on this pilgrim journey. As a believer, there is no higher purpose, and I'm here to put in work for the duration of the time He's given me on this earthly plane.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
We will give an account
There's an old Spiritual, "You Better Mind" - and in the short version, the words go like this:
Chorus: Oh you better mind, you better mind
You got to give an account in the judgment, you better mind -
You better mind how you talk, you better mind what you're talking about, you got to give an account in the judgment, you better mind
You better mind how you walk, you better mind where you're walking to, for you got to give an account in the judgment, you better mind
My original thought for today had to do with the journey, the steps we take toward sisterhood, brotherhood - steps we take to draw closer to Christ. And I went to the Word in search of texts that speak to just how we're to behave toward one another.
As one who writes - I know that words are powerful. I also teach/facilitate in my profession. So I am ever aware of how important it is for me to not only articulate the materials I'm imparting clearly to those listening - but to also be mindful of HOW I say what I say; my voice inflections, my body language - all of that. I am responsible for providing an atmosphere free of tension, contention, drama, etc. It's serious. I respect my role, and the people I stand before and interact with daily. I watch what I say, and make sure to avoid idle gossip. However, there are days when I miss the mark and make a snide or negative comment. But - I always remember what the Word says...and God reins in my tongue. It's getting to the point where an ugly thought that becomes verbal, stays "under my breath" - and I've learned to repent of the thought and the words immediately. Dr. Charles Stanley teaches on that - when the sinner rebukes the sin and repents of it right then and there - the Holy Spirit is working, and empowers the individual to gain the victory over that sin. I've tried it - every time - and it's true. Once upon a time, I was a huge gossiper - my mouth, a part of many hurtful situations in the past. Today, there's not a tale I will hear nor carry to besmirch the name of another person. The Lord has even worked things out where I've been able to ask forgiveness of the persons I've hurt due to my tongue and deeds. My life's work has become about conciliation, reconciliation and restoration, where possible.
Some context from Matthew 12:33-37, Jesus said:
"33 A tree is identified by its fruit. A tree from a select variety produces good fruit; poor varieties don’t. 34 You brood of snakes! How could evil men like you speak what is good and right? For a man’s heart determines his speech. 35 A good man’s speech reveals the rich treasures within him. An evil-hearted man is filled with venom, and his speech reveals it. 36 And I tell you this, that you must give account on Judgment Day for every idle word you speak. 37 Your words now reflect your fate then: either you will be justified by them or you will be condemned.”
This journey is full of lessons, pitfalls, mountain peak experiences, pain - and as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ - all for the blessing of our own souls and the souls of others we touch along our path. I am careful to represent the One who has set me free. Free from doing things unbecoming a soldier in God's army - free from the desire to partake in ungodly activities. He's lifted me, literally, out of the muck and mire of my former self - and He's still molding me.
Beloved, let's mind what we say and do.
Chorus: Oh you better mind, you better mind
You got to give an account in the judgment, you better mind -
You better mind how you talk, you better mind what you're talking about, you got to give an account in the judgment, you better mind
You better mind how you walk, you better mind where you're walking to, for you got to give an account in the judgment, you better mind
My original thought for today had to do with the journey, the steps we take toward sisterhood, brotherhood - steps we take to draw closer to Christ. And I went to the Word in search of texts that speak to just how we're to behave toward one another.
As one who writes - I know that words are powerful. I also teach/facilitate in my profession. So I am ever aware of how important it is for me to not only articulate the materials I'm imparting clearly to those listening - but to also be mindful of HOW I say what I say; my voice inflections, my body language - all of that. I am responsible for providing an atmosphere free of tension, contention, drama, etc. It's serious. I respect my role, and the people I stand before and interact with daily. I watch what I say, and make sure to avoid idle gossip. However, there are days when I miss the mark and make a snide or negative comment. But - I always remember what the Word says...and God reins in my tongue. It's getting to the point where an ugly thought that becomes verbal, stays "under my breath" - and I've learned to repent of the thought and the words immediately. Dr. Charles Stanley teaches on that - when the sinner rebukes the sin and repents of it right then and there - the Holy Spirit is working, and empowers the individual to gain the victory over that sin. I've tried it - every time - and it's true. Once upon a time, I was a huge gossiper - my mouth, a part of many hurtful situations in the past. Today, there's not a tale I will hear nor carry to besmirch the name of another person. The Lord has even worked things out where I've been able to ask forgiveness of the persons I've hurt due to my tongue and deeds. My life's work has become about conciliation, reconciliation and restoration, where possible.
