Just want to say, "Thank You!" to my God, my Father in Heaven! He is good, and His mercies endure forever...
If I had 10,000 tongues, I could not tell it all! Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! I once was VERY lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see!
The GREAT I AM reigns, Who was and is and is to come - What a mighty God I serve!
I just want to magnify the Lord, for He is worthy to be praised!
Thank You, Lord - in the MIGHTY name of Jesus, by the Power of the Holy Spirit... Thank You for working with, in and through me! Continue, please dear Lord, creating within me a clean heart... KEEP ON renewing a RIGHT Spirit within me!
Hallelujah, Thine, the Glory!! I am revived! I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb!
SHOUTING! LIFTING HOLY HANDS! Anointing, fall on me!!!
Amen! And, amen!
Friday, December 20, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Miss Carmen
I met her this morning. After figuring out the best way to get back home from handling some business (my trek included a cab a two buses), I met a woman named Carmen at the bus stop. It was a frigid morning, and I'd bundled myself up pretty well in my hooded down jacket, neck scarf, turtle neck sweater, wool blazer, head wrap, gloves and long skivvies under my jeans...down to the woolen socks and fur lined booties. We exchanged pleasantries, and she explained to me about the buses I'd take to my destination. Actually, we were going in the same direction. It was my first time traveling in that part of the city, so I told her I would gladly follow her lead.
Miss Carmen was dressed for the weather, too. Knit cap, neck scarf, huge coat, jeans and sneakers. She told me she had on three pairs of gloves. She had several teeth missing, and the ones that were left were rotten. Carmen spoke in between puffs on the cigarette she held poised between two fingers of her right hand. She told me she was late for work, and was very upset with herself for not getting up on time.
I soon learned that "work" was panhandling at a specific intersection on the other side of town, an area I know well - to which Carmen takes two buses every day. Carmen also told me she sleeps on the floor at the home of her son and daughter-in-law. "I only sleep there. It's temporary. Too cold outside now. My son lets me stay there; he's helping me out. His wife don't want me there." Miss Carmen's weather-worn face seemed to soften when she told me about her 6 grandchildren. "I have one grandson; all the rest, girls. They love their Nana."
She said, "Excuse me, but I'm homeless. I hope that doesn't offend you." I stood there in semi-paralysis; cause there was something about her that grabbed me instantly. That's when I noticed her opened backpack and her cardboard sign folded inside; I supposed she also had water and a few other provisions for the day. I told her I was honored to be speaking with her today. Miss Carmen shared a great many things as we waited for our first bus. That same son who is helping her out, works day labor - and there's no heat on in the house. But the children are fed and their clothes are clean. Miss Carmen said she's two years clean and sober. She used to do crack. Her husband died suddenly in March of this year - two weeks before her birthday. She buried him on her birthday. My birthday is also in March. You know I asked her... and we learned we share a birthday. Strangely, I wasn't surprised. We are close in age- again, no surprise. The Lord was showing me something.
When we got on the first bus, Carmen began to testify...said she prays to the Lord every day. She said she asks Him to provide for her for that day, and that day only - and He always does. "He makes sure I have bus fare to get to work and enough to buy some food. I only sleep at my son's, like I told you. You know I take two buses; both ways." She said she needed some assistance with the Social Security Administration and explained the matter - it's something I know about, so I shared the resources with her. We transferred to the second bus, talking the whole way. "Come on, Miss Bridget, let's get 30 more minutes of warmth on this bus! It's cold out here!" She said she's working on her life to do better, as God gives her strength - and today, she was going to her intersection to get Christmas presents for her grandbabies. "The store owners and even the security guards where I work have given me Target gift cards. Those are the best! My babies can get something nice. I hope I get a few of those today."
There was something about Miss Carmen that touched me deeply. A kind of awe, and maybe the word is compassion. It was not pity. I found myself amazed by her; the things she knew - her outlook on life. She possesses a simple faith that is at once extremely powerful. She blessed me. Profoundly.
Miss Carmen pulled the cord for my stop ("because it's tricky when you get over in this area - two stops close together like this") - and I was almost sad to leave. We had packed a lot of stories, yea, testimonies in the space of an hour and some change this morning - I was an active listener. I thanked her for sharing with me. She said, "I'm going to tell people that I met a good lady today named Miss Bridget, who really blessed me!" I told her that I would definitely do the same. She rose with me as I got ready to depart, and we embraced. I'd been low key fumbling around with a sum of money in my gloved hand (money I'd previously felt I absolutely needed right now) - not wanting to offend her. But I clumsily pressed it into her 3-gloved hand in a parting handshake, anyway. Miss Carmen was rocked backward into her seat as the bus came to my stop. She saw the money, and the tears came streaming down. She held my hand in both of hers and thanked me profusely. I was relieved that I hadn't offended her; I knew she had not been expecting anything from me.
Our connection was ordained because I was teetering on the edge of a place of discouragement, worry, and ungratefulness. It's so easy to "go there." And the Lord arranged it so this lady and I could meet and be of encouragement to one another. "There, but for the grace of God, go I." But even more than that - Miss Carmen's faith showed me that I need to step up my faith experience.
God bless and keep you safe, Miss Carmen. I fully expect to see you again, young lady!
Miss Carmen was dressed for the weather, too. Knit cap, neck scarf, huge coat, jeans and sneakers. She told me she had on three pairs of gloves. She had several teeth missing, and the ones that were left were rotten. Carmen spoke in between puffs on the cigarette she held poised between two fingers of her right hand. She told me she was late for work, and was very upset with herself for not getting up on time.
I soon learned that "work" was panhandling at a specific intersection on the other side of town, an area I know well - to which Carmen takes two buses every day. Carmen also told me she sleeps on the floor at the home of her son and daughter-in-law. "I only sleep there. It's temporary. Too cold outside now. My son lets me stay there; he's helping me out. His wife don't want me there." Miss Carmen's weather-worn face seemed to soften when she told me about her 6 grandchildren. "I have one grandson; all the rest, girls. They love their Nana."
