Sunday, September 21, 2014

Just on Juice - Day 1

We completed our first day of just juicing! Breakfast ("Morning Glory"), consisted of 2 apples, 1 cucumber, 1 cup of blueberries, 2 cups of grapes, 2 cups of spinach, and a pinch of ginger. Lunch ("Bruschetta Tang"), was 2 tomatoes, 2 peeled garlic cloves, a bunch of Basil, and 1/4 peeled lemon. Finally, Dinner ("Sunset Passion") was a mellow blend of 1 sliced beet, 1 apple, 1 cucumber, 1 carrot, 2 cups of spinach, 1/4 peeled lemon and 1/4 peeled lime.

The 7-day plan we are following allows for mixing it up and substituting. Because we're new to this, we are taking it easy and going by the recipes - although I have switched out kale for spinach so far. And of course, drinking lots of water after a juice meal is essential.

Bruce said: "The hardest part about day one was thinking that I have six more days to go. Keeping busy was key to getting through the day and it looks like I'll get a lot of things done over the next six days. The juice tastes better than I thought it would."

As for me - today was a success. I was able to sing in a choir, with vigor, and was not tempted in the least to partake of the sumptuous fellowship feast that followed the service. I feel energetic and excited to see what tomorrow brings.

We do recommend prepping and bagging your fruits and veggies the night before. I'll juice what I plan to take to work in the morning - and pour it into my 32 oz "sippy cup."

One down, six to go!

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