Saturday, June 9, 2012

Don't Forget the Family Prayer

At Boaz Ministries, we're discussing the importance of prayer in our relationships, covering all bases from singles to couples, to families.

There's an old gospel song titled "Don't Forget the Family Prayer" - many quartets and quintets have sung it. I taught it to my children and we sang it as a family together. As the song reminds us - family prayer time is special. Praying for our families can be done in a variety of ways; in your prayer closet by yourself, with your spouse, or with the entire family unit during family worship.

The fifth commandment tells us to honor our fathers and mothers, that we may live long in the land. (paraphrase Exodus 20:12, Deut. 5:16) And children can show their respect and love for their parents by praying for them. It is a sweet thing to hear children thanking God for their parents in front of the congregation at the close of the children's story in church! They volunteer with a willing spirit, and their words are so sincere! It warms my heart, and their thoughts coming through in their prayers always minister to me!

Praying with our children can start simply at bedtime after the other daily routines are completed. When we teach them how wonderful it is to have a Heavenly Father, and Friend, in Jesus, and show God's love to them, these early lessons in building a relationship with the Lord won't soon be forgotten. Consistent prayer in the home over the growth and development of our children has its rewards when they are grown and take the lead in prayer, as you gather together!

Let us not forget to pray for and with our families. And by all means, let the children pray!


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