I was talking with one of my (actual) girlfriends the other night about the very real, very crazy phenom that seems to be cropping up more and more... LOVELESS, FRIGID SISTAS who are MARRIED and DON'T EVEN LIKE THEIR HUSBANDS! And these are decent, hard working brothas who do what most women would LOVE their men to do.
I am hypersensitive to this topic. My thing is - you betta cherish the love while you have it ... you may not have tomorrow.
I know of a brotha who said he didn't play his music in the house when his wife was home because she doesn't like music! I thought he was lying! But let me back up. Here he was, husband, father, educated (doctorate degrees and stuff), with their three children one Friday doing chores, getting the house ready for Shabbat. Mother, business owner, was still at work. And the music was flowing, the children were happily busy and humming along to the music of my youth, when I stopped by to drop some things off. It was a warm experience for me those short moments I was there. And when I remarked that he was raising his kids right (as I always say when the younguns know something about REAL music) - that's when he told me he can't play it when his wife is home. Now, that's a foreign concept to me - coming from a musical family as I did, and having music in my home with my late husband and our kids. For me, this was a serious red flag. And I was right. Longer story short - turns out that's not all the wife didn't like in her house. They're now separated and divorce is eminent. Children are doing the back and forth shuffle between two houses. Smh...
In another strange account, a sista confided that she doesn't even know why she got married. She doesn't like sex; she can't stand for her husband to touch her. This sista actually rolled her eyes and moved away from her husband when he tried to hold her hand in church!! And this husband is one of the most attentive, gentle souls you ever want to meet! He built a home gym on their property for her - out of which she was running fitness classes. It was widely noticed how she would belittle her husband whenever he came around. He's a jovial guy, and enjoyed joking around with the other men who were in the class. His wife was always telling him to leave, that he was disrupting the sessions. Being a fitness buff himself, he would sometimes stay....and suffer criticism after criticism. It was clear that he was in HER world whenever he stepped foot in that fab home gym. This sista has made it clear that she's not leaving that gym for anything - she put too much money in it! You also best believe they live like roommates sharing space (but not a bed) in the house! Smh...
These stories can be corroborated. This isn't fiction. And from what I understand, there are more and more sistas out there whose men are under appreciated. Prime catches for "the clean up woman". These men happen to be strong men of Faith, who aren't trying to hook up with a convenient situation. They want their families. But I sometimes wonder where the real mates for these two brothas are. Was there a mistake somewhere in the cosmos? I wonder what quirk of circumstance and timing - what time-space continuum broke down to cause such a mismatch. How in the world does a woman who hates music (and forbids it in the home) get with a man who absolutely loves it? And how does it happen that an affectionate, passionate man mate up with a cold fish? But most importantly, why don't these women understand the gifts they are throwing away? There are soooo many, many, many women who would love men like these two, and TREAT THEM LIKE THE KINGS THEY ARE!! Smh...
God don't like ugly. In my humble opinion, God wasn't consulted when these folk got together...and He was never invited in by both parties even after the trouble started. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying these men don't have faults. But in these instances, both men prefer to work things out and are fighting for their relationships. The sistas are not being reasonable. Not even nice! It's so crazy because their complaints against their men are so incredibly weak! "He never does anything right," "He's too controlling," "He's always trying to touch me," (??), "He's so childish!" (My sistas, is THAT ALL? Do you not know how much worse it could be?? Shut up and count your blessings!!) I personally cannot be around women who have good men, and do not appreciate what they have. I seem to repel women who mistreat and disrespect their men. They already know my stance, and they don't want to hear from me. I don't engage in, nor encourage male bashing. I don't support man haters, or women who must wear the pants and be in control of the household. Smh...
I'm disgusted enough to hope they read this post! I hope it causes some serious introspection and much needed self-evaluation. What's really wrong? He always brings home the paycheck and pays the bills. He has NEVER cheated on you. He indulges your craziness; supports your dreams, takes you on expensive vacations, makes sure you get your hair did. The brotha cleans the house, takes out the trash, babysits when you go out with your girls, feeds the pets. Why you treat him so badly? Yeah, YOU!
I wanna know....
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