Some context from Matthew 12:33-37, Jesus said:
"33 A tree is identified by its fruit. A tree from a select variety produces good fruit; poor varieties don’t. 34 You brood of snakes! How could evil men like you speak what is good and right? For a man’s heart determines his speech. 35 A good man’s speech reveals the rich treasures within him. An evil-hearted man is filled with venom, and his speech reveals it. 36 And I tell you this, that you must give account on Judgment Day for every idle word you speak. 37 Your words now reflect your fate then: either you will be justified by them or you will be condemned.”
This journey is full of lessons, pitfalls, mountain peak experiences, pain - and as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ - all for the blessing of our own souls and the souls of others we touch along our path. I am careful to represent the One who has set me free. Free from doing things unbecoming a soldier in God's army - free from the desire to partake in ungodly activities. He's lifted me, literally, out of the muck and mire of my former self - and He's still molding me.
Beloved, let's mind what we say and do.
Friday, September 7, 2018
Step Out - Live Your Best Life!
no need to do too much
just some wine and dine
a lil jazz and such
Folks always say
"the best is yet to come"
so step on out there now
go on and get you some!
Friday, August 31, 2018
Mon Fils Unique
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Jonathan L. Wynn and me |
The bond between mother and son is indescribable. And coming from a family where the majority are women on my mother's side - and my first two children are girls - I was unprepared for the emotional power surge I felt when my only son was born. He was the last one, but in no way is he the least.
Jonathan and his late father were very close; they were quite a duo. And when his sisters were off doing things with their friends, people often thought he was an only child because of the way he interacted with his father and me. He enjoyed being with the "old folks". He was easy to love as a boy. And as a man, he is still personable and kind.
Parents look to their sons to carry the family name forward. It is a thing of pride, and an honor to witness the family line growing - to be part of creating a legacy. When I think of this young man, my gift from the Lord, my heart swells with gratitude. He embodies all that was best in his father, and he bears a strong resemblance to my late father. The Lord's doing - and it is marvelous!
I embrace the bond I have with my son with full respect for his manhood and individuality. I know the Lord is preparing him for that unique woman, the only one, for him.
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"Jon" |
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Psalm 119
Boaz Ministries
Psalm 119
Recently, Mr. E and I were meditating on the 119th division of the Psalms. One of the key messages that comes through over and over, is first and foremost, the counsel, guidance, direction and precepts of God's Word must be sought with our whole hearts. Opening our minds and hearts to the statutes/teachings of the Lord, directs our steps. Trusting in the Word of God, anchors us when everything around us is unstable. We can have peace, security, assurance - and hope, because God has always come through.
There are many popular Bible verses from Psalm 119; I will share a few more for your meditation: Ps. 119:1-3; 9; 11; 50; 103;105; 133; 165.
The study of Psalm 119 is a complete meal, nourishing the soul, encouraging the heart, and opening the mind - the appetite - for more, and more.It's GOOD! But don't just take my word for it!
Recently, Mr. E and I were meditating on the 119th division of the Psalms. One of the key messages that comes through over and over, is first and foremost, the counsel, guidance, direction and precepts of God's Word must be sought with our whole hearts. Opening our minds and hearts to the statutes/teachings of the Lord, directs our steps. Trusting in the Word of God, anchors us when everything around us is unstable. We can have peace, security, assurance - and hope, because God has always come through.
There are many popular Bible verses from Psalm 119; I will share a few more for your meditation: Ps. 119:1-3; 9; 11; 50; 103;105; 133; 165.
The study of Psalm 119 is a complete meal, nourishing the soul, encouraging the heart, and opening the mind - the appetite - for more, and more.It's GOOD! But don't just take my word for it!
Monday, August 27, 2018
Family Time - Summertime
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Wineries, etc., Northern California, 2018 Bridges, Northern California, 2018 |
Blessed to be able to do this because my employer is 100% in support of self care and vacation time! AND teleworking! Whether it's a "stay-cation", "mental health day", or a trip to a tropical paradise - I'm grateful to the Lord for the latitude and creativity my job affords me.
Enjoying life!
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Venice Beach, SoCal, 2018 |
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Soundtrack of My Life
Over the past few days I’ve been on social media, reading the beautiful, moving tributes to Aretha Franklin, The Queen of Soul, who left this earthly plane on August 16. To every post I read, all I could reply was “Amen”, or click the *heart* icon. I was speechless, and dealing with the “tender emotions” I now experience when someone dies - no matter who it is.