She said, "Excuse me, but I'm homeless. I hope that doesn't offend you." I stood there in semi-paralysis; cause there was something about her that grabbed me instantly. That's when I noticed her opened backpack and her cardboard sign folded inside; I supposed she also had water and a few other provisions for the day. I told her I was honored to be speaking with her today. Miss Carmen shared a great many things as we waited for our first bus. That same son who is helping her out, works day labor - and there's no heat on in the house. But the children are fed and their clothes are clean. Miss Carmen said she's two years clean and sober. She used to do crack. Her husband died suddenly in March of this year - two weeks before her birthday. She buried him on her birthday. My birthday is also in March. You know I asked her... and we learned we share a birthday. Strangely, I wasn't surprised. We are close in age- again, no surprise. The Lord was showing me something.
When we got on the first bus, Carmen began to testify...said she prays to the Lord every day. She said she asks Him to provide for her for that day, and that day only - and He always does. "He makes sure I have bus fare to get to work and enough to buy some food. I only sleep at my son's, like I told you. You know I take two buses; both ways." She said she needed some assistance with the Social Security Administration and explained the matter - it's something I know about, so I shared the resources with her. We transferred to the second bus, talking the whole way. "Come on, Miss Bridget, let's get 30 more minutes of warmth on this bus! It's cold out here!" She said she's working on her life to do better, as God gives her strength - and today, she was going to her intersection to get Christmas presents for her grandbabies. "The store owners and even the security guards where I work have given me Target gift cards. Those are the best! My babies can get something nice. I hope I get a few of those today."
There was something about Miss Carmen that touched me deeply. A kind of awe, and maybe the word is compassion. It was not pity. I found myself amazed by her; the things she knew - her outlook on life. She possesses a simple faith that is at once extremely powerful. She blessed me. Profoundly.
Miss Carmen pulled the cord for my stop ("because it's tricky when you get over in this area - two stops close together like this") - and I was almost sad to leave. We had packed a lot of stories, yea, testimonies in the space of an hour and some change this morning - I was an active listener. I thanked her for sharing with me. She said, "I'm going to tell people that I met a good lady today named Miss Bridget, who really blessed me!" I told her that I would definitely do the same. She rose with me as I got ready to depart, and we embraced. I'd been low key fumbling around with a sum of money in my gloved hand (money I'd previously felt I absolutely needed right now) - not wanting to offend her. But I clumsily pressed it into her 3-gloved hand in a parting handshake, anyway. Miss Carmen was rocked backward into her seat as the bus came to my stop. She saw the money, and the tears came streaming down. She held my hand in both of hers and thanked me profusely. I was relieved that I hadn't offended her; I knew she had not been expecting anything from me.
Our connection was ordained because I was teetering on the edge of a place of discouragement, worry, and ungratefulness. It's so easy to "go there." And the Lord arranged it so this lady and I could meet and be of encouragement to one another. "There, but for the grace of God, go I." But even more than that - Miss Carmen's faith showed me that I need to step up my faith experience.
God bless and keep you safe, Miss Carmen. I fully expect to see you again, young lady!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Today is my husband's birthday...
and yesterday, snowed in, enjoying being home together - doing our
separate activities, I took some time to reflect on the mercy and grace
of God. Lately, I've been practicing having an intentional relationship
with the Lord - actively seeking to know His will for me, day to day,
moment by moment. And in my daily meditations and prayers, my request is
that God allow me to have an experience so powerful (be it great or
small), leaving no doubt that He is real and cares about every detail of
my life. I pray this prayer for my husband, and everyone on my prayer
list. Been praying this prayer for a few months.
And miracles are happening! Some small, gradually, by increments. Some, complete 180-degree turnarounds- quickly. I hear about them; I've seen them, and know there's a spiritual transformation taking place in the lives of those who have no idea they're being lifted in prayer daily (I've enlisted other prayer warriors to intercede for these dear souls)- across the country! I can see the changes in my husband; in his willingness to boldly profess his love for Christ - and how he, indeed, is being molded and made new by the Potter - and loving it! Thrills my soul when he testifies about how the Lord hears and answers specific prayers! God shows Himself to Bruce, and Bruce can "see" God at work, literally keeping him. I love the joy, the peace that has replaced the worry and doubt on my husband's countenance. Because his faith is stronger, he trusts and has confidence that the Lord's got him, no matter what the situation appears to be. It's personal; intimate, magnificent!
This year, 2013, has been a time of transition, change - growth. All of it, God ordained. I am grateful for the lessons the Lord is teaching me - and so thankful to know without a doubt, that He's using someone like me - faults and all - to share His message of love, repentance, forgiveness and eternal life. Our purpose as a couple is ministry. It's our desire to reach out to others with the message of hope. God's bringing more individuals into a deeper knowledge of Himself and how real and wonderful He truly is. We've joined Him in this work; we want people to know and receive that the life we can have in Him is far richer and more abundant than any temporal enticements this world has to offer.
Today is Bruce's birthday. I bless the Lord and give glory to God for placing within this man a heart that desires to know and love Him more! It really doesn't get better than that, this side of Heaven!
And miracles are happening! Some small, gradually, by increments. Some, complete 180-degree turnarounds- quickly. I hear about them; I've seen them, and know there's a spiritual transformation taking place in the lives of those who have no idea they're being lifted in prayer daily (I've enlisted other prayer warriors to intercede for these dear souls)- across the country! I can see the changes in my husband; in his willingness to boldly profess his love for Christ - and how he, indeed, is being molded and made new by the Potter - and loving it! Thrills my soul when he testifies about how the Lord hears and answers specific prayers! God shows Himself to Bruce, and Bruce can "see" God at work, literally keeping him. I love the joy, the peace that has replaced the worry and doubt on my husband's countenance. Because his faith is stronger, he trusts and has confidence that the Lord's got him, no matter what the situation appears to be. It's personal; intimate, magnificent!
