Love is of God, because God is love. The love that He is, and that He wants to share with us, bears no resemblance to the love that's advertised in this world. 1 Corinthians 13 says it's the greatest gift of all, and many quote the passages, falling short of understanding the characteristics of real, Godly love. I am not an expert, myself, but I know that the Spirit of the living God empowers us to practice this all-encompassing, extraordinary love. I'm a student of the Divine Character, and a willing laborer for the cause of Christ. I'm nothing without God and the blood of Jesus Who saved a wretch like me.
Last year, I blogged about a phenomenon I rather verbosely termed: "A Full Heart Can Hold More". You who have been reading me for a little while, know that I do this writing stuff to share info; work through, sort out issues and questions I have, and in the process, maybe encourage/reach/edify a reader or two.
Well, as I had said in that blog, I
experienced firsthand, how my love for each of my children is singular, complete, and unique. And in no way does my love for one detract from the others. As each one came into the world, my already full heart expanded and made more room. Looking into their tiny faces, seeing their father's eyes, made me melt all over again, as if for the first time. God stretched my heart even more to include yet a fourth child, a foster daughter, who immediately became my oldest child when I was expecting my son. She lived with us until she graduated from high school; she is still my
daughter today. I wrote that I know women who only had one child
because, they didn't believe they could
love a second or third child as much as the first one.
SERIOUSLY! This way of thinking causes me to feel there are other
issues just below the surface. But, for them, this was a legitimate reason to just have one child.
But a full and contented heart really can hold more love. Children are gifts of love from God (Psalm 127:3-5). God is love (1 John 4:7-8). And our Heavenly Father has an infinite storehouse. If we are His children, then are we not able to access this special ability as well?
Yes, we are. I am a witness. When we allow the love that flows to us from God; when we realize and appreciate the blessings of such a supreme gift, we
attract love. I said in my blog, that when my husband died, I was full, satisfied, and still felt
very married. Death had parted us on such a high note, that all was well with my soul and I felt no need for another romance. There were brothers who told me I had that
unavailable air about me! Yes, indeed I did! Even when well meaning friends
assured me that God would give me another loving mate, I looked at them crazy! And I felt that it was
waaaay too soon for ANYONE to be thinking like that! Because, honestly, there could be no other love like the love I shared with Bro Wynn. I am right about that, too. For as I have said before and still maintain: each love is singular, complete, unique, and
I've learned to pray about every detail of my life; every move I make, big or small. And I have been in earnest prayer concerning my fellow poet/author and longtime friend, Bruce Edwards. He was counted as one of my blessings in And we're trusting that the Lord is guiding us on the lighted Path, through our prayers and dependence upon Him. I'm like Gideon was in the Bible; I've presented a few fleeces of my own to the Lord, for His confirmation! (Judges 6:37-40) And the Lord has indeed shown me that Bruce is His choice as my mate and partner in ministry for the rest of my life
I humbly submit, that when we
actually empty ourselves of ourselves, God is able to pour
more of Himself into us. I continue to trust Him, because He said He knows the plans He has for my life.(Jeremiah 29:11) I stand on the promises by faith, and by the miracles, big and small, that He's already performed in my family's life thus far. The Bible says in Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT)...
the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! So if our hearts are clogged, with no room to expand in the love department, it's time to check our soul connection to the Giver of all good gifts.
As I concluded in my previous blog, I will say again, with emphasis: willing hearts, fully surrendered to the Lord, develop a larger capacity for forgiveness, grace, mercy, peace, joy, faith, hope, and love! It's a miracle, really. Love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). And with God at the helm, and the center of our lives, we move onward and upward, blessing as we are blessed by others along the way!
This is my prayer for all of us - That we allow God to open our hearts, that He may fill them to overflowing with the gift of Love that keeps on giving, to the saving of our souls... in Jesus' Name, Amen!