Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Importance of Encouragement

Boaz Ministries

Nothing kills a man’s spirit faster and deeper than when his woman pours cold water on his ideas. Likewise, nothing hurts a woman more than her man telling her that what she wants to do will not succeed.

It would be hard to disagree that children need love and encouragement in order for them to be successful in their endeavors. And like children, the people we as adults love are the ones we need encouragement from the most.

We want to please the ones we love and we want that person to be proud of us and support what we are doing in life, business, health, etc. However, if that person is not supportive, the effect over time is the same as telling a child he or she can’t do something or they will not succeed at something. Self-esteem can be broken or built whether we’re children or grown, and it’s not merely a “female issue”. We all need to be lifted up and encouraged to strive for the things we want to achieve in life; and who better than our wife, husband, or the person we share our lives with to give us a pat on the back or a loving shove to keep us focused and on track?

In some cases, ideas are an emotional and impulsive reaction to a particular situation and will probably peter out over time. As a loving partner, our role is to encourage if not totally support for one reason or another. Even if we think an idea is far-fetched or have a reasonable and educated opinion as to why an endeavor may not work; we must pray for ways to express our concerns without breaking the other person’s spirit, and provide insights for other options they may want to consider. Our loved ones must feel we are always here for whatever they have to share.

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