This year, 2013, has been a time of transition, change - growth. All of it, God ordained. I am grateful for the lessons the Lord is teaching me - and so thankful to know without a doubt, that He's using someone like me - faults and all - to share His message of love, repentance, forgiveness and eternal life. Our purpose as a couple is ministry. It's our desire to reach out to others with the message of hope. God's bringing more individuals into a deeper knowledge of Himself and how real and wonderful He truly is. We've joined Him in this work; we want people to know and receive that the life we can have in Him is far richer and more abundant than any temporal enticements this world has to offer.
Today is Bruce's birthday. I bless the Lord and give glory to God for placing within this man a heart that desires to know and love Him more! It really doesn't get better than that, this side of Heaven!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Let Me Say It Again...
I've said it before - there's no such thing as luck. I do believe that circumstances and situations can be fortunate or unfortunate... but there is a difference. A quick search of the definitions (lucky/luck vs fortunate/unfortunate), might help explain it.
If I can just bask for a moment in the truth of the words of the poster on the left of the page; I believe I can get a few witnesses.
My life, a book with several chapters, some closed - is a testimony of God's very intentional interaction between Himself and humans. And as I grow older, I can see more clearly where He has been handling my issues, and directing my steps. The realization, the recognition of His work is awe inspiring!
I shouldn't wonder; I asked Him very plainly some years ago to show Himself strong in my life. And the God of all my circumstances continues to show me that He is above all others. He's so ridiculously wonderful, that even my missteps and stumbling blocks become stepping stones; teaching opportunities whereby someone else can be encouraged. Ain't no accidents. My whole journey is a testimony that God is in charge. And when believers put their trust in Him - His blessings come flowing out to us in the richness and fullness of the fruit of the spirit: "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance." (Galatians 5:22-23)
My prayer is that all of us choose to let God draw us closer to Him. His embrace is stronger, deeper, and endures far beyond any temporary fix or fleeting fancy. He is the anchor in the storm of life's unfortunate events and "the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" ( Hebrews 11:6). His power is greater than the rabbit's foot and the four-leaf clover - they have no authority! He created them, after all!.
I praise God for His faithfulness, for His guidance, protection and mercy! Can't imagine leaving my life, yea, my very soul, to 'chance'.
If I can just bask for a moment in the truth of the words of the poster on the left of the page; I believe I can get a few witnesses.
My life, a book with several chapters, some closed - is a testimony of God's very intentional interaction between Himself and humans. And as I grow older, I can see more clearly where He has been handling my issues, and directing my steps. The realization, the recognition of His work is awe inspiring!
I shouldn't wonder; I asked Him very plainly some years ago to show Himself strong in my life. And the God of all my circumstances continues to show me that He is above all others. He's so ridiculously wonderful, that even my missteps and stumbling blocks become stepping stones; teaching opportunities whereby someone else can be encouraged. Ain't no accidents. My whole journey is a testimony that God is in charge. And when believers put their trust in Him - His blessings come flowing out to us in the richness and fullness of the fruit of the spirit: "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance." (Galatians 5:22-23)
My prayer is that all of us choose to let God draw us closer to Him. His embrace is stronger, deeper, and endures far beyond any temporary fix or fleeting fancy. He is the anchor in the storm of life's unfortunate events and "the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" ( Hebrews 11:6). His power is greater than the rabbit's foot and the four-leaf clover - they have no authority! He created them, after all!.
I praise God for His faithfulness, for His guidance, protection and mercy! Can't imagine leaving my life, yea, my very soul, to 'chance'.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
"Don't quit 5 minutes before the miracle"
In the course of my ministry, I hear a lot of things. People share their stories with me; I assist them in mapping out their goals - and provide them with tools to achieve them. If I don't have an answer to a question, I'm pretty good at knowing how to look for it, and then I show them how to find it. The main objective in every case is self-sufficiency and an improved life.
As I am imparting and empowering those I assist - I also glean valuable bits of information in return. It never fails. My latest lesson was so incredibly "right up under my nose" and tailor made for me (therefore, straight from God) - that it blew me back! Last summer, a woman a few years my senior shared her story, telling me how she had once been very impatient and would make hasty decisions in the past. She'd hit a wall, or what she thought was a wall, and give up. Time after time, when going through life's discomforts, she'd reach a dead-end, or what she thought was a dead-end - and stop cold. Then a day came when she was at another impasse, and she reminded herself that she's a person of faith - so she decided to keep praying, to persevere - to be strong enough to last for "five more minutes." And God showed up. That's when the sista raised her right hand and pointed her index finger at me and said, "Miss Bridget, see, don't quit 5 minutes before the miracle! Those walls I hit were opportunities for me to keep pushing on in faith!"
Ladies and gentlemen - some of you know what she meant. And if I may be transparent with you, I was stirred by this woman's testimony last summer, but I wasn't to learn the lesson once and for all, until just last week, in the fullness of time. I had a situation that I thought needed to be handled "a certain way"; and I had become frustrated. I'd prayed about it, asked God to show me what to do, all of that. Then I tried to make it work on my own, because I hadn't listened for God's voice in the matter. Of course "my way" wasn't working; how could it? I threw up my hands, almost quit, when I remembered that I am a person of faith! Then I got somewhere and sat myself down, and waited. Five days later, no exaggeration, God revealed the way my problem would be solved! It was so simple and perfect it was crazy! And His plan was far better than what I was trying to "jerry-rig" (no offense to the Jerrys out there).
I just wanted to share this good stuff - it might help somebody else.Wait on the Lord! Don't quit 5 minutes, 5 days, or 5 years before the miracle! Some of you know what I mean.
As I am imparting and empowering those I assist - I also glean valuable bits of information in return. It never fails. My latest lesson was so incredibly "right up under my nose" and tailor made for me (therefore, straight from God) - that it blew me back! Last summer, a woman a few years my senior shared her story, telling me how she had once been very impatient and would make hasty decisions in the past. She'd hit a wall, or what she thought was a wall, and give up. Time after time, when going through life's discomforts, she'd reach a dead-end, or what she thought was a dead-end - and stop cold. Then a day came when she was at another impasse, and she reminded herself that she's a person of faith - so she decided to keep praying, to persevere - to be strong enough to last for "five more minutes." And God showed up. That's when the sista raised her right hand and pointed her index finger at me and said, "Miss Bridget, see, don't quit 5 minutes before the miracle! Those walls I hit were opportunities for me to keep pushing on in faith!"
