I had a conversation with a few famblee members at my cousin's annual holiday party last Saturday night. And something two of them said gave me pause. Both younger than I, a male and a female - they gave their opinions about this social network craze. All right, we were talking about Facebook! (as if you didn't know)
The young lady (early 30s, single mom of a son) said she doesn't like to go on FB because she gets depressed. Yeah. She said she sees everybody's pictures, people having a good time, laughing it up with friends and loved ones, and that's not her life. So she doesn't go on very often. It makes her sad and she feels like a misfit. I was surprised to hear this. And the young man - also in his 30s, married with two daughters - piped up and said, "Facebook is evil!" He has a comedic way about him, so his demeanor, delivery and timing made it sound very funny. But ol boy was dead serious. He said there have been studies recently that are showing the psychological affect these social networks have on people... and folks are suffering from all types of emotional and mental maladies because of what they perceive is happening in other people's lives on these networks. And really, I know that folks are faking the funk! For millions, the life they post in pictures, is just a snapshot of a moment...(and most of the time, a moment they never should have published for all to see!) But it doesn't represent their REAL lives.
The young man went on to say that most people, when they open their eyes in the morning, before doing anything else - before thanking God for a new day, they'll roll over to their laptops, or their cell phones, and check in on Facebook! He said folks won't talk to their spouses, their children, have their coffee BEFORE logging on. And I had to agree, there is something very wrong with that. So he challenged me to just take a week off, maybe "lurk", but just read what folks are saying... and gain a different view, and possibly put something else in its place - of IMPORTANCE. Because, I admit - I can spend quite a bit of time online, reading here, viewing videos there, responding hither, thither and yon cause I gotta add my 5 cents (inflation)... and then the afternoon is all gone.
It's not that I didn't know all of the above was going on, or that this new strain of "depression" could possibly occur - I just felt that I was somehow immune to it. I actually talked myself into believing I was serving a positive, even Godly purpose by being on Facebook. (well, the truth is, I had some help from friends who felt I had a Godly purpose for being there) I had thought of deactivating my account shortly after my husband died suddenly, of a blood clot in 2010... but writing and sharing helped my grieving process. I was able to encourage myself and others - to LOVE IN THE MOMENT, EVERY MOMENT because we never know - It worked for me. People shared that it was beneficial to them, too. But somewhere, along the way, I see that I've also become addicted and my time online is not being utilized in the most efficient ways possible. (I blogged that I have several unfinished manuscripts - hmmmmmm)
So after a week of observing the mass messages - the MESSages from the myriad of mindsets... from the sublime to the ridiculous, I sat, amazed! ... I read my page and the multitude of posts from the atheists, the agnostics, to the free thinkers to the new agers to the orthodox Jews, to the Messianic Jews, to the folks steeped in the indoctrination of churchianity (aka modern Christianity - my terms, my opinion) which includes a very broad range of belief systems - to those who call themselves "Believers" or "True Believers", to the capitalists to the nationalists, to the socialists, to the Pan Africanists, the 99 percenters and EVERYBODY else in between who ain't reppin right at the moment, but are on the verge (the closeted, the down-low, the undecided)...My head was literally spinning - like vertigo! And I realized...I'm over this! I've got my work to do.
The last straw was when I found out there will be a new format, starting in a few days - a timeline format that I suppose folks will gleefully hop on and put ALL THE REST of their personal business, pictures, etc. The kicker is, there is no option to NOT accept this change. So, I'm taking this opportunity "to break from the herd and perhaps buy myself a little more time to think for myself." (I quoted myself just now, lol)
This blog serves as a place I can express my thoughts...share with those who care to read. I'm not trying to impress anyone here. I won't be throwing up family pictures and posting every mundane occurrence in my day. I don't expect comments. I actually don't require them. (those who know me in real time, would say, yeah, because I don't give anybody room edgewise into a convo - NOT TRUE! hahaha!) My hope for this blog thing is that I be of encouragement to folks. I don't have much, just some human experience with some Supernatural help (correction - A LOT of Supernatural help!). That I can share. And I'm very sure that's part of my purpose in this life.
I'm hoping you'll glean something of spiritual value from this network here. For the time being, I'm good with having a little more control here, than what those other networks offer.
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