I chose this picture of Ms. Franklin from the thousands on the internet - because it’s from 1967, when “RESPECT” was released. That singular word informed the mind and heart of a then 11 year old Black girl in a profound, finger-snapping way, and was the sealant for what my parents had been instilling within me. My schoolmates and I could be seen on any given day strutting around the playground, reciting those lyrics, spelling it out. Singing joyfully. Proudly. Seeping into my subconscious, I was rehearsing RESPECT for myself, RESPECT for others - and as I got older, I began to understand the nuances of adult relationships Ms. Franklin was really singing about. Music lyrics teach us. And the winning blend of impeccable vocal and instrumental musicality made an indelible mark deep within my soul.
I want to thank my friends on my social media platforms for sharing their experiences, up close and personal with The Queen of Soul, and others who knew her the way I did, as the sweet, soulful LP playing over and over again throughout our lives. We LOVED Aretha. We LIVED Aretha. We love her still - and her soulful messages - THANK GOD - will fill the air forever.
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Family Time, part two - July
It's been a dream of a summer! A whirlwind - and it's not over!
The priorities - 1. Get on the plane 2. See my mother, 3. Go to the Original Tommy's Burger (numbers 2 and 3 were actually switched in reality. Mr. E had never had a Tommy's, so we went straight there from LAX)
Had the pleasure of catching up with my brother-in-law (my sister was at work) when we stopped by my mother's house. Then we enjoyed the rest of the evening with Mr. E's West coast family! A GREAT visit!
We were truly ready for rest and relaxation. This was a bucket list adventure for Mr. E - he had never taken the drive up the California coast - never been to San Francisco. So we started in Los Angeles and took the drive. It was awesome, because the part of Hwy 1 that had been closed for a year due to mud slides, opened up the very week we were traveling. We were able to go all the way up!
More pictures coming!
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Cali Trip 2018 |
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Family! |
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Just some shots of us at the airport and on the plane before departure |
We were truly ready for rest and relaxation. This was a bucket list adventure for Mr. E - he had never taken the drive up the California coast - never been to San Francisco. So we started in Los Angeles and took the drive. It was awesome, because the part of Hwy 1 that had been closed for a year due to mud slides, opened up the very week we were traveling. We were able to go all the way up!
More pictures coming!
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Family Time! May to July, part one
Just a pictorial of my family experiences so far this year. From my sister's "girls trip" visit, the stop over visit of my Ohioans, "Los Urias" (formerly of South Korea, formerly of Michigan and California, respectively), to the pre-wedding/bridal shower visit of #WynnBowe, aka #AWynnforDBowe, as they prepare for their November nuptials here on the East coast.... More pictures to come in part two.
Los Urias took the Amtrak to Disney World and stopped over at Union Station here in DC. My son and I enjoyed our 6-hour visit with them!
That's my baby sister bottom right. She came through on a girls trip with her besties. It was awesome to be able to join her for a few hours. We were doing church selfies...(amen, somebody!)
I hosted an East coast bridal shower while #WynnBowe were here finalizing details for their wedding. We did a cake tasting as well! It was great to have some of her bridesmaids and sisters here. We had a wonderful time - and the food was delish! There will be a West coast bridal shower in September. I'll be sharing!
Los Urias took the Amtrak to Disney World and stopped over at Union Station here in DC. My son and I enjoyed our 6-hour visit with them!
That's my baby sister bottom right. She came through on a girls trip with her besties. It was awesome to be able to join her for a few hours. We were doing church selfies...(amen, somebody!)
I hosted an East coast bridal shower while #WynnBowe were here finalizing details for their wedding. We did a cake tasting as well! It was great to have some of her bridesmaids and sisters here. We had a wonderful time - and the food was delish! There will be a West coast bridal shower in September. I'll be sharing!
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
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Repondez, S'il Vous Plaît , |
Fancy sounding and French, (repondez, s'il vous plaît ) for please respond to this invitation - either way. Yay or nay. Are you going to attend? What?
But it's 2018 and seems we've gotten away from the niceties and courteous behaviors - basic behaviors - of the past.
And I long for the politeness, respectfulness and courtesy that we practiced back when I was growing up. There would never be an unanswered R.S.V.P., and heaven forbid if a "Thank You" note wasn't sent after a gift was received!
Responding to an R.S.V.P. has gone the way of customer service. And as one wise person once told me, "Our technology, which has made so many things easier for us, has turned us into impatient, self-centered creatures." People don't think to say "please" and "thank you" as much. We don't interact with others in conversations - we'd rather text message or email. So much is lost in the pressing of the "send" button.
