I thought I'd depart from the pedestrian ramblings of a claustrophobic attic-dweller for a moment, and update the readers on more noteworthy happenings.
The Skype Bible study we began in May, is still going strong. However, because of technical difficulties we kept experiencing during our group sessions, we moved to another online venue called Google Hangout. Familiar with this? So far, it's working very well.
We began our study on LOVE - the way it's supposed to look among believers. And we learned that the expression and practice of this type of love can't be performed under our human power. Who can truly love their enemies? (enemies...could be fellow "believers" or even blood relatives - people smiling in your face!) Who feels like turning the other cheek? Who will give away their good stuff to someone in need? Who enjoys doing for somebody who can't repay us in kind? (the panhandler, or the mooching friend) Who really forgives someone who continuously does stupid stuff? (yet asks for forgiveness) And who, off the top, really thinks they should work things out with an adulterous spouse? (when folks are divorcing for far less offenses)
Well, if anyone can say, "Oh, piece of cake"... you prevaricate hugely!!(snap out of it!) The truth is, when we studied this love thing, we realized how desperately we needed the Power of God to even approach the thought to have the desire to love and forgive those who look at us sideways, less known those who have done us wrong. What a growth spurt we experienced! From intellectually grasping the concept, to being real and honest with ourselves, sharing our issues, praying with and for one another as we moved through week after week, practically applying love principles we were studying. We have accountability. First to our God, and then, to each other.
I led out in the love study. And as it happens, whenever we utilize the Word of God, we find ourselves going into other topics of study. We're all over the Bible, here a little, there a little. A month ago, one of the members felt the need to explore the all encompassing area of faith, and she is leading out in the study. Faith, the very foundation of what is necessary for us to believe and trust spiritual promises we hold dear. Most of us are control freaks, unwilling to give up our grip on what we think we have power over. So, the idea of trusting what we cannot see is...a humungous mental leap. Our study for the rest of the year, is faith; how to increase it. (when we add love into the equation...love for a God who first loved us, we find we have to have faith to believe that step first) It is interconnected as we are, and we are here as the expressions of Love, in the flesh, on this plane.
These are my thoughts, but I dare not end without sharing Scripture. (as the late, great Bro Wynn used to say, "I don't have an opinion. It's about what God says.") On the matter of the Power that helps us know and do and be/perform what is Truth, I submit John 16:13 and 1 John 2:27. And God's love, gift and promise to those who trust and believe are bound in the popular memory verse found in John 3:16-18 and I'll add, 1 John 4:19 (I love it!). The "Hall of Faith", found in Hebrews 11, is an excellent historical view of the patriarchs, prophets and everyday people who exercised extraordinary faith in the promises that they didn't even live to see fulfilled in their lifetimes. Yet their examples are there for us to read, pray about, internalize, and build our faith and hope. For we walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7) This is the goal, by the Power of the Holy Spirit. In the chapter of faith, in Hebrews, there are two verses that have my heart's full attention and is the number one prayer request on my list. I'll just let the Word speak for itself on this one:
It was by faith that Enoch was taken up to heaven without dying—“he disappeared, because God took him.” For before he was taken up, he was known as a person who pleased God.
And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to
come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who
sincerely seek him.
Hebrews 11:5-6, New Living Translation
I wanna please Him. And I'm thankful for the Bible study crew, their insights, prayers, and encouragement week after week.
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