Ladies and gentlemen - some of you know what she meant. And if I may be transparent with you, I was stirred by this woman's testimony last summer, but I wasn't to learn the lesson once and for all, until just last week, in the fullness of time. I had a situation that I thought needed to be handled "a certain way"; and I had become frustrated. I'd prayed about it, asked God to show me what to do, all of that. Then I tried to make it work on my own, because I hadn't listened for God's voice in the matter. Of course "my way" wasn't working; how could it? I threw up my hands, almost quit, when I remembered that I am a person of faith! Then I got somewhere and sat myself down, and waited. Five days later, no exaggeration, God revealed the way my problem would be solved! It was so simple and perfect it was crazy! And His plan was far better than what I was trying to "jerry-rig" (no offense to the Jerrys out there).
I just wanted to share this good stuff - it might help somebody else.Wait on the Lord! Don't quit 5 minutes, 5 days, or 5 years before the miracle! Some of you know what I mean.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
yes, I know the meaning of being sanctified....
if you ever want to know if you're in full blown, sanctified, set apart love, or just strong infatuation - here's a little something that may be helpful, that will tease out the truth from the lie... real love works for/with/because/in spite of one another... this is true for couples, and correlates with our spiritual relationship with God... believers need the combined power of the Godhead in our unions to be victorious...
...because when the times get so rough
even my heart wants to scream "enough!"
my mind overrules that noise
for there is no other direction but forward
and no other way to deal, but straight
and though either or both of us caused the problem
we vowed to be part of the solution
when bad circumstances find us unbalanced,
we lock arms and rise above them
refusing to be drawn under
...because there is no issue too deep
and no obstacle so immovable that
we can't find our way around or clean through it
...because I looked in your face that day
and declared I'm not afraid
...because I was made to go the distance
...because there's no amount of hell on earth
that can reverse this life decision
...because trouble don't last always
and by the strength of our faith and God's awesome grace
we'll move on into heaven!
Bridget Edwards © 2013
...because when the times get so rough
even my heart wants to scream "enough!"
my mind overrules that noise
for there is no other direction but forward
and no other way to deal, but straight
and though either or both of us caused the problem
we vowed to be part of the solution
when bad circumstances find us unbalanced,
we lock arms and rise above them
refusing to be drawn under
...because there is no issue too deep
and no obstacle so immovable that
we can't find our way around or clean through it
...because I looked in your face that day
and declared I'm not afraid
...because I was made to go the distance
...because there's no amount of hell on earth
that can reverse this life decision
...because trouble don't last always
and by the strength of our faith and God's awesome grace
we'll move on into heaven!
Bridget Edwards © 2013
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
The Gift, The Loan, The "Lift" - and What the Bible Says...
Just want to take a moment to speak on the above and their definitions. And what the Bible says.
A monetary blessing that is freely given, with no expectation of repayment. Case closed, no further discussion. Hallelujah.
A monetary exchange, where the lender and borrower agree to both the amount, terms and time of repayment.
This term was defined to me by my dear cousin several years ago - and it's beautiful. This is a monetary blessing that is bestowed upon the borrower, at the borrower's request, but the requester will not be required to repay, if he or she is unable. My cousin explained that she and her husband always consider whether or not the loan is something they have no problem parting with - forever. So the borrower is not held responsible, and there are no ill feelings.
In my lifetime, I have been the recipient of all three...as well as the giver. But one note of extreme importance that I must add:
If the giver finds him/herself in dire straits after they have bestowed a monetary blessing upon someone - and they now require financial help.... they should:
1. Seek assistance from someone other than the one they just helped, or;
2. Ask the gift recipient for help, stipulating the two situations are completely separate... and not to be construed as repayment of the gift. (so the need amount being requested is not the same as the amount of the aforementioned gift!)
The above is my humble opinion. But the Bible is even MORE in-depth than I - concerning the appropriate state of mind and heart of the LENDER!
"And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to get back the same amount. But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful." Luke 6:34-36
Thankful for God's mercy and His grace today. I'm sure I can get a witness! Amen!
A monetary blessing that is freely given, with no expectation of repayment. Case closed, no further discussion. Hallelujah.
A monetary exchange, where the lender and borrower agree to both the amount, terms and time of repayment.
This term was defined to me by my dear cousin several years ago - and it's beautiful. This is a monetary blessing that is bestowed upon the borrower, at the borrower's request, but the requester will not be required to repay, if he or she is unable. My cousin explained that she and her husband always consider whether or not the loan is something they have no problem parting with - forever. So the borrower is not held responsible, and there are no ill feelings.
In my lifetime, I have been the recipient of all three...as well as the giver. But one note of extreme importance that I must add:
If the giver finds him/herself in dire straits after they have bestowed a monetary blessing upon someone - and they now require financial help.... they should:
1. Seek assistance from someone other than the one they just helped, or;
2. Ask the gift recipient for help, stipulating the two situations are completely separate... and not to be construed as repayment of the gift. (so the need amount being requested is not the same as the amount of the aforementioned gift!)
The above is my humble opinion. But the Bible is even MORE in-depth than I - concerning the appropriate state of mind and heart of the LENDER!
"And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to get back the same amount. But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful." Luke 6:34-36
Thankful for God's mercy and His grace today. I'm sure I can get a witness! Amen!
Just Breathe....Together
Boaz Ministries
Just breathe...together
This message is simple. Make time to luxuriate in each others' presence - even if you are engaged in different activities. Cherish the moments that will knit you closer together in your union.