I would like a return to the days when we regarded one another with more respect - for their time, their service, their authority, seniority, experience, and plain old fashioned person-hood. In this day of pseudo tolerance, there is more open hatred and disregard for human life than ever I've seen in my lifetime. Because I know in Whom I believe, and that the Bible foretold of all we are experiencing now, I don't get too bent out of shape when I see the disease of hate spreading among those who have no God in them (yes, and there are those among them who think they have God in them). I am saddened and sorry for people who have no hope; mired in confusion, deception and the divisive tricks of the enemy - and pray that somehow - LOVE - touches them in a profound way.
In the meantime- I will keep the old ways that I was taught when growing up, and say "please" and "thank you", offer to help someone in need, bridle my tongue, send "Thank You" cards when I receive gifts, and promptly R.S.V.P. to invitations. Someone is expecting an answer on the other end, for crying out loud!
Respectez les autres, s'il vous plaît. D'accord?! Merci.
Monday, July 2, 2018
Husband/Wife in Pursuit: 31 Daily Challenges
Every marriage begins with passion, purpose, and pursuit, but few stay that way. "Husband in Pursuit: 31 Daily Challenges for Loving Your Wife Well" by Ryan Frederick, helps men love their brides intentionally in creative, fun, and sometimes challenging ways .There’s also a version for wives titled, "Wife in Pursuit: 31 Daily Challenges for Loving Your Husband Well", by Selena Frederick. Together, they make what the authors call "the 31-Day Pursuit Challenge." The books are designed to be read together.
The entire 31-day process starts with one profound idea that changes everything: "We love because He first loved us" 1 John 4:19. It's because we've been pursued by Christ that we can actively and fiercely pursue each other. Of course, that's easy to know intellectually, it takes many gospel reminders before it penetrates our hearts and changes our actions.
Over the course of 31 days, marriages can be transformed as couples dig into God’s Word, rediscover how Christ has pursued us, and take real action to intentionally pursue each other. In these books, each partner will:
-Complete 31 "Pursuit Challenges" that turn gospel truths into real action
-Have honest conversations, initiate intimacy, plan memorable dates, devise elaborate escapes, and explore small ways to show genuine affection
-Gain a deeper understanding of your identity in Christ
The 31 Day Pursuit Challenge Bundle offers a gospel-centered, practical path toward loving each other well.
-Have honest conversations, initiate intimacy, plan memorable dates, devise elaborate escapes, and explore small ways to show genuine affection
-Gain a deeper understanding of your identity in Christ
The 31 Day Pursuit Challenge Bundle offers a gospel-centered, practical path toward loving each other well.
Let's take the challenge!
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Dad's Day
Brothers, what will determine how good or how bad your Dad’s Day will be?
I say “Dad’s Day” because there are millions of father’s in the world who are clueless about what that really means. Being a father requires only our sperm to fertilize the egg of a human female for us to father a child. Being a dad and to be celebrated for it requires much, much more and these are the things that are of former, current and future importance in the lives of our children.
Yes we will get gifts, everything from a shirt and tie combo we hate to any number of obligatory gifts from the least to the most expensive. These things are nice and it is a tradition we should look forward to. However, if a once a year gift given on “Father’s Day” is the only recognition we will receive from our children, then we have failed in our “dadly” duties or we need to re-evaluate just what we have done and are doing in our relationships with our children.
The one sure-fire way to determine if we should be honored and celebrated Sunday is to wake up, look in the mirror and ask a few questions about our relationships with our children. If we can honestly say that we have unselfishly cared for and provided for their well-being without complaint or compromise; if we can say without question or pause that we have, and will always have time for them no matter how old they become or what their station in life; if we have consistently and lovingly taught them what is good and how to go about being a righteous person; if we have encouraged them to love and trust God; if they know that we are always proud of their accomplishments and always aware that they are not perfect; if they respect and trust us even though we as men are not perfect; if they are pleased with how we treat their mother; if they consistently look to us for guidance and we give it without judgment, then we will have a great Dad’s Day.
I pray that on Sunday morning each of us can walk away from the mirror with a smile on our faces knowing the Lord is pleased with how we have handled the great responsibility of being a dad after we have become fathers.
Have a great Dad’s Day my brothers,
I say “Dad’s Day” because there are millions of father’s in the world who are clueless about what that really means. Being a father requires only our sperm to fertilize the egg of a human female for us to father a child. Being a dad and to be celebrated for it requires much, much more and these are the things that are of former, current and future importance in the lives of our children.
Yes we will get gifts, everything from a shirt and tie combo we hate to any number of obligatory gifts from the least to the most expensive. These things are nice and it is a tradition we should look forward to. However, if a once a year gift given on “Father’s Day” is the only recognition we will receive from our children, then we have failed in our “dadly” duties or we need to re-evaluate just what we have done and are doing in our relationships with our children.
The one sure-fire way to determine if we should be honored and celebrated Sunday is to wake up, look in the mirror and ask a few questions about our relationships with our children. If we can honestly say that we have unselfishly cared for and provided for their well-being without complaint or compromise; if we can say without question or pause that we have, and will always have time for them no matter how old they become or what their station in life; if we have consistently and lovingly taught them what is good and how to go about being a righteous person; if we have encouraged them to love and trust God; if they know that we are always proud of their accomplishments and always aware that they are not perfect; if they respect and trust us even though we as men are not perfect; if they are pleased with how we treat their mother; if they consistently look to us for guidance and we give it without judgment, then we will have a great Dad’s Day.
I pray that on Sunday morning each of us can walk away from the mirror with a smile on our faces knowing the Lord is pleased with how we have handled the great responsibility of being a dad after we have become fathers.
Have a great Dad’s Day my brothers,
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Milestone Year!
It’s gone by so fast! Much like the rush that brought Angela’s newborn cries into this world on Tuesday at 2:30 a.m. - after only 2 hours of labor - my second daughter is THIRTY today!
I bless the Lord for Angela’s life, and for allowing me to witness her journey thus far. I thank Him for His watch-care over her all her years, and for the creation of the new family He has ordained through her upcoming marriage to Derek!
This is a wonderful and exciting time for our family, with more celebrations ahead!
Happy 30th birthday, Anginess! I love you!
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Friday, April 13, 2018
#AWynnforDBowe ... the engagement of Angela Wynn and Derek Bowe, Jr.
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Friday, March 23, 2018
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Monday, March 12, 2018
He Music
![]() |
Mr. E & "Bay Bruh" |
deep, reverberations seep through the
walls and creates the heartbeat in me
Bass man croons his soul in shades of blue
and purple and shimmering water colors
-make me sigh
His jazz licks take flight across the universe
riffing, skipping, nimble fingers finesse
the fret board
-caress my treble mind
I shake, smile
and recognize
he music
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Saturday, February 3, 2018
Friday, January 26, 2018
Friday, January 19, 2018
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Stringin Pearls
Boaz Ministries
Grateful for my parents, Don and Anna, who planted the seed and provided the nurturing that would attend me on my journey to finding God, the Lover of my soul. Thankful that my earthly father modeled the way a godly man loves his wife, for my sister and me. Rest in peace, Daddy, until we meet again.
Friday, January 12, 2018
Psalm 90 Eternal God and Mortal Man
A dear friend of mine emailed me a Bible verse, Psalm 90:12 (highlighted in red below). And it pricked my heart so, that I had to look up the entire chapter in context. As always, in the context, God's message through His prophets and poets, is made crystal clear. I pray this division of the Psalms will touch your soul, and bring wisdom and understanding of the time we have - in these times in which we live.
"A prayer
of Moses, the man of God"
Lord, You have been our refuge
in every generation.
Before the mountains
were born,
before You gave birth to the earth and the world,
from eternity to eternity, You are God.
You return mankind to the dust,
saying, “Return, descendants of Adam.”
For in Your sight
a thousand years
are like yesterday that passes by,
like a few hours of the night.
You end their
lives; they sleep.
They are like grass that grows in the morning—
in the morning it
sprouts and grows;
by evening it withers and dries up.
For we are consumed by Your anger;
we are terrified by Your wrath.
You have set our
unjust ways before You,
our secret sins in the light of Your presence.
For all our days
ebb away under Your wrath;
we end our years like a sigh.
Our lives last seventy years
or, if we are strong, eighty years.
Even the best of them are struggle and sorrow;
indeed, they pass quickly and we fly away.
Who understands
the power of Your anger?
Your wrath matches the respect that is due You.
So teach us to
number our days carefully
that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.
Lord—how long?
Return, have compassion on Your servants.
Satisfy us in the morning with Your faithful love
so that we may shout with joy and be glad all our days.
Make us rejoice
for as many days as You have humbled us,
for as many years as we have seen evil and adversity.
Let Your work be
seen by Your servants,
and Your splendor by their children.
Let the beauty of the Lord our God
be on us;
confirm for us the work of our hands—
Make our
endeavors successful!
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