Just breathe...together
This message is simple. Make time to luxuriate in each others' presence - even if you are engaged in different activities. Cherish the moments that will knit you closer together in your union.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
When It's Ok to Let Someone Else Have the Last Word
In my experience, having the last word, the final say, is most appropriate when raising children. As the adult, the provider and supplier of the immediate and long-term needs - what we say, goes. No discussion.
It's justified. The authority of good parents should be undisputed.
However, I have been in numerous situations in my interactions with other adults, where I have found it quite all right to allow someone else to utter the last word(s), specifically in a disagreement, or conflict. It is no longer a matter of pride for me to verbalize a clever quip, or parting (snide) remark... or rub the fact that I was "right" in the other person's face (when I was indeed right).
Now, I simply receive the other person's email, phone call/text, as the final word, for the record - even when a well placed electronic blow to the jugular is tempting. For where there is no point in continuing, because there will be no agreement - or, the relationship has run its course - I've found it very satisfying to remain silent. And because I have become extremely careful about how I communicate - in that I practice being accessible, making promises I can keep, and immediately taking responsibility for errors I've made, and fixing them to the best of my ability - when the inevitable "when all is said and done" time comes, I have, by God's grace and power, accomplished both. Amen.
My goal here, is to make sure my efforts are sincere and my words are crystal clear (even if my motives are not immediately evident to others), no matter what. And my last communication in any given situation, must be something that glorifies God.
It's justified. The authority of good parents should be undisputed.
However, I have been in numerous situations in my interactions with other adults, where I have found it quite all right to allow someone else to utter the last word(s), specifically in a disagreement, or conflict. It is no longer a matter of pride for me to verbalize a clever quip, or parting (snide) remark... or rub the fact that I was "right" in the other person's face (when I was indeed right).
Now, I simply receive the other person's email, phone call/text, as the final word, for the record - even when a well placed electronic blow to the jugular is tempting. For where there is no point in continuing, because there will be no agreement - or, the relationship has run its course - I've found it very satisfying to remain silent. And because I have become extremely careful about how I communicate - in that I practice being accessible, making promises I can keep, and immediately taking responsibility for errors I've made, and fixing them to the best of my ability - when the inevitable "when all is said and done" time comes, I have, by God's grace and power, accomplished both. Amen.
My goal here, is to make sure my efforts are sincere and my words are crystal clear (even if my motives are not immediately evident to others), no matter what. And my last communication in any given situation, must be something that glorifies God.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Gentle Man
[ jént'lmən ]
1. A polite and cultured man: a cultured man who behaves with courtesy and thoughtfulness
2. A man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior
Among several definitions, the above two came close to this brief message. And if we were to strike out the words "polite" and "cultured" before the word "man" and insert "godly"; then delete the second "cultured" after the colon in number 1 - number 2 would reflect Whose standard we're speaking of. Amen! .
Boaz Ministries
[ jént'lmən ]
1. A polite and cultured man: a cultured man who behaves with courtesy and thoughtfulness
2. A man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior
Among several definitions, the above two came close to this brief message. And if we were to strike out the words "polite" and "cultured" before the word "man" and insert "godly"; then delete the second "cultured" after the colon in number 1 - number 2 would reflect Whose standard we're speaking of. Amen! .
Boaz Ministries
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Speak Lovely
"Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."
Proverbs 16:24 NLT
Boaz Ministries
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."
Proverbs 16:24 NLT
Boaz Ministries
Friday, October 11, 2013
My Father's Prayer

With that as the backdrop to my testimony, I wanted to share the awesome power of God through the love a father has for his daughter. You see, I called my father to check on him, and minister to him. But as we began to review our week and catch up on family information, there was a shift in the conversation. Now, I've mentioned my parents before, in a previous post on this blog - specifically, my father. When I say that my father is wise and discerning, it is no exaggeration.
My father spoke to me words of encouragement, and exhorted, admonished me to always have my loins girded... to never leave home without the whole armor of God. He challenged me to "kick butt", fight the foe, in the name of Jesus, because I am more than a conqueror! Oh...there's so much more that he shared with me that thrilled my soul! The most important piece was his closing "father-daughter prayer".
The human man that God gave to be my father, prayed to our Heavenly Father, that He take me the rest of the way on my journey. My father's prayer, the words of life he spoke concerning me and the ministry God has given me, is having an incredible impact on me; I was ministered to! I am empowered. It is humbling to have another soul reach down into your depths, touching places you haven't shared with anyone BUT God....This is how the Spirit of the living God works. There is always confirmation of the truth when God is in it. Why was I even a little surprised?!
I've been revived - not having known I needed the revival! Hallelujah! I'm honored, and completely sold out to do whatever God says. I will be still, and careful to listen for His voice for direction and guidance the rest of the way.
Thanking my Father above for my earthly father; and holding tightly to the fervent, heartfelt words and meditations from Daddy's lips to God's ears. Amen.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Going In On Anger and Forgiveness - Conclusion
Boaz Ministries
Bruce and I hope this series edifies and inspires readers to take another look at situations and issues - stuff that creates barriers to their peace of mind in the areas of anger and unforgiveness.
In Matthew 18, starting with verse 15, Jesus provides the perfect conflict-resolution plan. He tells us to go privately to our brother (or sister) who offended us, and let them know how we feel. There are specific steps to take, and the ultimate purpose is to gain, or regain, your brother/sister. The hope is reconciliation/restoration. However, while each individual, couple, circumstance and issue is different - the same peace of mind can be obtained when we know we have done all we can to release ourselves, and the other party, from the bondage of unforgiveness, and the shackles of anger.
Believers can escape the chains of resentment and bitterness that entangle those who refuse to show mercy. When the Lord reveals the names of people you need to forgive, get on it! Be brave, use wisdom as you choose to deal with those emotions. Allow God to set you free. It's about living with no regrets.
Ask me how I know!
Bruce and I hope this series edifies and inspires readers to take another look at situations and issues - stuff that creates barriers to their peace of mind in the areas of anger and unforgiveness.
In Matthew 18, starting with verse 15, Jesus provides the perfect conflict-resolution plan. He tells us to go privately to our brother (or sister) who offended us, and let them know how we feel. There are specific steps to take, and the ultimate purpose is to gain, or regain, your brother/sister. The hope is reconciliation/restoration. However, while each individual, couple, circumstance and issue is different - the same peace of mind can be obtained when we know we have done all we can to release ourselves, and the other party, from the bondage of unforgiveness, and the shackles of anger.
Believers can escape the chains of resentment and bitterness that entangle those who refuse to show mercy. When the Lord reveals the names of people you need to forgive, get on it! Be brave, use wisdom as you choose to deal with those emotions. Allow God to set you free. It's about living with no regrets.
Ask me how I know!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Going In On Anger and Forgiveness - Part 3
Boaz Ministries
Steps to Dealing with Anger
How to Know You Have Forgiven
Steps to Dealing with Anger
A. Acknowledge that you have been totally forgiven. God saved you by grace––not because you deserved it. He has freely offered His forgiveness your entire life.
B. Confess your anger to the Lord. Recognize that your attitude has not been right. Be specific in describing your hostility and resentment.
C. Recognize that unforgiveness is sin. Honestly admit that it is a violation of biblical principles.
D. Ask God to forgive you. You may also need to admit to the other person that your attitude toward him or her was wrong.
E. Lay down the anger. Through the power of the Holy Spirit and by an act of your will, choose to let it go.
How to Know You Have Forgiven
A. The harsh emotions you’ve had towards others will be replaced by compassion.
B. You’ll be able to accept others without feeling bitter, even if they never change. You will try to understand why they acted as they did.
C. You will feel thankful that God allowed the difficult experience to teach you more about the riches of His grace.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Restating My Position, Again...
In an effort to be clear about the insights I share on this blog, I thought it prudent to restate what I've said before in other posts: The Bible Ain't For Everybody . So, I always preface my comments with "as believers, we...", with the understanding that not everyone who reads this blog is a "believer" in Jesus Christ, nor the Bible as the Word of God. Everything I express in writing is filtered through the spiritual lens that comes from the teachings of Christ, and the complete Bible - all 66 books.
The Bible is straightforward about the natural state of heart and mind we possess when we enter into this world (Psalm 51:5; Jeremiah 17:9). It also tells us that the carnal (or natural) mind isn't subject to the will of God, and neither can it be (Romans 8:7). Understanding this, my writings are admonitions to the believers who have embraced the teachings of the Bible, and who strive, by the power of God's Holy Spirit, to live according to His will.
Therefore, I do not "throw the Book" at those who don't subscribe to its teachings. However, I do pray that those who would be edified and encouraged by Bible principles will be curious enough to search the Scriptures further to gain profound blessings and fullness in their lives.
In secular teachings, being kind and loving - and forgiving - all have cleansing and liberating properties that help us enjoy life during our time on the planet. It's just good for the soul, whether you are a believer or not. However, I offer a way of living a wholesome and abundant life that I believe helps us do well in the present, with eternal benefits!
The Bible is straightforward about the natural state of heart and mind we possess when we enter into this world (Psalm 51:5; Jeremiah 17:9). It also tells us that the carnal (or natural) mind isn't subject to the will of God, and neither can it be (Romans 8:7). Understanding this, my writings are admonitions to the believers who have embraced the teachings of the Bible, and who strive, by the power of God's Holy Spirit, to live according to His will.
Therefore, I do not "throw the Book" at those who don't subscribe to its teachings. However, I do pray that those who would be edified and encouraged by Bible principles will be curious enough to search the Scriptures further to gain profound blessings and fullness in their lives.
In secular teachings, being kind and loving - and forgiving - all have cleansing and liberating properties that help us enjoy life during our time on the planet. It's just good for the soul, whether you are a believer or not. However, I offer a way of living a wholesome and abundant life that I believe helps us do well in the present, with eternal benefits!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Going In On Anger and Forgiveness - Part 2
Boaz Ministries
In our attempt to navigate through the murky waters of this topic - we've found it is more effective to provide clear definitions. When we are bound in any kind of inner turmoil or struggle, there is a feeling of isolation, of "apart-ness" that can overwhelm us. However, when we are able to face the issue, call it by its proper name, define it, acknowledge it - the power we've previously given to it decreases.
As we continue to impart these insights, below are definitions that clearly identify what we may be going through, at whatever stage we find ourselves. We also list some key reminders that can assist us in our quest to allow the Holy Spirit to free us from the strongholds of anger, and unforgiveness.
A Few Definitions
In our attempt to navigate through the murky waters of this topic - we've found it is more effective to provide clear definitions. When we are bound in any kind of inner turmoil or struggle, there is a feeling of isolation, of "apart-ness" that can overwhelm us. However, when we are able to face the issue, call it by its proper name, define it, acknowledge it - the power we've previously given to it decreases.
As we continue to impart these insights, below are definitions that clearly identify what we may be going through, at whatever stage we find ourselves. We also list some key reminders that can assist us in our quest to allow the Holy Spirit to free us from the strongholds of anger, and unforgiveness.
A Few Definitions
A. Anger is a strong
feeling of intense displeasure, hostility, or indignation as a result of
a real or imagined threat, insult, frustration, or injustice toward
yourself or others important to you.
B. Forgiveness is giving up resentment against someone else, along with your right to get even, no matter what has been done to you.
C. Unforgiveness is the
deliberate, willful refusal to give up one’s resentment and right to get
even, based on the attitude that someone must pay for the wrong done.
Important Reminders
A. As a believer, you have the responsibility to take the initiative in dealing with unforgiveness.
B. Forgiveness will not always be easy or quick. But you can’t allow it to take root in your life and turn into bitterness.
C. Forgiving is difficult because it is unselfish. It involves laying down strong feelings and rights while releasing the other person from his or her obligation to repay you.
D. You may never forgive if you wait until you “feel like it.”
E. Remember, forgiveness doesn’t always have to include going to the other person and confessing your resentment. Approach that individual only if the Lord directs you to do so.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Going In On Anger and Forgiveness -Part 1
Going in on Anger and Forgiveness - Part 1
Boaz Ministries
Since our last post, we've been having conversations with individuals and couples who continue to struggle with anger from past wrongs. And though we as believers know we are to forgive those who trespass against us - it's easier said than done.
However, forgiveness is God's solution for bitterness, resentment and hostility; and it is awesome and powerful! In the next few days, we will present some insights from InTouch Ministries with Biblical references to help us on the path of freedom from the bondage of unforgiveness and malice. This information is good whether you are single, engaged, married or divorced - because our Lord would have us live in peace, liberty and the abundance that comes from casting all our cares upon Him...and letting go of the past.
A. Lack of desire: You don’t want to forgive.
B. Rehearsing what happened: Some people continue to dwell on the hurtful experience.
C. Pride: We may believe the other person should initiate reconciliation.
D. Fear: Some resist forgiving to avoid looking weak, being misunderstood, or feeling rejected.
E. Negative advice: Well-meaning friends don’t always offer godly counsel.
F. Partial forgiveness: People try to pick and choose which offenses can be pardoned.
G. Relying on emotions: Don’t make the mistake of waiting until you feel like forgiving.
H. Expecting quick results: Forgiveness can take time.
I. Justifying the other person’s actions: Some people will rationalize what happened so that they don’t have to forgive.
A. Our fellowship with God suffers when we refuse to release others from their sins against us (Matt. 6:14-15).
B. We should forgive over and over. In Matthew 18:22, Jesus tells Peter that he must forgive his brother “seventy times seven” times.
C. You and I must be willing to extend mercy towards those who sin against us, because God has forgiven each of us of so much (Matt. 18:23-35).
D. We must deliberately turn away from anger and malice (Eph. 4:31-32).
Boaz Ministries
Since our last post, we've been having conversations with individuals and couples who continue to struggle with anger from past wrongs. And though we as believers know we are to forgive those who trespass against us - it's easier said than done.
However, forgiveness is God's solution for bitterness, resentment and hostility; and it is awesome and powerful! In the next few days, we will present some insights from InTouch Ministries with Biblical references to help us on the path of freedom from the bondage of unforgiveness and malice. This information is good whether you are single, engaged, married or divorced - because our Lord would have us live in peace, liberty and the abundance that comes from casting all our cares upon Him...and letting go of the past.
A. Lack of desire: You don’t want to forgive.
B. Rehearsing what happened: Some people continue to dwell on the hurtful experience.
C. Pride: We may believe the other person should initiate reconciliation.
D. Fear: Some resist forgiving to avoid looking weak, being misunderstood, or feeling rejected.
E. Negative advice: Well-meaning friends don’t always offer godly counsel.
F. Partial forgiveness: People try to pick and choose which offenses can be pardoned.
G. Relying on emotions: Don’t make the mistake of waiting until you feel like forgiving.
H. Expecting quick results: Forgiveness can take time.
I. Justifying the other person’s actions: Some people will rationalize what happened so that they don’t have to forgive.
A. Our fellowship with God suffers when we refuse to release others from their sins against us (Matt. 6:14-15).
B. We should forgive over and over. In Matthew 18:22, Jesus tells Peter that he must forgive his brother “seventy times seven” times.
C. You and I must be willing to extend mercy towards those who sin against us, because God has forgiven each of us of so much (Matt. 18:23-35).
D. We must deliberately turn away from anger and malice (Eph. 4:31-32).
Monday, September 16, 2013
Boaz Ministries
By now readers know the message at Boaz is about love and mo love! And by God's grace and power, we practice what we preach. One of the beautiful ways married couples strengthen their covenants is by renewing their vows. And there is no right or wrong way to do it. Just as each couple is unique in their relationship, there are equally unique ways to get the thing done! It doesn't matter how long a couple has been married, or how short the time - if both have been in prayer and agree that a refreshing is needed - just do it!
Some may ask, "Is it necessary?" Only the individuals involved can know that answer. In my humble opinion, it is a reconsecration, a re-dedication - and a celebration of the love two have shared for however many years. AND, it's a re-commitment that says to the Lord and all witnesses present - "We're forever bound body and soul and shall cherish one another until death parts us."
By now readers know the message at Boaz is about love and mo love! And by God's grace and power, we practice what we preach. One of the beautiful ways married couples strengthen their covenants is by renewing their vows. And there is no right or wrong way to do it. Just as each couple is unique in their relationship, there are equally unique ways to get the thing done! It doesn't matter how long a couple has been married, or how short the time - if both have been in prayer and agree that a refreshing is needed - just do it!
Some may ask, "Is it necessary?" Only the individuals involved can know that answer. In my humble opinion, it is a reconsecration, a re-dedication - and a celebration of the love two have shared for however many years. AND, it's a re-commitment that says to the Lord and all witnesses present - "We're forever bound body and soul and shall cherish one another until death parts us."
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Carry On
for the father of my children, R. Lamont Wynn (RIP)
Tucked away in the satiny pockets of my carry-on
are little pieces of who he was
Fine and delicate memories line the
folds so completely, his essence pressed
so smoothly, that it would be impossible
to separate the fabric without tearing
I never check this bag...
it 'travels with'
on-board for the duration of my journey
The love I hold inside this carry-on
does not intrude upon my here and now
Rather, it fuels and feeds, and nourishes
me -
Reminding me of the joy and beauty
of a life well lived
I thank God for the man
who came with lovely eyes, a firm grip
and an open heart, who is now gone
The man of God whose lessons are still teaching...
I frequently reach inside the deep, pillow-like crevices
of my bag to gather wisdom, to inspire hope
and I gain strength to go on
© 2013
Bridget Edwards
Tucked away in the satiny pockets of my carry-on
are little pieces of who he was
Fine and delicate memories line the
folds so completely, his essence pressed
so smoothly, that it would be impossible
to separate the fabric without tearing
I never check this bag...
it 'travels with'
on-board for the duration of my journey
The love I hold inside this carry-on
does not intrude upon my here and now
Rather, it fuels and feeds, and nourishes
me -
Reminding me of the joy and beauty
of a life well lived
I thank God for the man
who came with lovely eyes, a firm grip
and an open heart, who is now gone
The man of God whose lessons are still teaching...
I frequently reach inside the deep, pillow-like crevices
of my bag to gather wisdom, to inspire hope
and I gain strength to go on
© 2013
Bridget Edwards
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Fierce, The Next Level Relationship
Boaz Ministries
When we get to the place where we desire to go to the next level in our relationship with the Lord, then we are desperate and bold enough to pray the way David prayed. We understand that we're not 'all that', our righteousness is as filthy rags. We trust and believe, like David, that God is able to reveal the unsightly issues buried deep within us, and accomplish the miracle of transforming our lives.
Are we desperate enough to allow God to show us what needs to be changed? Do we have the faith to believe He will give us the power to be transformed? It's something we have to hunger and thirst for, more than our daily food. That's the type of spirit God can work with. And He is available to us.
Just as He wants us to know Him, He is longing to abide in us. He is all power and thus He empowers. He is all knowing, and He wants us to willingly allow Him to reign in our lives.
Fierce: Two people joined in commitment to one another, who choose to let God go in deep.
When we get to the place where we desire to go to the next level in our relationship with the Lord, then we are desperate and bold enough to pray the way David prayed. We understand that we're not 'all that', our righteousness is as filthy rags. We trust and believe, like David, that God is able to reveal the unsightly issues buried deep within us, and accomplish the miracle of transforming our lives.
Are we desperate enough to allow God to show us what needs to be changed? Do we have the faith to believe He will give us the power to be transformed? It's something we have to hunger and thirst for, more than our daily food. That's the type of spirit God can work with. And He is available to us.
Just as He wants us to know Him, He is longing to abide in us. He is all power and thus He empowers. He is all knowing, and He wants us to willingly allow Him to reign in our lives.
Fierce: Two people joined in commitment to one another, who choose to let God go in deep.
Monday, September 2, 2013
The "Single Young Male" Situation
In my observations of the social landscape in the 21st Century, a trend has emerged since the late 1980s that has stunted the natural process of dating, selection, courting, commitment and marriage. The "Single Young Male" situation is a reality that spans across ethnic and racial lines, and he exhibits what I call the "Peter Pan Syndrome", or, as a popular television show coined it: "Mr. Not Ready Yet".
Back in the 60s and 70s, it was typical for a young man, by the age of 26, white or black, to have his high school diploma and/or college degree, a job, and be married to his high school/college sweetheart. They might have been renting an apartment, and saving to buy a home to accommodate the family they planned. This is known as adulthood.
The specific characteristics of the "Single Young Male" is a much studied subject, so the basis of this message is not simply my opinion. Over the course of two years, I have spoken with young women who possess what I term the "3 E's" - eligible, educated, and employed. They expressed their concern about the hesitance, or even, the resistance to any type of committed relationship they are sensing from the male population of equal background.
I've found article after article that speaks to this issue. One author, Kay Hymowitz, editor of City Journal out of New York, in her 2008 publication titled Child-Man in the Promised Land, presents a lengthy discussion on the behaviors, and the various causes of this decline in interest in marriage and family responsibility that men in their mid to late 20s are displaying. Her research has brought out the fact that the so called "child-man" remains in adolescent limbo simply because he can. The 21st Century SYM is pleased with his "guy-ness" and proud of his lack of pretense. And there are magazines, video games, television shows and other "stupid fun" distractions that target and cater to this audience, prolonging the arrested development.
Conversely, single women in their mid to late 20s and early 30s are joining an international "New Girl Order" - and adulthood is most definitely apparent. These young women are hyper-achieving both in school and in the increasingly female-friendly workplace, while packing in leisure hours of traveling, shopping and dining with friends.
In my opinion, there are other factors that create this great divide between the sexes at this important time of life. And one has to do with the simple fact that there are many more instances of sons who are raised either by an uninformed or negligent parent or parents; or the parents are overprotective and indulgent. A single mother who does not surround a male child with the proper male role models will sometimes overcompensate for the absence of a father figure, and pamper her son into a state of uselessness. Parents who don't teach their child responsibility, accountability and consequences, male or female, ruin that child for any potential mate. It just looks so much worse when a young man is irresponsible, self-absorbed, and clueless.
Another reason the SYM is not motivated to select a suitable partner to court and marry, is the sheer number of ladies from which they can choose. A young, postgraduate male has a much wider field of "play", because he may select from the younger, undergraduate pool, as well as the older young women who are working and in their graduate programs. It's quite the advantage for the SYM, so many just simply make their rounds without strings attached. This is a major source of frustration and heartache for young women who desire a serious relationship.
An informal study was done at a University in Southern California, where a group of Professors in the Psychology and Sociology Departments noticed this phenomenon taking place over a few decades. They coined a term for it, "The University Male". The profile: mid-20s, graduate student, employed, single - with an aversion to commitment. Race does not matter. It is reported as the typical behavior of young men who find themselves among large numbers of females who would otherwise meet the requirements for an acceptable life partner.
When asked his advice about what young women possessing the 3 E's should do when they encounter "The University Male", one Professor said, "Go elsewhere to meet eligible men. Make new friends. Break away from the pack." Clearly, this is easier said than done, and to that I would add, "Pray for peace of mind, patience and God's will and guidance." However, developing new friendships in a different environment that is healthy and safe can be a first step for mature young women who are seeking to meet a marriage-minded, God-fearing man.
Back in the day, a sign of manhood was a man's commitment to his woman, and his eagerness to marry, protect and provide for her and their future family. Though the 21st Century male has the same opportunity to commit and marry a true equal educationally and financially, it is even more blessed for a mature man of God to find a spouse who can also bring the spiritual, mental and emotional balance that a home/family needs.
One simply has to decide to grow up so the challenges and triumphs of responsible, adult life can unfold.
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